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My One Suggestion for Forum Formatting ---- Mobile User Friendly!

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:19 PM
I think it would really improve ATS, if you could make one small change in Board Format.

The guest login formatting is great, its the User - Logged on Formatting that needs one tweak.

My one problem, is that the poster's name is not displayed in the same column as the text.
So, cell phone users must scroll horizontally with each individual post (to see who wrote it).

If ATS was able to include a name that was visible while reading the thread,it would help people follow the conversations easier.

This is just a suggestion, and I don't know that it is even in the correct forum.

If what i am talking about is unclear, just log onto ATS via cell phone and zoom in to read text. You can not see who authored the post, unless you scroll to the left. But, if you read without being logged-in, the names are in a more efficient location, and lateral movement is not needed.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:23 PM
have you tried

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by MikeBoss

No, I'm just viewing the full page html. Which would be perfect if only an author name was visibile
in the same column of texts.

When someone is viewing the page(not logged in), there is a line of text between posts which tell the author's name (because it doesn't show the whole Avatar/Author sidebar.

I think it would make a great fix to Leave the Guest View author posting line as still visible when logged in. (Or leave as optional viewing).

This simple change would make browsing ATS, and actually reading threads on my cell phone MUCH SIMPLER.

I already have to delicately tap to scroll down (and I can't tap too much sideways, or I get text off my screen). Even getting the text lined up so I can read the entire sentence is tough. This is all complicated by the need to move my whole page left or right to see the post author's name.

Please add a Guest Author View display! Thanks

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by MikeBoss
have you tried

Okay, MikeBoss I actually listened to your suggestion,
And looked horrible. Plain text and
No post stats like on the full desktop site.

I figured it was because my cell didn't have flash.
Well, I can report that even with an upgraded
phone, it still looks horrible.

And, I echo that all is needed is the guest
"post author" data be shown to logged in users.

Or, just make that an optional viewing option.

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