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Do you feel inside an event is going to happen?

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:11 PM
I wanted to post this in the NWO section, but I'm a noob and can't make a thread till I have 20 posts. But please pass this thread around because I'd love as many responses as possible and not hinder responses because it's in the "Introductions" forum.

For years I have gotten the feeling that something big is going to charge the world in a split second. A happening I have felt inside for years. Do you?

This thread is not about:
Well, statistically SHTF will happen like it always has in history. Logically, it will happen.
I think it's a cool idea, so I buy it. Revolution, man!

It is about:
I have had visions I cannot explain of a massive event
I have had dreams I cannot explain pertaining to an event
I have had a feeling inside pertaining to a massive event, etc.

My anecdote:
In which I tell you, dear members, things pertaining to myself I have not spoken with to family. God bless the anonymity of the internet. It first started about 7 years ago when I started to get a feeling inside, call it intuition if you will, but I never claim psychic ability. Just a whisper inside, every once in a while, that the world was going to change via a big event that was going to affect everyone. I was not into conspiracy theories, and the feeling started off as vague. From the beginning of this feeling, it was like a flash or lightning or rolling clouds in the sky. Something to do with the sky, and people looking up confused. Makes no sense, so you ignore it until it comes back later, right?
I kept feeling it, and feeling it. Never talking about it, never researching it online. It was not every day, but it was more frequent. I don't think I ever took it seriously until...I came across another person with the exact same feeling inside. Shocked, I wanted to see if there was any kind of correlation between us. Where did we get this idea? Could it be that two different people who are talking for the first time are saying the exact same thing, despite nationality, faith, religious upbringing, etc? Yes. And I met more, and was blown away by the lack of correlation. Like thinking you're crazy and then meeting another person you would not have conspired with with completely different thoughts than you, yet feeling the SAME thing. So I began to take it more seriously. I think the best part was my atheist best friend turning to me and asking (after a fun night of drinking and laughing, the conversation in no way going that way/out of the blue), "Do you get the feeling an event is going to happen?" We had a long talk that night, because we found it amazing our completely different spiritual beliefs lead us to the same sensation.

As the years went by, it started to become stronger, almost like more is revealed to me as the time gets closer. I am going to be directly blunt and to the point of what I feel inside:

*It will happen within my lifetime, not after I'm gone.
*To me, it starts with the sky (I met another who had the sensation, but his started with the sea, that could be his location when it happens) Years later, (like, last January) I was informed about Project Blue Beam. This MAY be matching my visions.
*Chaos, disruption, fear, confusion. Here's where it gets weird. For years, I'm in some sort of lock down, protecting people scared around me, possibly on my current campus, but we're hiding. From people with guns. WTF? It never made sense to me. As of last January, I've been informed about the NWO, and this MAY explain the invasion.
*Sojourn. After it happens, I will eventually be on a journey, like many. I don't know where I'm going, I don't know if I'm running, but I'm constantly traveling for some reason, I'm not hiding in my apartment.
*Communes. People will be traveling together.
*Electricity. This one is wild. I never put them together (people in communes and lack of electricity) until years later. Duh. For some reason, electricity is out. I don't know why. Not right away, but eventually, phones don't work, computers, cars, etc. Everyone is walking. At an air show some years ago, I came across a scientist from San Francisco, he began to talk about his line of work and mentioned a predicted Sun flare to disrupt the Earth (before this broke to the media). I asked him if such a thing would disrupt electricity. He said yes. I thought, "bingo." But this is just a possibility to WHY power is out, there could be many. There is also esoteric electricity, like this one...somehow I get a motorcycle to work. I have never driven a motorcycle and have no intentions of buying one. I don't......even..........
*There will be a group of people. A *very* specific and important group of people AGAINST what is happening. They are undesirables (obviously), but a group of civilians that come together and form themselves. No, I do not know who they are, or what they call themselves, and there will be many communes, this one in particular will just be well known and the hope of a lot of people.

I know I'm not the only one, and I'm sorry if I sound crazy, but I want to reach as many people as possible, our collective insights could shed light on some very important things.

Thank you for reading this and your responses,

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:24 PM
lol wut

Edit: cliffs, it's too long
edit on 5-4-2011 by heyJude because: cliffs

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

Firstly, welcome..

I've had many feelings some thing like that will happen in the near future. In fact my visions almost match yours perfectly. How ever in my vision (which focuses more on people and the consequences of standing up for their country), it is the people who get up and leave, i'm one of them. By that time everything is controlled by government and people are practically like slaves, with no minds of their own. So we get up and fight back. It starts happening in a lot of countries, worldwide people are leaving their homes and protesting/rioting.

Some , they stay in there homes and carry on with there lives. They don't mind being stripped of freedoms. But the rest, the majority, we riot and pretty much cause havoc.While we damage government property in protest, they shoot at us and damage our properties. This make the world around look like a huge wind came and blew everything out of place. Eventually from all the bombings and riots. Almost all the protestors lose their homes, properties etc and start making their own little groups and living off what they can find.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

I'm still fairly new to ATS as well and let me say I can relate. Over the last year or so I periodically get a feeling of "something big is going to happen soon." It doesn't feel like panic or paranoia. It feels like instinct, kind of like when a dog that gets nervous of a storm coming. I've talked to my friends about it and couple agree and a couple disagree. But one thing is for sure, my friends that agree and feel this way are people that I would consider "awakened." I'm sure you know what this means if you looked at enough ATS posts. All the ones that think I'm paranoid are your typical sheeple. Nice post, its one that I can totally relate too.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:29 PM
Yesss i know where your coming from! A simple 'terroist' attack changes the dynamics around the world and we all know that we are overdue from something BIG happening. I'd say something huge will happen in the next 10 years or so which would change how we look at the world completely. This doesn't mean aliens or anything like that, although i am a strong believer, but i do think that something will happen. Our population is getting out of hand and governements around the world know that they need to do something in order to reduce the severly increasing population.

But yeah i sometimes get a feeling of anxiousness, like something is just about to happen, it happens at very random times as well when i should be really totally relaxed. Oh and i'm not paranoid haha.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:30 PM
First welcome to ATS,second yes I do and it gets stronger year after year.I don't have these vivid impressions just a feeling,it started with unease about the world situation to downright fear as I watch things unfold,with an added sense of familiarity about it all.I am, however, starting to dream about a very different, changed world that stays only in small glimpses while awake.I have attributed this with my new found obsession with world events,but even your story seems familiar,I dunno,I can't see all thats happening not changing the world,as a matter of fact it seems a large part of it is destined to be uninhabitable.Can't say for sure but the future looks bleak.........peace ya'll

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by UndesirableNo1

in my opinion, one of the best topics out there - something is definitely happening, & i sense the catalyst you speak of is a lot closer than anticipated.

while reading your post & many replies, most of what has been said so far accurately portrays what is in the process of happening in my opinion. in specific, a world stopping event, where previous belief systems & current thought realities will be changed in the time it takes to flip a coin.

in regards to you & many others out there (myself included), this specific change will be like a breeze sweeping over it. deep within we already know what is taking place, yet cannot form it into words - an instinct if you will

for those that are resisting this, it will be like a slight irritation at start, & as the aversion grows, so will this irritation - possibly causing mental insanity.

there is a place in India called the Palm Leaf Library. this library is where monks long ago wrote 1000s of birthdates on palm leaves, while is a meditative state, of people to be born in the future. i befriended a girl while backpacking & she went to this library & had the monk pull up her leaf. She recognizes something with 2012/change and she told me how everything up to date ('09) was eerily accurate. the leaflet then read, "When you are 30years you and many others will begin to travel the Earth." she turns 30 around the end of 2012.

keep your strength up, & step with certainty. remember, a wise man makes best use of his time.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by UndesirableNo1
I wanted to post this in the NWO section, but I'm a noob and can't make a thread till I have 20 posts. But please pass this thread around because I'd love as many responses as possible and not hinder responses because it's in the "Introductions" forum.

For years I have gotten the feeling that something big is going to charge the world in a split second. A happening I have felt inside for years. Do you?

This thread is not about:
Well, statistically SHTF will happen like it always has in history. Logically, it will happen.
I think it's a cool idea, so I buy it. Revolution, man!

It is about:
I have had visions I cannot explain of a massive event
I have had dreams I cannot explain pertaining to an event
I have had a feeling inside pertaining to a massive event, etc.

My anecdote:
In which I tell you, dear members, things pertaining to myself I have not spoken with to family. God bless the anonymity of the internet. It first started about 7 years ago when I started to get a feeling inside, call it intuition if you will, but I never claim psychic ability. Just a whisper inside, every once in a while, that the world was going to change via a big event that was going to affect everyone. I was not into conspiracy theories, and the feeling started off as vague. From the beginning of this feeling, it was like a flash or lightning or rolling clouds in the sky. Something to do with the sky, and people looking up confused. Makes no sense, so you ignore it until it comes back later, right?
I kept feeling it, and feeling it. Never talking about it, never researching it online. It was not every day, but it was more frequent. I don't think I ever took it seriously until...I came across another person with the exact same feeling inside. Shocked, I wanted to see if there was any kind of correlation between us. Where did we get this idea? Could it be that two different people who are talking for the first time are saying the exact same thing, despite nationality, faith, religious upbringing, etc? Yes. And I met more, and was blown away by the lack of correlation. Like thinking you're crazy and then meeting another person you would not have conspired with with completely different thoughts than you, yet feeling the SAME thing. So I began to take it more seriously. I think the best part was my atheist best friend turning to me and asking (after a fun night of drinking and laughing, the conversation in no way going that way/out of the blue), "Do you get the feeling an event is going to happen?" We had a long talk that night, because we found it amazing our completely different spiritual beliefs lead us to the same sensation.

As the years went by, it started to become stronger, almost like more is revealed to me as the time gets closer. I am going to be directly blunt and to the point of what I feel inside:

*It will happen within my lifetime, not after I'm gone.
*To me, it starts with the sky (I met another who had the sensation, but his started with the sea, that could be his location when it happens) Years later, (like, last January) I was informed about Project Blue Beam. This MAY be matching my visions.
*Chaos, disruption, fear, confusion. Here's where it gets weird. For years, I'm in some sort of lock down, protecting people scared around me, possibly on my current campus, but we're hiding. From people with guns. WTF? It never made sense to me. As of last January, I've been informed about the NWO, and this MAY explain the invasion.
*Sojourn. After it happens, I will eventually be on a journey, like many. I don't know where I'm going, I don't know if I'm running, but I'm constantly traveling for some reason, I'm not hiding in my apartment.
*Communes. People will be traveling together.
*Electricity. This one is wild. I never put them together (people in communes and lack of electricity) until years later. Duh. For some reason, electricity is out. I don't know why. Not right away, but eventually, phones don't work, computers, cars, etc. Everyone is walking. At an air show some years ago, I came across a scientist from San Francisco, he began to talk about his line of work and mentioned a predicted Sun flare to disrupt the Earth (before this broke to the media). I asked him if such a thing would disrupt electricity. He said yes. I thought, "bingo." But this is just a possibility to WHY power is out, there could be many. There is also esoteric electricity, like this one...somehow I get a motorcycle to work. I have never driven a motorcycle and have no intentions of buying one. I don't......even..........
*There will be a group of people. A *very* specific and important group of people AGAINST what is happening. They are undesirables (obviously), but a group of civilians that come together and form themselves. No, I do not know who they are, or what they call themselves, and there will be many communes, this one in particular will just be well known and the hope of a lot of people.

I know I'm not the only one, and I'm sorry if I sound crazy, but I want to reach as many people as possible, our collective insights could shed light on some very important things.

Thank you for reading this and your responses,

I get the same thing as you. Although I dont sense anything, its more of an emergency preparedness. I am probably actually coming from your enemies side, however I think I represent one of the defectors that will try to protect you. It could always just be nonsense lol.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 10:36 AM
Welcome to ATS!

It is a fact lots of people "feel" something coming these days, there is something in the air and it is more and more obvious, the lack of sunspots and the dark cosmic flow etc also indicate something great coming.

My cousin told me he asked his locksmith if he needed a better lock to his house. The young locksmith responded:

"No need for a better lock because war is coming soon and by then no locks will be of any use."

I would sincerely recommend you to read the book Zhuan Falun in my signature link below. The book explains all the secrets about how to become a truly good person, opening your third eye, developing supernormal powers(inborn powers) etc etc.

The book was a bestseller in China during the 90s and then the communists banned it and started their terrible persecution of 100 million Falun Dafa practitioners(as you may realize the reasons of that persecution are no coincidence either, we live during the end of times as we know them, in my opinion, and Falun Dafa has a massive role to play during this age, as Nostradamus and others predicted) ages ago.

In my opinion this is the most important book published since this civilization began 5000 years ago.

/Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, Falun Dafa is good

PS: The solution to all the trouble is in front of you:
edit on 7-4-2011 by Gaussq because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I had that feeling this morning too!

But then I realized it was just gas.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:08 AM

I'm also new to ATS and as I type this, I honestly feel a sense of comfort and surprise! I honestly thought I was the only one who has these weird "visions" or feelings about a huge event that could occur at any moment and change this world forever.

I think it all started when I was a little girl. I don't know if watching a lot of sci-fi or dooms day films (Star Wars, Armageddon, E.T, - just to name a few) but I've always felt as if something would happen to this planet. Whenever these feelings would come, I always saw myself looking up towards the sky (sometimes in the day, where there would be a thunderstorm coming or on a clear night). Then it would change where everything looked abandoned, destroyed, and dead. And people simply disappeared or they went into hiding. I also see myself running in the middle of a foggy night and bright blue lights (like stars) would beam down from the sky. A part of me is scared but another part of me isn't. I am separated from my family and I feel that I am meant to find them and take them somewhere safe. The thing is, I don't know where this safe location is?

I never spoke about this to ANYONE. I felt as if I was a freak or there was something wrong with me. I never considered these feelings to be "normal". It wasn't until I was 13 that I started to get closer with my Aunt and we started to talk more about different topics, until one day we shocked one another when we confessed that we both shared similar feelings about things happening that would change everything. Since then, she has become my confident and the only one in my family to know my true feelings about everything. We always wondered if there were more people like us in the world, who could understand our strange theories or feelings. When she discovered this website, she certainly hit the jackpot!

It's amazing, the amount of people who feel the same way.

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