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Canadian Election: The Wild Card

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by masqua
The tight clique around PM Harper remains intact:

VICTORIAVILLE, QUE.— Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has long been known for martial discipline, but his campaign may have crossed the line when someone frog-marched a young woman out of a rally in London, Ont., Sunday.

In the spirit of fairness? The London Free Press article also states:

Concerns over security at recent London rallies weren’t confined to Tory events. When Ignatieff was here last week, the RCMP got physical with two Free Press reporters, even elbowing a pregnant reporter in the stomach. Told she was pregnant, the male Mountie said: “That’s what you get for rushing a bodyguard.” I'm thinkin' ALL of the party leaders should have a chat with their po-lice escorts. But political handlers? Uh-uh. Steve can take that rap.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:36 PM
Lets face the cold hard truth i'm pretty sure we were not in debt about 4-6 years ago and now Canada is 50 billion plus in the hole maybe even more. The conservatives have been in control for the majority of that time i think its time for a change.

We can't become just like the rest of the world where the banks are running the countries dry as the debt piles up we are becoming ever more enslaved because debt is slavery. Thats where they want us to be controlled. Shackled to our debt. Personally myself i am not in debt never have been. Just saying on the state of our country financially.

I'm surprised we are in debt with so much resources etc such as Oil Exports are HUGE? and Natural resources. How the heck are we IN DEBT? you wanna know how because we give immigrants free housing and CHEQUES in the mail every month. While we spend billions on GESTAPO ARMIES in TORONTO FOR G20 TO ILLEGALLY STOP EXPRESSION OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Good job Tories for making Canada more screwed up then ever.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by intrepid

Dude, a fellow Bluenoser! Transplanted myself out to the wild west a year or so ago, but N.S. will always be home! Wish there was a freaking decent job to be found there that will support a family! Sorry if I'm off topic, got excited.Hmmm..on topic...I am in my mid thirties and the voter apathy amonst my age group isn't much different. Friends/aquaintances seem to be consumed with their little,houses,kids,cars,debt,and don't want to pay attention,much less vote. They see a few protesters on the MSM and comfort themselves with the thought that someone else is looking after their interests if the government isn't. The weakness in the idea that the people have the power is that if they do not excercise their right to be heard, then they find out that they have less and less say.There should be more voter awareness campaigns out there,is that concept still being taught in Civics? Do they even have Civics classes anymore?

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

Well said. I have a strong feeling that whoever gets elected is going to shove a carbon tax down our throats. Ontario already pays the highest electricity costs in the country and they are just going to continue to rise.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by ICYOO2
reply to post by intrepid

Dude, a fellow Bluenoser! ... Wish there was a freaking decent job to be found there that will support a family! ...I am in my mid thirties and the voter apathy amonst my age group isn't much different. Friends/aquaintances seem to be consumed with their little,houses,kids,cars,debt,and don't want to pay attention,much less vote.

I'm from NS as well (for now, until I can get my family back to BC), and it's true. The economy is so bad in NS that most non-govt employees have to try and survive paycheck to paycheck, so they end up being consumed by jobs, kids, debt, and don't even bother heading out to the polls.


Fact of the matter is Stephen Harper shouldn't even be allowed to campaign for Prime Minister again. When he was found in contempt of Parliament, Ignatieff held a non-confidence vote, and once the votes were counted, Harper was fired from his job.

Here is an article from that explains the Contempt Of Parliament ruling that was passed against Harper and why Harper should not be allowed to campaign for his job back:

Quote from article:

Still don’t think a contempt of Parliament charge is serious? If it wasn’t serious then we wouldn’t be having another election. Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff, Jack Layton, Elizabeth May and Gilles Duceppe wouldn’t be on the campaign trial trying to gain enough votes to become prime minister of Canada. As a result of an investigation and vote the minority government of Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party cabinet ministers were dismissed and Parliament was dissolved. Their dismissal was based on a contempt of Parliament charge being made and passed (by a majority vote) against the Conservative government of Stephen Harper by the Canadian people’s elected members of the House of Commons. This unequivocally declares that a contempt of Parliament charge is a very serious charge. So serious that Stephen Harper and members of his Conservative government were dismissed, forcing an election to find a new law abiding Prime Minister of Canada and cabinet ministers. This is the 1st time in Commonwealth history that a government has been judged to be in contempt of Parliament. For the first time ever in the history of Canada and in the hundreds of years of the British parliamentary system, a government, the Harper Conservative Government, has been found in contempt of Parliament. That alone should show everyone just how serious a charge of contempt of Parliament really is.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:00 PM
Absolutely brilliant Liberal response to the students getting kicked out of the Harper appearance/photo-op:

Made overnight, done on the cheap side and completely hard hitting, you won't find this ad on Canadian TV. It's meant for social media in the hopes that it will go viral and help get that youth vote going.

Love it even though I don't like, nor intend to vote for the Liberals.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:26 PM
I make it a point to bring up the upcoming elections when I am with a group of friends.
Just last night, I was hanging out with a couple friends, and asked them if they are going to vote.
They asked me why should they vote?
I gave them more than a few good reasons (eg. Anything natural is now illegal in Canada, you can get raided for being a naturopath and have all your rights taken away because you will be considered some kind of terrorist. Harper is turning Canada in America Jr. His party wants more prisons from crimes that "might be" committed)

I am happy to say those two are going to vote in this year's election.

But more than not, it annoys people and they would rather ignore everything.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by InnerTruths

Right on and keep plugging the vote all you can!

I know it's going to be a tough grind getting the 18-35 yo crowd interested in election day. If there's a demographic that is under assault, it really is them.

Now, if they woud just start getting involved in a big way during the weeks leading up to that day, you'd see the parties scrambling to make lots of promises aimed directly at them. Layton's the only one who even comes close.

The sad fact is that the apathy from the group is entirely expected. The sadder truth is that they will also be the ones to get the nasty end of the stick, especially if either the Liberals or the Conservatives win. Iggy's Red Book is a carbon copy of Harper's failed budget... further proof that the Liberals campaign from the left and lead from the right. Go figure.

The best hope for the youth, as it now stands, is a vote for the Greens or the NDP *shudder*.

BUT... if 18-35 yo's start getting big rallies going, make a big splash online and wake up the party leaderships before election day, then they may actually gain something valuable.

As is often said: If you don't vote, you have no reason to complain. You'll get a government focussed on the usual votership... seniors.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:32 PM
This is something I DO NOT understand.

After being found guilty in contempt of parliament the PC gov't is now dissolved, forcing an election.

WHY is Harper allowed to run for the PC's again after being pretty much impeached by parliament?

And even worse... people I talk to STILL want to vote PC.

And why are people so afraid of NDP (especially in Ontario?) Jack Layton is not Bob Rae! lol

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:04 PM
That little Facebook dig about Harper was cute! Had a giggle..As far as The site actually getting teens and up off of their behinds,let's hope...There may be a redeeming quaility for FB after all!
I read up some about the contempt of Parliament charges..apparently, Harper himself is not named,therefore he is not barred from election, according to this site... as long as the facts get out about his government get out, he's not gonna stand a chance. the smartest thing the Conservatives can do is get a new leader...good luck! Still not thrilled with the other options, though. Ugh..guess I'll really have to get informed instead of voting for the prettiest commercials,heh heh..
...About time I got myself more involved with the democratic process besides going to the polls...Politics always "bored" me..I guess when you are young and self absorbed,it would seem boring.I am soo much older and mature now..

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I'm voting Bloc Quebecois, is the smartest man in that commons.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:52 PM
The most common movements on Facebook lasts for approx 5-7 days, and usually peter out to nothing within 3 weeks.

Not only are the youth apathetic in regards to voting, most don't have the focus to last until election.

Welcome to the modern world of instant gratification, if you want youth turnout on mass, the election needs to be announced, run, and tallied by the end of the week...if you start on a Wednesday.

I predict marginally better turnout than last election, but not by much.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:16 AM
Scatological attack on Stephen Harper’s record goes viral

WARNING... Poopy word used so cover your ears at the first use of an S.

The fastest-growing video features five scruffy hipster types talking trash of Mr. Harper and suggesting viewers check out the website (In addition to the rough language, it leverages the other special ingredient of viral videos – cats – by concluding with an image of Mr. Harper cradling a kitten.) That website offers nuggets of information about Mr. Harper’s alleged misdeeds, delivered in a lighthearted manner. The website proved so popular that it crashed Wednesday afternoon, with organizers claiming it had received more than one million hits.

I'm loving it. Canadian youth using social media to get out the vote and I hope it works. No... really, I do.

Edit to add the website
edit on 14/4/11 by masqua because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 04:11 PM



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