Hello. As we continue down this road of economic disaster, it may be easy to put faith in the GOP. I hope you're not doing that. The numbers tell
the truth. Mom, I told you to invest in silver when it reached $30 an ounce. It's now nearly $40. Gold is at an all time high, and oil is
skyrocketing. DON'T WAIT! You've been selling mutual funds so I assume you have cash lying around. Do some research and make a decision of where to
put some of those Federal Reserve Notes...aka IOUs backed by nothing.
When I read the book Conspiracy of the Rich a little over a year ago, I couldn't help feeling like time was against me. The day I started reading it,
I bought more gold and silver. We don't have much...wish we would have bought more when we did, but the way Kyosaki explained our financial system
and what it means to you and me, the more I understood it. Things could get much, much more expensive overnight. Oil is going up, as are other
commodities. While I want nothing to do with this system, I also understand that to work full time for beans and rice is not a high quality of life,
especially when I foresee what's going to happen.
I recommend you do some research and look at what's going on. I don't know much, but what I've learned through seeing all the hoopla that goes in
this world is to trust myself. There are some "economists, professionals, etc" who are saying one thing. There are others saying the opposite. Some
say our government had nothing to do with 9/11. There are others who say the opposite. While I may be the minority, I must go with my gut. The
first time I mailed a check to buy what the experts say I should only have 5-10% of assets in, I was nervous. But, I understand that this world we
live and everyone in it is post oligarchical American corruption: morally, educationally, and financially. When it see it like that, it makes sense
to go against the "herd".
In talking about buying land and becoming self-sustained, that's going to take some time, maybe years. That's too long to wait to invest. Please do
research. If you don't feel good about owning physical metals, invest in ETF's. Invest in OIL, so when the price goes up you can at least break even
at the pump and with airfare. Read Conspiracy of the Rich. The author doesn't talk about the conspiracy, just what we can do about. And like he
says, "Not everyone has the skills or resources to invest in large sums of gold, stocks, or businesses, but everyone has $20 for a silver coin."
edit on 6-4-2011 by DaveakaRNG because: (no reason given)
edit on 6-4-2011 by DaveakaRNG because: typos