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Snooki gets $32k for Rutgers appearance

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:32 PM
so the university pretty much told it's students that if you drink and act like the whoreslut you are in public, you will make a fine living in this country! just don't forget to screw some random guys on TV first

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:24 PM
The students aren't happy about this, though. They are really pissed about this, they didn't want her there and they didn't want their money used to bring her there.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

Dude WTF! Man I wish I could track you down and sue you for a new keyboard. Spit beer all over it reading that comment, OMG

Thank the tech gods I kept my backup keyboard!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:38 PM

she is the perfect example of what people are willing to do to be famous.

She is also the perfect example of what a celebrity is: a shallow overpriced and overrated media creation. Come to think of it, isn't that what American Universities have also become. seems they make a perfect fit after all.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:24 PM
OK now you guys, how about a bunch of flags already...
Just sayin'

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:55 AM
That sucks. What type of message are they trying to send?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:22 AM
no doubt this character will pick up an entourage, thus increasing the need for increased fees and pomp.
i find this situation at one with chewing gum for the eyes/brain. at least members including myself of course have a baseline to gauge our very own standing on this good earth. on a par with teflon tony i may add! says it all.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Had no idea who Snookie (wth kind of name is that?) was, so I looked her up.

Just seeing her picture I can tell she is one of those people that would get under my skin very quickly. It is hard to explain but it seems many people have some sort of visual essence about them even in photo and video. Never seen Jersey Shore and have only heard the name mentioned a few times here and there. I think I will do everything in my power not to watch the show.

Admittedly I watch a few "reality" shows such as Hell's Kitchen, and Worlds Dumbest, but they are strictly entertainment for me and not seen as real, though the videos commented on in Worlds Dumbest are real. If you ever wonder about how stupid some people in the world can be watch that show. As for Hell's Kitchen I just get a giggle out of Mr. Ramsey throwing fits, and I get to see some nice looking food from time to time.

Anyway back to the topic. I would have opted out of hearing this Snookie person speak. I try to save as many brain cells as possible. I do not care about tanning habits or other such stupid activities of another. I want to say the "school" should be ashamed to waste such money but I am of the belief that things are headed the way of the movie Idiocracy (which oddly enough I never would have watched if not for hearing about it on ATS).


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