posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by gdaub23
what it doesnt mention is that the tanker contained CONCENTRATED acid - what the hell do you expect ????
do you realise the PPB concentration in drinking water ?
its not rocket science :
we need a minimum of 1.5g salt [ sodium chloride ] / day - but drinking only raw seawater will be fatal within 5 days
lastly most municipalities add chlorine to drinking water - thats exactly the same cholorine that was used as a war gas in WWI , its delivered to
treatment works as a liquid gas - and if a leak occured it would need just such a HAZCHEM response - but at th < 0.5PPM concentration found in tap
water - it is safe
so come on - put this in perspective
concentrated chemicals = bad
dilutions in the PPM range = acceptable