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Goverment opens up

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Goverment opens up

This is a story in swedish that the gov. fbi let out some documents about that the roswell incident is true, there is even some letters. sorry that is in swedish. but is interesting.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:54 AM
i belive we are in the eve of declasification. and the goverment will come with more of these. it is important to remember that they cant come to fast to reveale the story.
Promemorian har ämnesraden ”Flygande tefat” och Hottel avslöjar att en utredare inom flygvapnet försett en specialagent inom FBI med uppgifterna. Namnen på både utredaren och specialagenten har i det offentliggjorda dokumentet censurerats.

”De var ungefär 15 meter i diameter. I varje fanns tre kroppar av mänsklig form men bara 90 centimeter långa, klädda i fint metalliskt tyg. Varje kropp var lindad på ett sätt som påminner om specialdräkterna som används av höghastighetspiloter eller testflygare”, skriver Hottel om farkosterna.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Swedish to English translation
LONDON. Here is the proof that may be UFO-hunters to go into spin.

One FBI document appears to confirm that flying saucers actually crashed in Roswell.

The FBI has thousands of old documents available to the public on the Internet, writes the Daily Mail. Among them is a message from 1950 that generated interest among UFO enthusiasts worldwide.

A responsible agent in Washington, Guy Hottel, seems to confirm the FBI's chief executive, three flying saucers found in New Mexico and that the bodies of nine extraterrestrial beings was found in the crashed spacecraft.
Three cells

The memorandum has been subject line of "Flying Saucer" and Hottel reveals that an investigator in the Air Force provided a special agent in the FBI with information. The names of both the investigator and special agent of the published document censored.

"They were about 15 feet in diameter. In each there were three bodies of human shape but only 90 inches tall, dressed in fine metallic fabric. Each body was wrapped in a manner reminiscent of the special suits used by speed pilots or test pilots, "said Hottel about the craft.
Quieted down

The data seem to confirm the so-called Roswell incident in which flying saucers should have crashed outside Roswell, New Mexico, summer 1947 and UFO enthusiasts claim that the U.S. government since then tried to cover it up.

There is no mention of what must have happened with the alleged aliens, but the data in the FBI document said to revive the theory that the corpses were autopsied at the nearby military base.

Was just reading a thread about the report. Found it

editby]edit on 10-4-2011 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by aivlas because: thread link

edit on 10-4-2011 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:59 AM
this is funny! so now they want to say that they did recover a saucer and e.t. bodies in roswell. don't believe it!! aliens are not here. i will accept the possibility that they may have visited earth in the distant past, but if they were here now i believe they would make there presence known. so what's with all the reported ufo's, here's the deal in the seventies and eighties most reports mention a boomerang shaped craft distinguishable from modern known airplanes. Other reports mention craft that hover vertically and then take off at high speed. (F117 stealth=boomerang shaped, hovering and high speed= harrier jet), neither of which were publicly known until at least a decade later so why the mystery its simple when at war you never want your enemies to know what your capable of so follow the mass we don't know what it is. here's my concern if there willing to say they did find alien craft and bodies what technology do they have that they do not want us to notice?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:08 PM
You need to join the 21st century.

Everyone knows exactly what the other guys can do. It is just the general public who is in the dark about what we and they can do.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:17 PM
It's good to see that this discovery is getting some international attention.
Thanks OP.

edit on 4/10/2011 by Larryman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:27 PM
You really should read the thread I linked to

posted on Apr, 16 2011 @ 12:54 AM
Pretty sure this topic was discussed on this thread in English

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