And I'm guessing it's Scientology from all the legal " thou shalt nots" one has to agree to before joining.
Kidding, of course. (Maybe.....)
I've been lurking for awhile, got all excited about stuff I wanted to post in a thread about dead musicans and decided to join. I haven't been an
active member of a forum in years so catching up with the technology changes is going to take me a little while. Be gentle. Oh yeah....I have the
world's most craptastic DIAL-UP connection, so that's an issue too. What's that? Didn't think dial up still existed? Well, given how slow it is
and how I can't watch video or load some flash applications it's kinda like it doesn't. Expect me to be lost a lot and to sometimes request quick
synopses of what was in a video. I promise I'll keep it to a minimum.
I'm not sure what about myself I'm supposed to tell ya'll. As far as the ATS type interests, I'm a big NWO theorist. I have several lines of
thought about TPTB that I'm convinced are true and many others I like to mull over and see what sticks. The hard military/politics side of NWO theory
bums me out sometimes, but I can talk about the creepier symbolism/cult/history stuff all day and night. It's less concrete and allows me to open my
mind and make connections I might otherwise miss.
I like a good ghost story and have had a few experiences myself. Aliens don't do much for me beyond talking about the cover ups, but I enjoy the
ancient aliens stuff. I like history in general and seeing how patterns repeat themselves. This is also known as us being doomed and repeating it.
Just about any subject covered here is more interesting to me when tracing it's roots rather than just talking news of the day.
In religious/ spiritual matters, I was in a coven when I was younger, but am now a comfortable, non militant atheist. I am still a big believer in yin
and yang, though. Not just in the zen balance way, but in a Newtonian " for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction " way. Karma, I
suppose, but I won't go so far as to say I think it's as personal as karma would imply. It's that atheist thing I suppose. I am an intermediate
student of astrology. The math aspect of it confounds me, but I like the psychological and intuitive side.
I love to laugh and tend to face all things with tongue firmly in cheek. For me, nothing is above joking about, even if I take the subject deadly
serious. Often for me it's laugh or cry, and sometimes both. As I'm sure you've already noticed, I'm a smart mouth. Like many here, I suspect,
I'm an insomniac and a night person even when I am sleeping normally.
Once you get me going I'm ridiculously chatty. I'm endlessly curious about just about everything and love talking to people who are knowledgable
and/or passionate about a subject.
I look forward to getting to know ya'll and exchanging ideas!