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Indepth Interview of Skull and Bones and their war against America

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Dr. Antony Sutton was a research scholar at Stanford University's Hoover Institution.

Through his scientific historical research he saw the bigger picture of how the secret US establishment (largely operating through the Skull & Bones secret society) uses the Hegelian dialectic (create thesis & antithesis to control synthesis) to create, manage and perpetuate conflict.

comments provided by: enlightened58(youTube) I couldn't say it better....

This is an incredible video and shows exactly what is happing today in America. People do indeed stay away from conflict and in their secure zone regardless of how much or many of their rights are affected. The hassle of confronting such a conspiracy is beyond the ability of most people. People still believe they are free even though the only thing missing is the bars and these are not necessary for the inablility to challange the controls put in place make the bars unnecessary
edit on 4-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:48 PM
I don't necessarily believe that the Skull and Bones Society is behind as much as is claimed, but I thought your starting comments (the ones you weren't quoting from YT), were very spot on.

People do indeed stay away from conflict and in their secure zone regardless of how much or many of their rights are affected. The hassle of confronting such a conspiracy is beyond the ability of most people. People still believe they are free even though the only thing missing is the bars and these are not necessary for the inablility to challenge the controls put in place make the bars unnecessary.

S&F for the eloquence.
Very well said.


edit on 4-4-2011 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:47 PM
You might find this interesting. The Skull and bones have been used a lot for the fraternities and sorority houses.

Chi Omega

The Fraternity's colors are Cardinal and Straw, the flower is the white carnation, the mascot is the owl, and the symbol is the skull and crossbones.

The skull and crossbones was a common fraternal motiff as a symbol of mortality and warning in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The symbol was adopted, for various reasons, by many sporting teams, clubs and societies in both America and Europe.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 01:45 AM
Slavery was never abolished, all they did was replace the whip with money.

I don't know what it is, you'd think all kinds of people would be all over this.
But I guess they all rather remain in the matrix. And also nobody knows what to do about it. I wonder if something like this was known back in the 19th century, what would have been the mood? Would they react in the same way as now, do nothing, not want to look for fear of not knowing what to do? Or would they rise up for the occasion to make change for the better?
Everyone is just to damn comfortable watching T.V. the greatest invention of all time.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:05 AM
ummm, not to be a stickler for details
but where in that video posted does it show
322 at war with America

cuz I totally missed it

all I saw was a brief history of the society.

but you might wanna ask another question.

what is the connection between Obama's
CT issued Soc. Sec. # and Skull and Bones?
since they seem to be related by state.
And here's an added twist, since Obama
has been in the WH, several Yale Skull
and Bones members have been given
advisor jobs in his administration.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

It's all in the history, and study of this secret society, been following this for a few years, and some how their all related in one way or another.
One thing that can be counted on, there is an agenda. And these highly educated and esotericist people do not plan for just a few years or for the next 20, but for the 100 plus.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Anyone ever check out the Skull and Bones page on Wikipedia? I've tried to edit it a few times, nothing too out there, but it got deleted every time even though I provided sources for the facts I added in. Somebody's keeping a vigilant eye on their public image...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 12:51 PM
I had put this link in another thread, but I'd like to share it here again. The detail about them within, is really fascinating. The ritualists like devil and skeleton costumes and devil names.
I'll bet their -favorite- holiday is Halloween! I wouldn't open my door to one of those trickster-treaters.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by ISRAELdid911

Here is a star * for Israeldid911 that I note is now a banned member.
Hmmmmmmmmmm wonder why someone with the name Israeldid911 is banned.

Would flag this post but I guess with Israel being banned that is now not possible.

Again I would humbly suggest under profile why each person banned was banned........unless of course that in and of itself is a conspiracy.

Skull and bones.

Have several videos that speak for themselves and yes Skull & Bones and The Bohemian Grove are interconnected, seems many that belong to Skull & Bones do actually attend The Bohemian Grove affair.

The most powerful men and now women, many now going back generations (families) are members of a society that is "secret"...........elitist who have as their symbol death...............the death of human kind.

Anyone not seeing this is either blind or stupid.

This symbol by the way was used by the Nazi SS and now research Jim Marr's incredible book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich.

To me just looking at the symbol represents the total destruction of homosapien.

Now the question in my mind is either by whom? people that look, act, walk and talk like a regular human being but maybe (maybe notice I didn't commit, just said maybe) aren't totally human or working under the guidance and rule of perhaps other beings that aren't maybe homosapien?

Yes, sounds crazy, but as each decade zooms by quantum physics is making this previous statement not so far off with their admitting that there now exist multiverses, parallel worlds and at least 11 other dimensions (possibly more).

Or are these simply humans that are of such a psychopathic nature that they would have no remorse for the destruction of their own species.


The number 322 is the 22nd of march

It is the spring equinoxa and specifically the vernal equinox.

In the Gregorian Calendar 22 March is the earliest date on which Easter Sunday can fall (25 April is the latest). Easter being "christ on the cross" day.

Skull and Bones know and use this date in relation to the allignments of the stars/planets/sun and moon which resonate specific electro-magnetic energy that can be can be taken advantage of.

"Magick" is nothing more than the harnessing of our planet (and the other planets, sun and moon's Electromagnetic vibrational energy coupled with frequency waves.

Again what was considered "magick" yesterday can be explained by quantum physics today.

In the video below gets real interesting at 51:15.

Part One

Leuren Moret is a Nuclear Power whistleblower who is telling all who will listen about the dangers of Nuclear Power. Like playing with fire... mankind has not learned as can be seen in the engineering mistakes made in building the Fukushima Plant in Japan. Nuclear radiation is very dangerous and we will be stuck with the consequences for a long time to come. There are certain measures you can take to protect yourself. Listen as she explains.

PDX 9/11 Truth

Let Japan now lead the world away from Nuclear Energy to safe unpolluting power...Zero Point, Engines that run on Wate, Browns Gas .. whatever. Japanese people are now paying a terrible price from the Energy Monopolys mistakes and control, short sightedness and foolishness. Time to dump Nuclear Power and we know alternative energy is being suppressed because it may be non centrailised and the grid which is controlled and monopolised by Corporations for their profit

"We just keep killing our children and killing our future" (The 50m question is who is we?)

I, like Leuren Moret (51:32) googled "University of California Skull and Bones" and came away with some very interesting information..............information of a conspiracy nature.

Something like 85% of all people within our government that hold very high, key positions of power belong to this one organization - the very individuals that literally have been running America.

While below is a old article it gives one a perspective that this is not a simple by chance, this is a conspiracy, possibly against the entire human why would one group of humans knowingly want to destroy their own species?

Think of the cartoon of a wolf wearing a sheep's skin.

Now think of a "non human" wearing a human skin...........yep sounds impossible, but David Icke, she who cannot be named on ATS or your post will be removed (hint initials are LKJ and Google Wave books) and many others have been trying to tell us that there is more to a bunch of grown men in robes, laying in coffins or standing under a 40 foot Owl isn't strange and how are they connected? Oh and yes they are connected.

American Free Press
September 10, 2003

"Skull & Bones is not simply a microcosmic subset of a wider American elite, it is the top of the pile and in the driver's seat," Andrei Navrozov, Yale graduate and author of "The Gingerbread Race," wrote. "These people run the country," he said. "They are responsible for what goes on. They should be known so they can be held to account."

"The ritual is not just silly," Navrozov says about the Skull & Bones secret and bizarre initiation ritual, which involves a symbolic death and rebirth as a "Knight" of The Order. "It is like a black mass," he said.

Because the Bush administration, which blocked an open inquest into the terrorism of 9/11, uses it as a "new Pearl Harbor" to launch costly and unjust wars of aggression, the obvious question has arisen: "Are they complicit?"

VIENNA, Austria - Two years after the terror attacks of 9/11, total secrecy continues to surround the official investigation of the crime. Government officials have exploited the attacks, and the fear they created, to wage a global "war on terrorism" and undermine freedom and prosperity in America. An un-elected president and a cabal of appointed officials, all extreme Zionists, who opposed any open investigation into the attacks have ruthlessly employed them as a pretext to launch long-planned and unjust invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, at great expense to the U.S. taxpayer.

After President George Walker Bush requested an additional $87 billion from Congress and declared it the "duty" of western nations to assist in "rolling back the terrorist threat to civilization" in Iraq, the Financial Times (FT) of London said Bush's "rose-tinted and information-deficient analysis should be rejected.

"To call this a mess is to understate the matter," FT said about the chaos and violence in Iraq. "It is now beyond reasonable doubt that the present set-up cannot and will not work."


R. James Woolsey, a former Director of Central Intelligence, calls the war on terror "World War IV" and said recently that "we will be in this war for many years, quite probably for decades." Woolsey told the Royal Institute of International Affairs that three movements, all Islamic, are "essentially at war with the west, with modernity, with western Europe and the United States and our allies." The enemies, Woolsey said, are "the fascist" and "anti-Semitic" regimes of Syria, Libya, and Iraq, "the mullahs in Tehran," and "Al Qaeda and its supporters."

For historians, the war on terrorism is the manifestation and realization of the "clash of civilizations" predicted 10 years ago by Yale scholar Samuel Huntington in a much-ballyhooed 1993 article published in the Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) prestigious journal Foreign Affairs. (Huntington's subsequent book was entitled The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.)

What Huntington failed to mention, however, is the most obvious cause for the "clash" between western and Islamic civilizations: oil.

By 2010 the Muslim world will control as much as 60 percent of the world's oil production and 95 percent of remaining global oil export capacity, according to Britain's former environment minister, Michael Meacher.


In a recent article entitled "This war on terrorism is bogus" in The Guardian (UK), Meacher suggests that high-level U.S. officials were complicit in the 9/11 attacks and allowed a "new Pearl Harbor" to occur in order to put into effect a "blueprint for the creation of a global Pax Americana." The document was drawn up and signed by the leading architects of the war on terrorism in the Bush administration.

The "blueprint" Meacher refers to is a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses, written in September 2000 by a neo-conservative "think-tank," the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). The PNAC document calls for large increases in the defense budget to transform the U.S. military into a global force. The plan calls for "a substantial American force presence in the Gulf," among other things, which it says, "transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."

The people involved in the PNAC, and those for whom it was drawn up, are the leading war hawks of the Bush administration: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, and I. Lewis Libby. The project includes key U.S. supporters of the extreme right-wing Israeli Likud Party, including the Lithuanian-born historian and former dean of Yale, Donald Kagan, and his two sons, Fred and Robert, William Kristol of The Weekly Standard, and the Orthodox Jewish rabbi Dov Solomon Zakheim, the current Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Dept. of Defense.

Nearly all of the PNAC participants have come out of one of two elite academic institutions: Yale University or John's Hopkins Nitze School of Advance International Studies.

Zakheim, whose place of birth is not given in Who's Who, has strong ties to Britain, where he was educated and lived for many years. Zakheim comes from a Zionist family and his father reportedly grew up in the "same small Polish town as Yitzhak Shamir" and "numbered Menachem Begin among his closest friends." Begin and Shamir are two of the most extreme Likud leaders in Israeli history.

Vanity Fair asked, "Is Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz driving U.S. foreign policy?" in a recent article, "Bush's Brain Trust" by Sam Tanenhaus, which discusses the powerful Zionist trio of White House advisers: Wolfowitz, Kristol, and "the controversial 'prince of darkness' Richard Perle."

"Others warn of a 'cabal' or 'conspiracy' of mostly Jewish 'kosher conservatives' who have 'hijacked' the government even as they secretly serve the interests of Israel's Likud Party," Tanenhaus wrote. "There are rumors of a 'shadow government,' being run from Wolfowitz's office, which is said to have usurped intelligence operations from the CIA."

Source and rest of article:

The video below gives more come on you folks out there don't think these "leaders" are a little strange?

Below is the description of the following video.

Invisible Empire

Jason Bermas highly anticipated documentary Invisible Empire exposes the New World Order in their own words, by painstakingly showing how the elite have not only conspired to create a dictatorial global government in private, but have publicly stated their agenda hundreds of times in public.

By highlighting the words of people like Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Mullen, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and many many others, Invisible Empire dispenses with the conjecture and sticks to the cold hard facts. This movie is guaranteed to wake up even the most ardent skeptic to the manifestly provable acceleration towards an authoritarian planetary regime that intends to control and regulate every aspect of our existence.

Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.

The film traces the lineage of the evolution of global governance from Samuel Zane Battens 1919 manifesto New World Order, through to Hitlers vision of a 1000 year Reich, to the modern incarnation of the conspiracy which has its roots in the evil deeds of people like George H. W. Bush, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.

Invisible Empire catalogues the primary criminal enterprises through which the agenda is financed, operated and advanced government controlled drug-running, false flag terror, banking scams, and state sponsored assassination.

The most contemporary branch of the agenda to enforce neo-feudalism and top-down communitarianism, in total hostility to the notion of true freedom and individuality the phony environmentalist movement which is driven by the global warming fraud, is also blown wide open.

Invisible Empire also delves into the deepest and darkest offshoots of the wicked plan for global enslavement, including the move towards a microchipped population, prostitution rings run by and for the elite, as well as the bizarre occult practices power brokers embrace as part of their religion of power and domination.

Invisible Empire will be more than just a film it is the culmination of years of research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the New World Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda for world control, just as Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut forever stripped away the facade of the official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark truth that lies behind.

Wonder why the world is so mucked up and we as a species are nearing the destruction of our planet and even ourselves?

Why all the bad decisions, bad leadership and "accidents"?

As stated in my previous posts, I have worked for some big fish in a couple little ponds and people with power, even just a little power, leave nothing to chance, they calculate down to the minutest detail and forge ahead no matter at whose expense. They tend to be psychopathic in nature.

The same type of inner workings as our serial killers and child rapest, except the ones in power, don't get caught, they're smarter and do horrible things (like war) on a massive scale.

We rally to hang the poor stupid slob that again is so dam stupid he gets caught for robbing and killing a cop or raping and killing a baby...................and yet someone who lied to us about 911 (even perhaps helped or over saw it's implementation which led to a war and even torture is allowed to maintain one of the highest offices in the world and now retired on a 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay when he and his administration should have been prosecuted for war crimes.

There is a invisible empire, a unseen secret government where our votes mean nothing, just giving us an illusion that we are free.

As another post stated, we are still slaves now by either ignorance or apathy. The whip has been replaced by "funny money".

Welcome to the New World Order and it is run by many of the very members of Skull and Cross Bones...........the Bonemen.

edit on 6-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: grammar

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th


A slave that doesn't realize they are enslaved will not try to rebel.

A prisoner that is not aware they are imprisoned will not try to escape.

All one has to do is start researching the distribution of wealth and it becomes very clear there is one mf of a conspiracy against the majority of us, but most are too stupid to realize this and too lazy and compliant to rebel.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by hawaii50th


All it would take is for everyone to get togeather, unite, pick a week and refuse to go to work..........and peacefully protest in the streets.

But and this is the reason this will never would take a vast majority of humans united to do this and most people are too lazy, too scared, too apathetic and plain and simply traitors.

They don't care and will deservingly go to their graves as will their children and children's children being slaves to a tyrannical system.

If they are lucky.

If TPTB do not decide to extinquish by some kind of "accident" the majority of "useless eaters".

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

The symbol was worn by the Nazi SS during WWII and read Jim Marr's Rise of the Fourth Reich.

America after WWII brought over many of the Nazi scientists.................and their mindset of "Do What Thy Will Is The Whole Of The Law" other words the ends justify the means and to conquer at any cost is justified.

The common man, the ones not "in the club" are fair game for using as experimental lab rats for all their biohazard experiments.........the latest one being the multiple meltdowns in Japan...........oooops I forgot that was a "accidental / natural" earthquake.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

The video I presented with Leuren Moret says that 85% of the top Government positiions are Skull and Crossbone members.

If this statistic is true, it becomes quite evident this is a true conspiracy.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by operatorkos

Funny you should mention that, that also happened to me and my computer security system alerted me that a trojan attack was averted.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Complacency, use to having the good life, never having to go through hard times like back in the days of horse and buggy's, the depression, WW1 & 2. Lets face it, we've had it good for a very long time and it's made a lot of people take freedom for granted, but now that's all about to change. Entertainment in all forms have also got a hold of most and put them sort of in a lethargic way, or maybe even hypnotized.

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