So I was playing with this idea around my head for a long time. What if all those shady people with their agendas etc aren't actually doing it for bad
but for good?
Let me explain my process around this idea!
Lets say there are aliens around us ready to put us into a new era of universal neighbourhood.
We as a species are good, compassionate, evil, greedy etc etc. We yet have to achieve a common ideology about what is good and bad for our evolution
right? Some people still think it's important to have more money than actually search for alien cultures and learn more and more.
With this being a fact lets say "WE" the people here in ATS who are open minded and we only wish for the evolution of our species, for a world without
any suffering, any greed, any money system, any countries borders and any wars were given a chance to contact with Aliens.
Lets hypothesize they said "you know what? if you as a species cant reach on your own to the understanding of what is good and bad we can't help you.
It's in your hands to do so"
Then the image that comes to my mind is that of a parent raising a kid. A parent will shout to his kid and even sometimes hit it a bit (although thats
wrong) for protecting it from a greater evil. Lets say you try to run across the street without looking. Your dad will hit your hand and tell you
"dont do this again". From the perspective of the kid, the father is doing something scary and evil, from the perspective of the dad he is giving a
lesson for the greater good.
in retrospect i come to see how all those things happening around us kinda make us awaken. The shady goverments, the economic crisis, the wars, all
those things make us to finally understand that this is the wrong path.
That we as a WHOLE should be united and seek to better our planet not destroy it.
Especially with the internet that was GIVEN to us from our GOVS we got to talk with people all around us and learn the truth of things faster.
Think about it, the internet is the basic instrument to throw down any goverment. It would have to be the first thing they would shut or kept down.
Certainly wouldnt give it so openly to people right?
So why they give it?
It kinda feels like again like some sort of teacher who tells you all the time "you aint worthy, you aint worthy" with the sole purpose of you
shouting finally "I AM AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHO I AM OR I AM NOT".
Kind of like driving us into an adult state of mind.
To finally be united, to stop wanting more and more in a sense of money and power and finally become worthy of this new era.
Because if we ourselves don't fight for something it will never be ours.
Same with no matter how many times someone can explain to you something you will never be able to master it unless you experience it.
So I kinda think... the goverments would never be able to change us if they simply told us... be good to eachother, love eachother, don't kill
eachother, Most people would disobey it.
But now they have the role of evil and yet they give us the tools to communicate and face them straight in the eye....
I know this idea might be too far out but wanted to share. it.
I am kind of dyslexic so I hope I didn't make you tired with this read.
Thank you in advance for your time and would appreciate any kind of ideas back
edit on 10/4/11 by masqua because: Replaced 'All Caps' in