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Bush elected in 2004!

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posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 07:46 AM

I've been warning people, and I'll give you all that same warning
If Bush gets elected, watch out!
They have done so much damage in their first term, god knows what they our thinking for 2004 beyond

I live in Canada, but I have honestly started to ponder the question of moving to another country if Bush gets re-selected. Being in Canada, we feel every vibration from our neighbors to the south.........what happens to them, effects us.

And I for one don't want to be near the United States if Bush gets re-selected. I don't think people realize how much is at stake in this election. Were talking about individuals that our pure evil

What countries would be good destinations?
I was thinking somewhere in South America, or New Zealand.

My friends just be ready that�s all I say if Bush gets elected. Patriot act will look light, the Iraq war war will look light and 9/11 is going to look like nothing compared to what we will witness in 2004 and beyond.

Please help me out here with opinions and advice��..thanks

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:01 AM
Are you an American citizen living in Canada, or are
you Canadian? If you are Canadian I find it amusing
that you say 'what are 'WE' going to do'.

Yes, go to New Zealand or Australia. Move now.
I'm sure Canada will be better off without you.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:10 AM
I'm Canadian.......I don't you realize how serious the 2004 election is

If America goes to code red on terror alert, martial law kicks in where you will have no power.........Most people aren't even aware of the consequences of code red. Whatever happens to America eventually happens to Canada.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:38 AM
I have always had a sneaking suspicion that Bush is going to be re-elected one way or another. Im already counting on him becoming our next president, because I know a lot of people that like him for no apparent reason...they dont know anything about his politics, etc. yet they vote based on the "I've always voted Republican, so why stop now" theory. Its not only these people, but I've had this feeling ever since 9/11.

I no longer believe the common man can do anything to change it. I mean, in reality our voting doesn't really even matter, its all up to the electorial college, and I don't hold much faith in them.

Although I to dread the thought.....get ready for another 4 years of Bush!

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:53 AM
If bush is re-elected, a revolt will happen.
Some have even stated the possibility of a second civil war.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Are you an American citizen living in Canada, or are
you Canadian? If you are Canadian I find it amusing
that you say 'what are 'WE' going to do'.

Yes, go to New Zealand or Australia. Move now.
I'm sure Canada will be better off without you.

TheQuestion has a right to his opinion.He's stated quite clearly that he is Canadian.Alot of people all around the world are worried about Bush and what might happen if he is re-elected.

Just because they can't vote doesn't mean they can't express their concern.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:08 AM
Actually John bull 1,

You are right, we as the richest nation of the world do have some say so on the affairs of most foreign policies and anything that weakens us as a nation will have an impact in the rest of the world.

Lost of countries that do not favor American policies will be more than happy if US starts to lose his superiority do to internal conflicts in the nation.

And for the nations that favor and support US policies will be in a limbo if something happened in US. And I will have to say if bush wins the elections in a non conventional way people in this country will raise and it will be protest all around the nation.

The only way that the elections will be taken as legit is for bush to win with a landslide.

posted on Jul, 24 2004 @ 09:16 AM
I think the thing you might have to worry about in Canada is if someone, a terrorist or some country that is just pissed and tired of us, nukes us. You don't want to be downwind of the radioactive fall out. Im worried even if John Kerry gets elected. Our country is so corrupt at some point people may begin to rise up and all bets are off at that point. I don't know if pissed off citizens could resist or overcome a heavily armed military and police force. America is in debt up to its eyeballs, governmentally, corporately, and privately. The baby boomers are coming on line to receive social security and the piggy bank has already been robbed. Most of the rest of the planet sees us as stupid, aggressive and careless, which at this point is true. Bush is a symptom of the problem with Americans, we are arrogant with out an ounce of humility. We think we are God's or the Universes 'chosen' people. We CLAIM to care about children, but seem hell-bent to leave a cesspit of pollution and a grand canyon of debt. I wish I could say i was smarter than the rest, but I haven't done anything myself.

[note: this is my viewpoint on an upbeat day]

PS. as cold as it is in Canada you should thank us for global warming. (joke)

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