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Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by tankthinker
What are the odds that he "stole" his predictions from someone else?
He's not Ben Fulford or Alex Jones after all.
Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
I listened to the whole broadcast. It was nauseating. First of all the Ideas he was speaking of were not even his own, but rather is all from a book he is reading called The Day After the Dollar Crashes. The book itself is a bit misleading as it is mainly about the authors philosophical and political ideas.....which seem fairly disjointed from the reviews I have read. On one hand guys like Glen Beck are big fans of the book...on the other, most of the reviews describe the author as preaching a New World Order based on Socialist principles. How can both of those things be true? I don't know myself, but it seems an answer might come from what many reviewers said about the book....that it is somewhat schizophrenic and contradictory in its Ideas. Not being familiar with the book myself I can't comment on the majority of it...but what I can comment on is the short section that describes the fall of America since Trudeau is quite obviously reading from the book almost word for word. (actually it describes the fall of the entire world monetary system rather than America alone). To be completely honest it was pretty moronic. Now don't get me wrong....I fully expect America to fall one day.....and probably a day not too far away...I'd be shocked if I don't see it my lifetime. The events as described in this book could only be endorsed by the looniest of Politicaly Minded Readers (suddenly Glen Beck liking the book makes a bit more sense). It describes a scenario where the World of Finance falls apart not from greed or from mistakes (as it would likely happen) but from a completely illogical series of actions by countries that would KNOW they were damning not only America but the ENTIRE WORLD to a complete and utter Financial Meltdown that could never be recovered from. Governments the world over often screw over each other, but NEVER to the point that it destroys themselves! Govenrments the World over would literally have to have all gone collectively Suicidal in order for this to be a reality!.
Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
Now that I have commented on what you wished I feel it necessary to comment on the very thing you want to avoid. Why are you intentionally ignoring mr. Trudeau's Criminal Past of being a Hoaxer and Scam Artist...its not as if its something for debate. Its a fact, as countless Court Documents attest. All you have to do is get the man's first overly hyped book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know" can find it fairly easily in most Used Book stores....the reason? No one wanted to keep the damn thing! Few people want to be reminded of the time they were ripped off....and the book is Just That! There are NO CURES IN THE BOOK AT ALL! It was a complete and utter scam, meant to defraud his own customers! You do realize that ignoring his past is the very definition of being Ignorant right? And why are you being so gullible? Because you tried his weight loss plan and it worked?! LMAO!!! You do realize that losing a pound a day (while not healthy) is fairly easy to do. I lost 30 pounds in a month myself. I didn't have to buy some loons book either! I just looked up diets online and went for the all protein diet. In fact I lost about 100 pounds in just under a year and a half....but I only stayed on the Protein diet for the first month ( I think I did try it again a few months later with basically the same results though). The problem was I just felt crappy on the diet....and I was to find out it was for very valid reasons. Its pretty much impossible to lose a pound of fat a day. If you are losing that much then you are actually losing a good deal of muscle tissue as well as fat. Muscle tissue weighs far more than fat does. In fact its not even a good Idea to watch the scale very closely when dieting. If you are dieting right, then you can lose pants sizes and yet not be seemingly losing all that much weight. This is because if you do it right you will also be gaining muscle mass which, as I said, weighs a lot more than fat cells. I learned to stop looking at the scale almost completely....only checking it at the end of every month or less. That worked great for me....I also stopped the gimicky diets and simply cut my food intake down drastically and became more active. Oh and one more thing....Trudeau wasn't the first person to link Cancer to Cell Phones...He was just repeating what a lot of others were suggesting at the time. You pick one correct "prediction" ignoring the MYRIADS of nonsense ones he has pushed his whole career.....why is that? I seriously doubt that anyone can be so naive as to truly believe Trudeau has any sort of credibility whatsoever. Whatever the reason you are trying to defend the guy, I hope for the sake of your own dignity that you reconsider. Why not defend someone a bit less Hitler....or Charles Manson?
Originally posted by tankthinker
oh this is cute an unfounded rant, this should be fun, ok...
Originally posted by bhornbuckle75
first of all im not ignoring his criminal past, i acknowledge he has one but most people just spout out the records without knowing the story behind them, he used to work for the NWO (or whomever you want to call them), he got in trouble for doing illegal things for them,
then he decided to quit and go against them, tell me if you were a multibillion dollar industry, and someone decides to reveal all your secrets potentially costing you millions or billions of dollars and public outrage/hostility, wouldnt you do everything possible to take that person down, now all the animosity in the media makes a lot more sense doesnt it,
his book was number one on the New York Times for 20 weeks in a row, it sold more copies then any other health book in history, people have benefited enormously from it, but those peoples testimonials get blotted out,
the testimonials and complaints that you hear are mostly from sanctioned people being paid to make him look bad, the fact is many people read his book, put it away, never take the advice he tells people to take, they goeat mcdonalds and then claim it doesnt work and that he is a liar, well duhh idiot if you want your health to get better you gotta make a lifestyle change
third please show me this myriad nonsense that he has spewed out, id love to know what it is, and so many times in he states - i didnt come up with this, some else did, im just organising it
ps. he mentions things he was right about on his radio show all the time