posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:31 AM
Conservatives that are hoping Hillary will run are just showing their true feelings about Obama...and that is they fear him in the 2012 election.
They are hoping Hillary will run to cause disention and in-fighting. I really don't see that happening. Hillary took the loss to Obama very very
hard, and then she became part of his administration working for him. For her to come out now and say he isn't doing the job right would make her
look weak for doing his bidding for so long if she thought it wasn't the right thing to do. If anything, and I doubt this as well, she will replace
Biden as the VP selection. And the thought of that should have conservatives shaking in their boots.
The fact is, right now the republicans have no one to face Obama. Despite all the rhetoric...Obama is going to be very hard to beat. If you listen
to conservatives, you would think this is a slam dunk for ANY republican who would run against him...and it just isn't going to be that way.
The reality is that the democratic base, even if they all don't 100% agree with Obama's actions...they will support him. The republican base right
now is split in at least 3 different directions...Palin lovers...Tea Partiers (and they are not the same as Palin lovers)...and republican
establishment. They will come together...but just like last time...Obama will have a huge head start on organizing while the republicans will be
wasting time tearing each other apart. You throw in that all republican candidates are very hesitant to declare and the possibility of a third party
candidate...and Republicans have a long road ahead of them to beat Obama.