posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:59 AM
Okay so the story is not as epic as the title might suggest. Just thought I'd kick off with a bad taste joke.
Hi there my names Hayden. Im a 21 year old New Zealander. I was brought here while researching the infamous Jared Loughner AKA Erad3 and read all his
fascinating crazy posts before his rampage. Respects to the 18 victims and their families. I've been lurking around ever since, reading all the home
page posts daily. Several months later I finally decided to sign up so I could join in some of the great debates.
What are my opinions on the various conspiracy theories I hear you all ask? Well sure I'll be happy to tell you!
Aliens/UFOS: With an infinite universe they must be out there somewhere right? Unsure whether alien UFOS are visiting yet or if most of them are
hoaxed or even advanced human technology. A couple weeks ago I was driving home through Kumeu town and me and my girlfriend saw a triangle looking UFO
flying rather low with flashing lights like a normal plane. It seemed faster than a normal plane and flew right over the town heading North. Probably
a different plane we hadn't seen before. The triangular shape looked rather unusual to both of us though. I hope we find the answer soon. Keep
watching the skies!
US Government: Operation Northwoods, CIA family jewels & assassination manual, Non existant WMDs in Iraq.. Need I list more? Doesnt take a genius to
figure out that the government has made some insanely evil decisions in the past. Whether they are still evil to the core is debatable.
Religion: I'm Agnostic and think that the universe and planet is conscious on some level. I think that organised religion teaches good morality and
values in most cases but really its all just stories from the past. Think about it... If you were born in the Middle East you would probably be a
Muslim. What makes Christianity more true than being a Jew, Hare Krishna or even a Scientologist? I'll tell you what. NOTHING. The only thing that
makes one religious is mostly the way they are raised and the way they are influenced throughout their lives. God can't be proven or disproven and
that is why the argument will be eternal. Because he's invisible. Ridiculous...
2012: Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! Mayans probably don't have super future seeing powers.
I think humanity is definitely on the course to awakening. The internet being a major trigger for that. As the world connects socially more and more
knowledge will disperse throughout it. Racism & conflict will begin to cease to exist as we realize we are all human and hopefully the real evil of
humanity will become exposed. Then good will inevitably triumph over evil. Seek knowledge not power