Middle East: The Rest of the Story - The Entire Three DVD Set - by Lindsey Williams. This is the actual three DVD set that was shipped in March 2011.
This video contains the entire three DVD set together and is about two and a half hours long. The Topics include: The Middle East Crisis. Future Price
of Crude Oil. Future Price of Gasoline and Diesel. Future Grocery Prices. Explosive Growth to US Crude production. Elite Plans through 2012. China and
the US. The Future of Islam. Riots in the Middle East. And Other Information never told before. These are the DVDs promoted on radio shows that
Lindsey Williams appeared on such as the Alex Jones Show.
(I'll watch it later, and post comments as necessary)
edit on 5-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)
I think maybe the description of the video answers your questions. he has a track record thats hard to beat.
its clear he is being fed information. so you have to treat his information as such. you know 4 things right on the money and then you bet the farm -
and say good bye. after all were talking about the elite feeding us... ???
his information is above 85% accurate. for the last 6 so years I have been paying attention,
I'm currently listening to it. so far its a history lesson like all of his other works - 153 mins.
nothing earth shattering in the first 30 mins. but I'm more plugged in than most.