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The must-see 9/11 video. Older but really should be brought up again: Birth of A New Investigation

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 09:34 AM
I honestly do not understand why this isn't a permanent sticky or even forum because THIS is what it's all about folks.

While it has been discussed before I really want to bring this video and issue up to the attention of those that may still not be aware, because it's importance is astronomical. This isn't about evidence, this isn't about theories, this isn't about new discoveries. This is the NEXT STEP. This is it!

For those that may not know, senator Mike Gravel and his grassroots efforts have a California Initiative that will be placed on the 2012 ballots, that will practically create an independent 9/11 investigation with subpoena powers as long as voters say yes! It's really as simple as that.

But this video at the link below is bigger than even that. It is a +2 hour presentation and open discussion of the initiative, its purpose, its obstacles, and its scope that really everyone interested in the 9/11 topic needs to see.

What I find of as much importance in this video as the purpose of the video and initiative itself is the actual discussions that are taking place. Seeing this video brings a tear to my eye, inspires me to the core, elevates me and empowers me to believe WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE WORLD!

It's how our government should work. It's what every politician should be doing. Taking the time at local levels, even if in small groups as long as they are televised, to thoroughly discuss important issues, take hard questions, inform the public, in non-formal and civilized manner about what they plan on doing, why and how. This IS DEMOCRACY IN ACTION!

The implications of this act isn't JUST the creation of this 9/11 investigation. But I believe if this ballot gets the vote, it has the potentially to literally change the world. Not just the USA, but the world. If people realize that a small group can create such an initiative, in good faith and good will, that can begin in small local communities, and spread like wildfire and pave the way all the way to the top to make sweeping changes and hold the Federal government responsible, they will be set free.

Please, please, please take the time and pay attention to see how politics SHOULD BE in the USA. And that is when politicians spend more time discussing issues within communities about laws, and less time in Washington passing them. Senator Mike Gravel is right. If people can pull this off, and they can see what it means to take power and government into their own hands, there is NO turning back folks.

While even they admit it isn't perfect, it is only human and it can and will be refined. But it is something REAL and happening. They are taking suggestions from anyone at what could improve this commission, about what obstacles it may face and what changes may need to be addressed. It is everyone's responsibility to put in their two cents and support this in any way they can. While organizations such as ae911truth are doing a fine job at presenting scientific evidence, the fact is, there will be little chance they will sway the government enough to actually open a new investigation. We cannot afford to sit around, present evidence, and beg, hope and wait that the government will have a change of heart and give us a new investigation. We simply have to go after it. We put it in motion and take them out of our way.

If you live in California all you have to do is sign the petition and it 2012 vote yes. If you live outside of California, watching the video reveals, it will spread to other communities as well. So please, when you have the time watch this presentation in its entirety. It is of utmost importance. You will come away from this empowered. YOU TRULY, HONESTLY, CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND THIS IS YOUR CHANCE IF YOU THROW YOUR SUPPORT BEHIND THIS.

edit on 7-4-2011 by TakingTheRedPill because: Title.

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

edit on 4/7/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/7/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:02 PM
What if we asked for a dollar from everyone, and bought the airtime and showed it on primetime network and cable tv?

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
What if we asked for a dollar from everyone, and bought the airtime and showed it on primetime network and cable tv?

I am in. Personally I would donate more than $1 for this. I am willing to make a monthly contribution every month out of my check from now until 2012 to help these guys out.

I'm really surprised at the lack of interest and discussions about this. Makes no sense because this is the only solid plan at the moment to actually getting the investigation going and in my opinion this is more important than any other 9/11 issue short of someone like George Bush, and Dick Cheney turning themselves and saying "I know who did it. Arrest me".

PS: Sorry about the all caps.

edit on 7-4-2011 by TakingTheRedPill because: (no reason given)


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