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Mcdonalds hires 50,000! We're so lucky to have jobs!

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posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:25 AM
Great article by Infowars here on Mcdonalds hiring 50,000 people:

The thing that really stands out to me is that we as Americans have to compete with people across the world that are barely above slave labor wages. Its impossible. Not only that but the taxes that our government forces apon small business, including the wonderful 'Obama Care' that companies like Mcdonalds and other 'big business' are exempt from, make it almost impossible not to expand your business elsewhere. How do we remain a 'Free Market' when unfair advantages are being handed out like candy? Afraid of competition? Why would anyone cripple their earnings just to remain in the US?

The simple fact is, people cannot survive working at Mcdonalds. There simply isnt enough money. Flipping burgers is a job best suited for highschool kids and those that have the ability, patience and (lets be honest) luck to work their way up the ladder and actually make a career out of it. You simply cannot afford to feed a family of 4 making $6 an hour. Are we all supposed to beg the government for hand outs now? Personally, I like how the guy sitting on the street with a cup makes more than most full time burger flippers.

America used to be the greatest country in the world. We were number 1 in everything from technology to education to manufacturing. What happend to us and, more importantly, why does the American population simply not care? Are you that tuned out of reality that Dancing with the stars is more important than your child's education? I really hate to say it, because the line is so overused today, but WAKE UP!

How do we fix this? This idea that you need to go to college to be successful has to be one of the biggest scams in our nation's history. A solid education is important, but if you choose not to go to college that doesnt mean you're going to wake up on the street (which honestly doesnt sound too bad considering those people make about $100 a day sitting there with a cup). The fact is, with competition the way it is, a large amount of college graduates are looking for the same jobs that the rest of the people are. The difference is they're in debt to their student loans.... you're in debt to your credit card.
edit on 6-4-2011 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Like I said in another least Obama will have a new career.....peace Ya'll

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by AndrewJay

Slave labor, indeed. My gf used to work there & she said it was the most depressing job she ever had. She was surrounded by degenerates, children were basically the managers, the customers are stupid & rude, don't understand the concept of value, & they were constantly rude to her, even though she was the best employee.

Now she has a job as a cake decorator & she loves it! People praise her & tip her & hug her! Hell, people have broken into tears because they love her cakes so much better than the person working before her.

ANYWAYS, getting off track.

What I think the worst thing is about these low paying jobs is that it demotivates you, it really hurts your psyche & it can also disillusion you. Same with the people I run into at Wal-Mart! They all act like they have the cure for cancer & I'm a dumb ass. But I realize that they are depressed & disillusioned because they will probably have to work there for the rest of their lives till retirement, just to get some benefits. My grandmother worked at Wal-Mart for over 30 years, until she retired.

What did she get? A little pension check, varicose veins, treated like crap, even though she was a manager, & a few stocks that she is holding onto, but isn't very optimistic about the outcome. I feel so sorry for her, knowing that she wasted her life working at a place that so upset her, she wouldn't even shop for groceries there!

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 10:51 AM
Dear AndrewJay,
I totally agree and sympathise with the situation in the US. Trust me when I say the situation isn't much different in the UK. I did however want to question this:

Originally posted by AndrewJay
America used to be the greatest country in the world. We were number 1 in everything from technology to education to manufacturing.

Call me a devil's advocate.. but "greatest" is a question of perception. I am also pretty sure that technology was being lead by the Asians and education would definately not be the US. So ok.. i'm being picky, but well.. that's how I am. Please don't take it to heart it's no slight, just commentary, ok?

I wish everyone in the current economic climate the best, it's a pile of poo out there on the job markets.

edit on 6-4-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 12:42 PM
Sort of a bummer how people are not only stuck taking these jobs but are also told that they should be grateful because there isn't much work out there. But hey, unemployment pays more. And if you don't like those two options sell drugs or sex, right? Isn't this what we wanted? Job creation? Maybe we should have specified a living wage along with that. On the bright side, now we have a new war, Er sorry, kinetic military action to boost the economy, right? Didn't that work well the last two times we did it?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Thank you site Admin for completely removing any discussion MY thoughts on the matter may have brought. Im so glad you can do your job of keeping the forums clean by removing my ability to have an oppinion.
edit on 6-4-2011 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:05 PM
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