posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Had no idea who Snookie (wth kind of name is that?) was, so I looked her up.
Just seeing her picture I can tell she is one of those people that would get under my skin very quickly. It is hard to explain but it seems many
people have some sort of visual essence about them even in photo and video. Never seen Jersey Shore and have only heard the name mentioned a few times
here and there. I think I will do everything in my power not to watch the show.
Admittedly I watch a few "reality" shows such as Hell's Kitchen, and Worlds Dumbest, but they are strictly entertainment for me and not seen as
real, though the videos commented on in Worlds Dumbest are real. If you ever wonder about how stupid some people in the world can be watch that show.
As for Hell's Kitchen I just get a giggle out of Mr. Ramsey throwing fits, and I get to see some nice looking food from time to time.
Anyway back to the topic. I would have opted out of hearing this Snookie person speak. I try to save as many brain cells as possible. I do not care
about tanning habits or other such stupid activities of another. I want to say the "school" should be ashamed to waste such money but I am of the
belief that things are headed the way of the movie Idiocracy (which oddly enough I never would have watched if not for hearing about it on ATS).