Why we shouldn't arm the rebels.
- We have no business arming gangs when we don't know who they are, or what their motives are, or who is actually funding them.
- The cost of arming these rebels would be better spent helping the U.S. economy, that you (our government) were a part of destroying in the last 3
to 10 to 30 years now.
- You spend a lot of money and time to take OUR rights to own guns away, just to give the enemy better weapons than what you allow your citizens to
- 9/11. (not to say it was OS or other)
- We have already done enough to the poor people of the middle east, with the taking of their resources, the destruction of their governments and
cities and destroying their infrustructures just to allow Halliburton to rebuild for them.
- The People of The United States, the people you work for, do not want you to drag us into another war. The soldiers most likely don't want you to
drag us into another war.. Especially for oil and corporate profits.
- You are aware there is growing unrest in the world for government power, and military mite, and the U.S. is the most disliked for it.
- It is not the our job to wage crusades against a single religion, regardless how much or how little we agree with their views.
- Oh, and did I mention theres a revolution a brewing around the world? Yeah, that includes here.
We spend more money infiltrating countries populations, and inciting hatred for their own governments, then we spend trying to help populations who
are starving and may have real problems that humanity can't seem to shake. We see subtle unrest and spend vast amounts of money to manipulate the
environment in these poor nations so that we can go in and rape them of their resources, and fuel corporate greed and the enslavement of more and more
people than we have ever freed from tyranny.
Our economy has lost a significant amount of its wealth over the last 3 years, yet we continue to spend millions and millions a day abroad to what
appears to be doing nothing but fueling hatred for me, and my neighbors, and my countries people. You see, the great thing about being a democracy is
that we get to reap all the benefits. We elect people to make hard decisions (still up for debate), and when they just destroy nations, the world
turns on the people, because we put you there. You speak for everyone in the United States and you do a real good job of destroying my good name, my
parents good name, and all those who came before us in the great nation.
You think politics is a game, and that you can make chess moves to secure YOUR future, while DESTROYING the peoples future. Whether you manipulate
the markets to make you and your friends money, or arming rebels who 20 years from now will supposedly attack us at home. Your choices over that last
100 years have been atrocious, and your grade is an F-. The world is changing, the views are changing, yet you continue to be greedy.
Our time in this society is numbered. The question is, will WE change it to what it should be, will we revolt against these tyrannical governments,
regardless what nation they govern? Or will something bigger than us anialate us from our existance?
The time is here for people to be bold in their refusal to adhere to the governments decisions to destroy our liberties, and to destroy nations, and
turning a blind eye to the REAL issues around the world and at home. It is no longer that people "shouldn't" starve, it is now, people "cannot"
starve. We will not waste another generation of a beautiful existence.
Be your neighbors keeper, and refuse to allow your neighbor to be invaded, or impeded upon. Live and LOVE!!!
edit on 3-4-2011 by Myendica because: (no reason given)