We originally began this idea a couple of weeks ago, focusing on earthquake lights solely - without much participation. Let's see if adding the smells
data to this project will attract more participants this time, as we feel that this project may prove to valuable as a prediction tool with additional
This thread will map earthquake lights and smells of all types by date, time, location and include a brief description of the event. We will
color-code the events so as to be able to readily discern the latest phenomena worldwide. For now, we will leave the sounds to others (many threads on
ATS), including radio anomalies.
All responses will be mapped real-time as you are the reporters and publishers of the information and we shall see if any type of pattern presents
itself. We can cross-link to similar maps that other members are doing such as (sounds) "Rumbling noise being heard around the world..." " Mass Animal
Die-offs...", etc. and others that you, the interested members, bring to the table.
The original OP (Earthquake Lights Live Update Map) has the
background information on "earthquake lights":
Earthquake Lights Live Update Map
NOTE: Please do not post data to this map - use the new one with smells added, please.
For decades, researchers have detected strange phenomena in the form of odd radio noise and eerie lights in the sky in the weeks, hours, and days
preceding earthquakes. But only recently have experts started systematically monitoring those phenomena and correlating them to earthquakes.
A light or glow in the sky sometimes heralds a big earthquake. On 17 January 1995, for example, there were 23 reported sightings in Kobe, Japan, of a
white, blue, or orange light extending some 200 meters in the air and spreading 1 to 8 kilometers across the ground. Hours later a 6.9-magnitude
earthquake killed more than 5,500 people. Sky watchers and geologists have documented similar lights before earthquakes elsewhere in Japan since the
1960s and in Canada in 1988.
Earthquake Lights & Smells Live Update Map
From what we know at this time, it appears that many of the earthquake lights appear about 30 minutes before a major earthquake. With enough data, it
might be possible to postulate the birth of some sort of "early warning system," based on real-time data from enough respondents over a broad area -
or pinpointed in places like Yellowstone, New Madrid, SoCal, Alaska, etc.
As a first responder and having lived in SoCal for 40 years, I can tell you that a 30-minute lead time on a quake could save thousands of lives.
How about assisting in this project which will correlate earthquake lights and smells - before, during, after - and earthquakes. The information
collected could possibly lead to some sort of earthquake prediction system here within ATS if the data can be analyzed for some sort of predictive
pattern. The idea is to collect the correct data from the start - and as soon as possible IMHO.
I, personally, would welcome any advice/help/suggestions/interested parties to make this idea better and a reality sooner.
It might be interesting to see if any of these lights and smells happen with regularity before/during/after an earthquake. Or were there smells and
lights and the EQ hasn't happened as yet - perhaps weeks/months later and we really do not have enough data to make an informed decision as to the
amount of time between events...?
Please help to spread the word to as many people as possible to quickly build the database as this information and map may prove to be quite timely -
especially to people in the Yellowstone/New Madrid/West Coast/Alaska areas.
Earthquake Lights Map Live Update
Thank you for your time and consideration.
These challenges to life and sanity on this planet must be met with clear minds and sound hearts, so may your 2011 see you embracing its highest
potential and onward through the fog!
In Peace & Light
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Earthquake Lights & Smells Live Update Map
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edit on 2/4/2011 by thorfourwinds because: wanker alert