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I'm pretty sure I just joined a cult.....

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:46 AM
And I'm guessing it's Scientology from all the legal " thou shalt nots" one has to agree to before joining.

Kidding, of course. (Maybe.....)
I've been lurking for awhile, got all excited about stuff I wanted to post in a thread about dead musicans and decided to join. I haven't been an active member of a forum in years so catching up with the technology changes is going to take me a little while. Be gentle. Oh yeah....I have the world's most craptastic DIAL-UP connection, so that's an issue too. What's that? Didn't think dial up still existed? Well, given how slow it is and how I can't watch video or load some flash applications it's kinda like it doesn't. Expect me to be lost a lot and to sometimes request quick synopses of what was in a video. I promise I'll keep it to a minimum.

I'm not sure what about myself I'm supposed to tell ya'll. As far as the ATS type interests, I'm a big NWO theorist. I have several lines of thought about TPTB that I'm convinced are true and many others I like to mull over and see what sticks. The hard military/politics side of NWO theory bums me out sometimes, but I can talk about the creepier symbolism/cult/history stuff all day and night. It's less concrete and allows me to open my mind and make connections I might otherwise miss.

I like a good ghost story and have had a few experiences myself. Aliens don't do much for me beyond talking about the cover ups, but I enjoy the ancient aliens stuff. I like history in general and seeing how patterns repeat themselves. This is also known as us being doomed and repeating it. Just about any subject covered here is more interesting to me when tracing it's roots rather than just talking news of the day.

In religious/ spiritual matters, I was in a coven when I was younger, but am now a comfortable, non militant atheist. I am still a big believer in yin and yang, though. Not just in the zen balance way, but in a Newtonian " for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction " way. Karma, I suppose, but I won't go so far as to say I think it's as personal as karma would imply. It's that atheist thing I suppose. I am an intermediate student of astrology. The math aspect of it confounds me, but I like the psychological and intuitive side.

I love to laugh and tend to face all things with tongue firmly in cheek. For me, nothing is above joking about, even if I take the subject deadly serious. Often for me it's laugh or cry, and sometimes both. As I'm sure you've already noticed, I'm a smart mouth. Like many here, I suspect, I'm an insomniac and a night person even when I am sleeping normally.
Once you get me going I'm ridiculously chatty. I'm endlessly curious about just about everything and love talking to people who are knowledgable and/or passionate about a subject.

I look forward to getting to know ya'll and exchanging ideas!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Nietrick

Great to have you here. I'm a fairly new member to the site as well, but I have been "lurking" for quite sometime. I guess I was fearful that maybe, just maybe, signing up was just putting my name on a NWO hit list

Most of your Major interests are in line with the threads I tend to view so I look forward to yours.

as far as your "dial up" service...If at all possible, you should make a switch to even the slowest version of "high speed" even 1mbps would greatly enhance your internet life.


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by neOrevolutionist

*checks neOrevolutionist off on list*

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by MiTS1965

But sometimes you have to wonder about these things. Rational/Blind thinking helps keep me sane, but the kid in me loves the frosted whole wheat conspiracy of the NWO.

I'll be watching for your snipers sir

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:29 AM
A little off topic but if you want to get all you can from your ISP's speed, you can put in a code for your modem. If you have XP

Double click My Computer.
Double click the Control Panel.
Double click Phone and Modem Options.
Click the Modems tab.
Click the Properties button.
Click the Advanced tab.
In the "Extra initialization commands:" field, type in the initialization string.
Click OK and OK again.
Close the Control Panel and other windows or applications that are open and reboot.
Attempt to connect to the Internet and remain online to test the connection stability/speed.

Enter the initialization string "AT&F&C1&D2&K3W1" It works for most dial up modems. Your modem afterward should connect at 115/kbps.

Of course this wont make your ISP dish out this speed, but will allow your modem to use the full potential of the ISP's allowed bandwidth. I used to be stuck with dial up for a long time so I know how crappy it can be

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by Artanis667

Thanks for the info. I need all the help I can get. I honestly think my phone lines are the original ones Bell used to invent the phone with. Or maybe they aren't even " phone lines " at all but vines that happened to grow through a vein of copper and then into the house. Honestly, a can and some string would be an improvement.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by Nietrick

Hi Nietrick, and welcome to the Introductions Forum, a place to say hello to the ATS community. For now you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's)Private Messages to Staff only for now. Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Welcome to ATS.

I think I'm going to enjoy you on the forums even though you are an atheist( just kidding).

You seem to be a happy person and right now we all need all the happy we can get.

If I can be of any help just let me know.

Enjoy the adventure.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

Like I said before....laugh or cry. The world is going to Hades in a handbasket and it gets scarier and more dystopian everyday. Some days it honestly feels like we're living through every scary sci fi movie ever churned out.

*movie announcer voice* In a world filled with war ( video of the Middle East) catastrophe ( roll Japan footage) and civil unrest ( European protests), as food prices soar and radiation clouds threaten life on Earth a cabal of global elites feast as they plan a New World Order. But will it lead to humanity's salvation or it's enslavement........?

Yeah....well, we know they answer to that one. So I figure I fight the power when I am able, and laugh to keep myself sane the rest of the time. They want us defeated and demoralized. So I laugh and say, " Go have intimate relations with yourselves!"

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Nietrick

Like I said before....laugh or cry. The world is going to Hades in a handbasket and it gets scarier and more dystopian everyday. Some days it honestly feels like we're living through every scary sci fi movie ever churned out.

Boy, now ain't that the truth! That's just two of my usual daily by-lines these days.......
ATS rules don't permit me to publicly express some of my other thoughts and rants.....

Who would've ever dreamed we'd actually be living a script out of the Twilight Zone or Outer Limits? Incidentally, those were the only 2 sci-fi shows I ever watched "back in the day."

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