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Scary unemployment rate for African Americans

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

You won this thread.

You pretty much summed the whole situation up, spot on. Excellent post!
This is why I still come to ATS, thank you.

Originally posted by American-philosopher
reply to post by MaryStillToe

your synopsis and timeline are great. But one thing were in 2011 now. and even more once again I stress the teen black unemployment rate is bad. So what do the teenagers of today have to do with things that happened 40 30 years ago?? And this is not just black teenagers don;t have a job, boo hoo hoo. This could have grave impacts in our society that some may fail to see.

That's where Lil Wayne and negative stereotypes come in.

I get dumb just by listening to american radio.. and I'm not just talking specifically about the music, but the adverts, everything. If you didn't grow up in America you would understand the hilarity.

Have you played Grand Theft Auto?

This is how modern american culture looks from the outside.. I heard a commercial on american radio when I saw british Top Gear and if I didn't know better I could've swore it was irony.. but it wasnt.

And that's just mainstream america... I don't even wanna get started on the entertainment industry and especially the retardation of mainstream hip hop.

Sorry if this comes off as dissing the U.S., I'm not. I'm dissing certain parts of modern society. Since you're all on ATS I hope you understand.

Originally posted by randomname

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
The workforce is competition.

In competition the best rise to the top.

black people have to change the way they think and act. individuality is respected. following along what everyone else is doing will make you look like an imbecile with an empty brain and no personality.


edit on 4-4-2011 by TheLaughingGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by randomname

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
The workforce is competition.

In competition the best rise to the top.

that's why the best basketball players are black. malcom x attributed this to the slave mentality. unless black people try to better themselves nothing will change.

because you can be sure that white people aren't going to do it for you.

The best players are black because of top notch breeding back in the day. Just like working animals, slaves were bred to be bigger and stronger. I atribute it to Africa, Im sure in Africa you have to run faster from preditors and stuff, I think blacks might have an edge on us Euros physically.

Its either bred in or just natural.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:42 PM
More blacks drop out of high school than whites. Blacks get jobs easier even with lack of education because of the quotas provided. Even the city and state jobs here have quotas.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by American-philosopher
reply to post by gdaub23

Okay fine vaild point but what your speaking of to me is a symptom not the disease.

Because we took a few generations of uneducated and purposely dumbed down african slaves and once the were free we just let them be, instead of trying to catch them up and educate them.

They had to educate themselves and in the process obviously developed some bad habits that most whites could care less to correct......

So those bad habits were passed on from generation to generation and then blacks finally get to be in the same schools as whites but what really happened after that, was most whites moved away from these cities and into the suburbs....

So once again the blacks were left to fend for themselves again......and developed more bad habits upon the fact that they were receiving a poorer education to begin with.

And so young uneducated kids start having kids and not being smart enough to educate those kids and then their kids repeat the cycle.....

The real blessing was when people realized this was happening and have been trying to reverse this for a couple decades now...

It's just going to take a few more sad as that may be.

And that is my honest opinion....I'm sorry if you don't agree and I don't intent to offend anyone but with this subject, it's impossible to not offend at least some.

Good topic though....btw I'm white...not sure if that makes a difference in your guys opinion of what I typed.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

Personally I have to wholeheartedly agree with your comments. Even though I'm not American, I still have my own perspective on the way your nation is declining. Issues with America seeing themselves as the nation to solve the worlds problems has only allowed it suffer. It has only cost them billions of dollars with now three wars they themselves have placed themselves in. I don't blame citizens living in America, but I do believe they really need to start putting their own nation first and foremost. I just find it funny reading everyones post that you still keep playing the blame game like a bunch of children. It's time to step forward and take a stand and make changes.

Furthermore, foreigners still view your nation as a place to profit and build on their own dreams. This like MaryStillToe said only stops resources being allocated to the natives of your country. Tax development of foreign businesses and cut any advantage that immigrants might receive over the locals. Also bring in legislation that will make it uninhabitable for illegal immigrants- don't allow them education, medical support, fine workplaces that employ them and don't allow them to build businesses. This might have a communistic tone to it but to tell you the truth, globalisation is only increasing the social dichotomy of your country.
edit on 4-4-2011 by nahsik because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

Lucid, I don't know who told you that crap, but that's not the way it happened.

There were good schools, separate schools, but both colors had very good schools as far as the education. The family mattered then - both black and white.

With segregation, school discipline went right out the window. No more "Three licks or three days," and then getting another butt smoking when you got home.


Because no white man was going to touch my child! That stupidity was the direct reason for many moving to private schools.

Now, Johnson brought forth his "Great Society." Guess what? You don't have to earn top grades to get in college because we're introducing quotas. Not only that, but because discipline was lost, classes had to be dumbed down. Now, it's to the point that many high school graduates cannot write a coherent sentence or spell.

The teachers have given up, and promote idiots to the next level every day. Just to get them up and out.

Not only that, but now you can have bastard children, and make a living doing it. No father figure, no family unit, often enough grandma has to raise the kids, and we wonder why these kids aren't in school and doing well.

It's more important to have the right shoes than to have passing grades.

Now we have two full generations of welfare recipients, uneducated, and suddenly we're surprised at why certain folks have a high unemployment?

You want to make it worse? Tag them with a name like "Synobia, Tashika, Lakina, etc." A ton of doors are closed before they ever get a face-to-face interview.

Again. I don't want to hear it.

Self-inflicted wounds.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:26 AM
There is a phenomena called "culture of poverty" it is real and it applies to many populations. It's not defined by economic status necessarily, but is exacerbated at the poverty and lower economic levels. Often, it goes unrecognized as a self-perpetuating, multi-generational trap. For those who recognize they are in this cycle, they may face incredible social and familial pressure to not step outside the norm.

They may face ostracism by their social groups and perhaps be considered "traitors to their family" accused of thinking they are "too good" or "better" then the rest. It is ultimately, a cycle that can be broken only by those who recognize the trap and choose to get out, but that choice may mean walking away from everything and everyone, they know.

Part 1 of 3

edit on 4-4-2011 by LadySkadi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by dude69
Let's just say...if a white person and a black person with the same qualifications apply for the same job Im guessing the white person is gonna get that job.

right, unless of course there are so many number of whites already employed. the less qualified black guy would get the job even.

not trying to sound like angry neo-con white american because this effects all races. it's happened to me and it also happened to my best friend (years apart) who is mexican and lost the job due to lack of an asian employment at the company. we only know these things because our friend is higher ups and couldn't get either of us in because of affirmative action laws.

either way you slice it, we all need jobs, and blaming the economy has been a wonderful way for mega corps. to slash employment, raise prices and lower quality and quantity. only if race/religion is a non-issue in this country, will be the only way to band together and voice out and fight against TPTB who are trying to eliminate the middle class

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by dude69
Let's just say...if a white person and a black person with the same qualifications apply for the same job Im guessing the white person is gonna get that job.

Oh lol, you need to move down here.

Where that exact opposite is being made to happen.

good grief - there are still people who think like you do...

In world created equal (today) ties to the past still influence politics... and if it is requested to have a 1 for 1 quota in the work force, then politically is happens.

Regardless of the qualifications.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:52 AM
There is a Checkers here who's workers are all black. I have to wait at the window for nearly 10 min as I watch them throwing food at each other and going on and on about shamikas sisters baby daddy at the club last night... The ones I see who don't work still manage to buy all that gold jewelry and caddilac escalades. Why work when its all free? In my area if selling drugs where considered employment than the blacks here would have a 0% unemployment rate. I am not racist I have black friends, this is just what I see in my "area". Flame on


posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:11 AM
Is there racism? Yep.
Is there reverse racism? Yep.
Is there a lot of unemployment? Yep, more than they say.
Is there a lot of black unemployment? Yep, WAY more than 15% from what I can see. More like 40%.
Ok, here go the arguments about education and schools, and poverty, and .....right down that road of who got more of what and why.

But why is it that no one - I don't know anyone - is really considering that a lot of the unemployment situation has been caused by technology?

Remember the 70s? Everyone that was in management had a secretary. That secretary would take dictation/type, order stuff...ect. Now everyone does it themselves - you type YOUR OWN memos, you send your OWN mail. If you are really a super duper hoidy toidy, you might have a program assistant that checks your grammar and keeps you in line. Back in the 70s, you'd have had one of those too.

My sister works at a bakery. Mainly she runs computers that do all the work. It used to be that they had a production line with people using their eyes, now they use computerized lasers.

What about the supermarket? Used to the cashier rang prices in. Now they scan things. No change there, but what about those stock boys that used to take the pricing guns and price everything at night? Those jobs...gone. Now we are getting rid of cashiers. 1 per 4 lanes. Jobs? Gone.

Who's benefiting from technology? Our work week didn't decrease. We could have declared 32 or 36 hour work weeks as standard. We didn't. Instead all the benefit of technology goes to the TOP - it goes to the owners of companies, not the workers.

Why would you buy 1000 computers for your company? That's expensive! Well, if it will cut your labor costs and allow you to increase your market - simultaneously, why NOT buy 1000??

And oh, wow, we can use technology to route telephone calls and whitecollar work overseas where there are no labor laws. Let's do it - that will cut labor costs.

What they were talking about is cutting jobs for Americans. RIGHT NOW as it stands, the people that are hurt the worst are the ones with the least technical ability - the minorities.

Technology is moving at breakneck though. Maybe one day no one will have to work at all. What happens then?

IF we could see this clearly, we would demand shorter work weeks. 32 hours. Would make more jobs.
Oh, but we want to kill the unions. Yeah.
edit on 4-4-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by zroth

It's all right here:

How to keep a slave by Willie Lynch

We ignore history and those that do not make use of it.....

Here is another one to add to the list:
2009– Year of the Slave
(Believe it or not this IS completely on topic as I show at the bottom so keep reading)

You are a slave. You probably do not realize it, but you are....

Free people can say “no”. Free people can refuse demands for their money, time, and children. Slaves cannot. There is no freedom without the freedom to say “no”. If someone demands that you do something and you can say “no” and refuse to do it, then you are a free human being. If you can be forced to do something or surrender something that you do not wish to, then you are a slave. No other test need be applied.

Freedom is the freedom to say "no."

When you are forced to surrender half your life’s work to the government in ever-increasing taxes, then you are a slave.

Throughout history, slaves were expected to perform the work needed for their own upkeep, then perform additional work for the rulers. For Roman slaves, the ratio of work-for-self versus work-for-rulers was about 50-50. The same ratio applied to Medieval Serfs, and even to the slaves of the American south.

And, when you add up all the overt taxes, covert fees, tariffs, excises, plus the increased price you pay for products to pay the taxes of the companies that make those products, you will find that Americans are at that same “half-for-self” versus “half-for-rulers” ratio!

Can you say “no” to the confiscation of half of your life?

Can you even get the masters to maybe reduce the burden by a significant amount? No?

Congratulations. You are a slave.

And just in case you do not believe you are a slave....

In July 2000, USDA officials claimed in our court hearing that, “The farmers have no rights. No right to be heard before the court, no right to independent testing, and no right to question the USDA.”

The FDA agrees:

FDA's Response to FTCLDF Suit

* "There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food." [p. 25]

* "There is no 'deeply rooted' historical tradition of unfettered access to foods of all kinds." [p. 26]

* "Plaintiffs' assertion of a 'fundamental right to their own bodily and physical health, which includes what foods they do and do not choose to consume for themselves and their families' is similarly unavailing because plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish." [p. 26]

* "There is no fundamental right to freedom of contract." [p. 27]

Here is another result of being a "Slave"

...Godboldo has said she was protecting the child from unnecessary medication and Wayne County Child Protective Services workers who arrived March 24 with a warrant to remove her daughter. The warrant was apparently issued without a hearing by a Wayne County Circuit Court judge, because the mother had stopped medicating the girl.

Community leaders, including ministers, civil rights activists and a judge, helped negotiate Godboldo's March 25 surrender.

Godboldo's resistance of authorities has drawn nationwide attention from conservative and liberal groups advocating for parents' rights and concerned about the safety of childhood immunizations, the use of psychotropic drugs on juveniles and government intrusion.

"Our parental rights are being undermined. Maryanne Godboldo sought to provide the best health care for her child," said a statement from the Justice for Maryanne Godboldo Action Committee, rally organizers. "Providing health care for one's children is not something that should be surrendered to any state authority." ....

Barbara Ann Polizzi, a 44-year-old mother, drove 13 hours from New York with her 15-year-old son, Michael Polizzi, to attend the rally and support Godboldo's cause. Michael was once given Risperdal by doctors to treat behavioral problems. The drug, which had also been prescribed for Godboldo's daughter and is commonly used to treat schizophrenia, left the boy debilitated by visual and auditory hallucinations, severe anxiety and rapid heartbeat, Polizzi said. She fought for six years to get her son back after he was taken by authorities and placed in state-run residential schools....

The Fourteenth Amendment:
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law

; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws....

Where was the "Due process" in the above case???

Heck the law requiring "forced medication with a psychotropic medication" has even been declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL by the Supreme Court!

Supreme Court Upholds Right to
Refuse Mind-Altering Drugs
CCLE Amicus Brief Argues Forced Medication
Infringes Fundamental Liberty

June 16, 2003--The United States Supreme Court upheld the right to refuse unwanted psychotropic medication in its landmark decision in Sell v. United States, delivered earlier today. Ruling in favor of a St. Louis dentist who resisted government attempts to force medicate him with antipsychotic drugs...

Oh and just in case you were wondering those wonderful drugs are based on the Rockefellers Pharmaceutical Interests

...After World War Two, IG Farben was dismantled but later emerged as separate corporations within the alliance. Well known companies included General Mills, Kellogg, Nestle, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Procter and Gamble, Roche and Hoechst (Sanofi-Aventis). The Rockefeller empire, in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States. It is the largest drug manufacturing combine in the world....the [Rockefeller] foundation placed it's own "nominees" in federal health agencies and set the stage for the "reeducation" of the public....

IG Farben & Auschwitz

Auschwitz was the largest mass extermination factory in human history. However, few people are aware that Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben.... Thousands of prisoners died during human experiments, drug and vaccine testing. Before longtime Bayer employee and SS Auschwitz doctor Helmut Vetter was executed for administering fatal infections....

The Nuremberg Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes. Incredibly, most of them had been released by 1951 and continued to consult with German corporations. The Nuremberg Tribunal dissolved IG Farben into Bayer, Hoechst and BASF, each company 20 times as large as IG Farben in 1944. For almost three decades after WWII, BASF, Bayer and Hoechst (Aventis) filled their highest position, chairman of the board, with former members of the Nazi regime. Bayer has been sued by survivors of medical experiments...

Now we do not even have the "RIGHT to SUE" U.S. Supreme Court denies parents of vaccine damaged children their right to seek justice

We are all slaves and our Master's name is ROCKEFELLER!

To bring it back on topic:

Sept. 14, 1994 David Rockefeller, speaking at the UN Business Council,.
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

And in 1995 Clinton ratified the World Trade Organization and arranged for China to be admitted into the WTO.

Clinton also signed into law the banking regulations that allowed the Mega-banks to consolidate their hold on the American economy and the crucial legislation that allowed AIG to use Credit Default Swaps to collapse the economy." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">list of important banking laws

The McFadden Act of 1927 or Amendment to the National Banking Laws and the Federal Reserve Act (P.L. 69-639, 44 STAT. 1224): Prohibited interstate banking.

[Clinton's Law: Negating above:]cv
Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 (P.L. 103-328, 108 STAT. 2338).
Permits bank holding companies to acquire banks in any state...allows interstate mergers.

The Glass-Steagall Act or Banking Act of 1933 (P.L. 73-66, 48 STAT. 162): Separated commercial banking from investment banking, establishing them as separate lines of commerce.

Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (P.L. 84-511, 70 STAT. 133): Prohibited bank holding companies headquartered in one state from acquiring a bank in another state.

[Clinton's Law: Negating both of the above laws:]cv
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (P.L. 106-102, 113 STAT 1338)
(pdf version from Government Printing Office.)
Repeals last vestiges of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933. Modifies portions of the Bank Holding Company Act to allow affiliations between banks and insurance underwriters. Law creates a new financial holding company authorized to engage in: underwriting and selling insurance and securities, conducting both commercial and merchant banking, investing in and developing real estate and other "complimentary activities."
Allows national banks to underwrite municipal bonds....
Makes significant changes in the operation of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, easing membership requirements and loosening restrictions on the use of FHLB funds.

[MORE on The Clinton Years:]cv
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (P.L. 102-242, 105 STAT. 2236).
Also known as FDICIA. FDICIA greatly increased the powers and authority of the FDIC. Major provisions recapitalized the Bank Insurance Fund and allowed the FDIC to strengthen the fund by borrowing from the Treasury.
The act mandated a least-cost resolution method and prompt resolution approach to problem and failing banks and ordered the creation of a risk-based deposit insurance assessment scheme. Brokered deposits and the solicitation of deposits were restricted, as were the non-bank activities of insured state banks. FDICIA created new supervisory and regulatory examination standards and put forth new capital requirements for banks. It also expanded prohibitions against insider activities and created new Truth in Savings provisions.

[TRANSLATION: Allowed big banks to gobble up smaller banks more easily.]cv

Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-550, 106 STAT. 3672).

RTC Completion Act (P.L. 103-204, 107 STAT. 2369):
implement provisions designed to improve the agency's record in providing business opportunities to minorities and women.. Expands the existing affordable housing programs of the RTC and the FDIC by broadening the potential affordable housing stock of the two agencies....

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:00 AM

First understand that racism in reality of the word itself is a false term. We are all human, all one race...period. next grasp that we are all slaves to the mighty dollar and bank owned corporations. You want to blame something for the fall of black pride and intelligence? blame hip hop.....which is the biggest money maker for corporate america in the black community. lets give lil black girls bad self esteem by making them think its ok to be called ho's and b*tches. lets make it ok to make young black boys think its cool to smoke pot and sell drugs........see where im goin?

Now you know why so many are uneducated and in prison within the black race. Don't blame whitey, blame corporations that earn a buck off of the black superficial material misery. It is driven this way on purpose....because blacks and other minorities are brainwashed into thinking this is how they should act and this is what they should buy. It is starting to effect whites too as this persona of being cool by wearing your pants by your knees and constantly grabbin yer junk to make sure it hasn't fallen off.

You want people to view blacks differently? get mad, and get rid of this hip hop bullsh*t thats doing nothing more than setting your creed back a hundred years. Dont buy into the hype, stop buying the records, invest in artists who aren't drones for a marketing campaign.

And most of all, teach them to stay in school, go to college, and respect women. Thats a start.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:06 AM
What percentage of those finding work are military veterans? What is the ethnic make up of the military? I'm a veteran, and I could get just about any government job more easily than the majority of other applicants. I don't have a government job, because I run a couple very small businesses. I do not employ many, but I won't even consider an applicant who has not served. I'll hire any veteran who has an interest in my industry, but I will always choose to do extra work myself before I hire a non-veteran.

Here are some links to help with what I am asking.

2.3 million: Number of single-race black military veterans in the United States in 2009.

Read more: African American Demographics, Population, Incomes, Veterans, Education, Voting —

Here is an idea for the total African-American officers in the military.

But tell that to West Point, where numeric targets by race are set at 10-12 percent black and 25 percent minority. West Point does not have to meet those targets, but the Army thinks because its rank and file exceeds 30 percent minority, a diverse officer corps is critical to military teamwork

[url=][/ur l]

However, if the data are limited to those under age 50, it does suggest a higher rate of military service among blacks than among whites.

From the little research I've done, it seems that more African Americans are in the military than are whites. I don't know what that really proves. Perhaps more African Americans are choosing to stay in the military, and even getting killed in action or injured. I don't know how true it is, but it seems to me that many veterans cannot work or have limited ability. That last statement is a personal observation. When I got out of the military I was unable to work at all, and it took a few years for me to find something I could do. It was a few more before I could get it rolling. I'm a lucky one, because I can. I know many veterans who can't yet and maybe never will.

I don't know what I helped proving for you, because there are still too many variables. 10% percent of my employees are African American. I'm white.

I'm sorry to all you non-veterans. I don't respect too many people who are not or were not in the military.
edit on 4-4-2011 by tamusan because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-4-2011 by tamusan because: trying to fix the links

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by TheLaughingGod

....And that's just mainstream america... I don't even wanna get started on the entertainment industry and especially the retardation of mainstream hip hop.

Sorry if this comes off as dissing the U.S., I'm not. I'm dissing certain parts of modern society.....

This American agrees whole heartedly. It is why I quit watching the boob tube in my early twenties.

Humans are a herd animal and the "Slaveholders" aka the elite are well aware of that.

The takeover of the media:
U.S. Congressional Record February 9, 1917: J.P. Morgan interests bought 25 of America's leading newspapers, and inserted their own editors, in order to control the media.

JP Morgan: Our next big media player? (April 13, 2010) - JP Morgan controls 54 U.S. daily newspapers,and owns 31 television stations.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Hardstepah

...only if race/religion is a non-issue in this country, will be the only way to band together and voice out and fight against TPTB who are trying to eliminate the middle class....

The whole race thing is a "Lets you and he fight" tactic of the elite.

Have you noticed how racism has reared its ugly head again since Obama is in office???

Every time Obama is criticized the press screams "It is because he is black" not because of his actions as President.

Remember as a candidate Obama stated "is above my pay grade” in answer to an abortion question. He was avoiding the fact he had voted that late term aborted infants born alive should be denied medical care and allowed to die. This was the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (Illinois state bill SB 1095, March 2001).

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:24 AM
we live in a xionist controlled society.
they are the most ethnocentric people on earth.
it sucks, but they consider themselves 'upper class' and us goyam 'lower class'

im asian, and i get pulled over and harrassed ALL the time, i can only imagine how bad it must be for a black guy.
i got a ticket for no reason 1 month ago, so i went to court to fight it. in weehawken, nj. i go in, the judge says, 'dismissed BUT you must still pay a 20 dollar 'court fee.'

but when i got that ticket? there were 170 'cases' on the docket that day, and 150 of those people were minorities. so according to weehawken nj, 150 out of 170 people 'just happened' to be minorities. i guess the chozen amongst us are so 'talented' they never get pulled over.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by i am just saying

Wow...for a site that " denies ignorance " there sure are a lot of racists on here oO

Yeah...the first one after 42 white presidents

white women own about 20% more of the companies in America than all ethnic minorities combined.

That should tell you something...
edit on 4-4-2011 by dude69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
The workforce is competition.

In competition the best rise to the top.

so my father lost his job not because the company decided to move to new york?

thanks for clearing that up. idk why he went to college and got a degree and has been working in the industry for 30+ years working with the government. I mean how did he even get those jobs anyway. sheesh.

maybe before you post idiotic and borderline racist comments you wake up and realise that a lot of companies cant afford to hire right now to begin with.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 07:23 AM
This should surprise no one. African Americans are largely working class.

If you compared white working class unemployment to the rest of white society you'd find the exact same thing.

But they want people to argue and compete amongst ourselves, when the real problem is government.

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