Oh it was good. Jesse speaks the truth and although I don't agree with alot of his conspiracy lines, I do believe in the conspiracies and a whole
shi^e load else of what he says. Mr. Ventura is speaking the truth and I'll be danged I think a few people are listening.
That is all
P.S.I know he's on the view tomorrow again so check it out if you can. Peace
edit on 5/4/11 by TrowaBarton because: To add Post Script
Ventura's the real deal, I feel. Wrote Piers of his lack of research re JV's knowledge through JV's investigations and research. Piers most
probably followed a company-line or some sorta I made up my mind before you came on set, no Gov Ventura research necessary? Same go's towards
American Morning's JV brief interview, next morning.
Wow. I just watched the interview and whilst not agreeing with some of Jesse's opinions; he seemed rational and well spoken. Piers did of course
"push some buttons" and it was interesting to watch the body language of Jesse; I would say that the rocking back and forth was his way of dealing
with his anger at the way some questions were framed especially when Piers called him a coward! Whether you like/believe Jesse or not he is a
character that we all need in that he is willing to ask some of the questions that we all think!
I enjoy listening to Jesse Ventura, but this Morgan guy kept interrupting Ventura so I got bits and pieces instead of an actual story. What a
terrible interviewer I miss how larry king would just sit there and listen so I could hear all about the issue weather right or wrong. I felt like I
was watching a 10 year old with ADD interview Ventura. Peris Morgan came off like he was the center of attention instead of MAKING THEIR GUEST the
center of attention. Geez, CNN no wonder I never watch this Peirs Morgan show.
edit on 12-4-2011 by tigpoppa because: Peris Morgan