posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Obama will be elected in 2012...the focus of the reps should be on trying to hold onto their gains in house and senate.
if the public barometer is any indication, it is going to go back to blue (if elections = today), so it would be wise for them to invest most funds
into that. toss up some sacrificial lamb as front runner, and understand there will be no whitehouse seat.
2016 may be a focus point as there is, to my knowledge, no younger dem making waves and people will ultimately be ready for something new after the
So, websites like that are nonsense. Put any name next to Obama and Obama wins...put general flavor "republican" and he still wins...the clown car
that is the current GOP candidates are disasters, the only one remotely possible to do anything would be someone like Ryan (cause he is all young and
handsome and such, which could sway some dimwit female voters to vote for him out of american idol mentality)..but, he won't make the long stretch
due to him alienating seniors, minoritys, and basically anyone not from the base.
A blue wave is going to hit washington in 12 (again). It may go like this for quite awhile...the blue hits washington during POTUS years, the red
hits at midterm...not sure if this is a bad thing actually. back and forth may eventually hammer out some middle ground on issues. The country is
highly partisan now, and the middle ground is all but, ya, perhaps hard left and hard right tugs will center it out since the sides seem
incapable of shaking hands in the middle.