posted on Jul, 26 2004 @ 11:45 AM
Smile for the camera's Mr. President! This is a media stunt, nothing more. He already displayed his assertiveness with Operations Pipe Dream and Head
Hunter back in 2k2-2k3. These ops arrested glass pipe venders. Besides, the government has the most powerful strain of Marijuana on the face of this
plantet. Its called #134. It has 70-82% THC content, verus street weed. Mexican Brick (cheap) weed versus Nederwiet (Amsterdam weed) has only a
maximun difference of 9% THC content. Mexican Brick being 1.2-2% potent, Nederwiet being 9-12% potent. The government started this super weed #134 on
the East coast in Labs as research for glaucoma and medical useage. I have personally examined a specimen of this plant under a microscope. Thousands
of micro leaves/buds on one one-inch stem. No seeds. I think that this is, and should, end up being legalized. Tax it heavily and put the money into
national education reforms. Look @ our brother to the North. Canada has practically legalized it. So has Seattle. In Seattle, a city ordinance
overrides state/federal law stating the a private citizen in possesion of a quarter ounce (troy) or less will be fined $25 (Equiv. street cost of 1/4
ounce). Any higher amount found on one person at a time will result in prosecusion as "intent to deliver." You can also have upto 3 plants legally
in Seattle. Hmmmm....any how, maybe in the future it will be legalized if for no other reason for medical useage.