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Quotes from NASA Astronauts & Specialists on UFO's

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posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by guppy
Interesting case study. But I'm still not convinced by their conclusions. I'd like to see their full report and know how many pilots were involved in the test. Did they get a large enough sample? How did they screen these pilots?

It's not trying to show how often it happens, but what it can result in, when it does happen.

The common view here, I believe, is an assumption of what 'must'' be so in the universe as people imagine it, not a careful deduction from the evidence generated by the universe as it actually is. Consequently, conclusions drawn from these shaky assumptions are themselves dubious. You only have to look at what passes for 'ufo studies' after half a century to begin to suspect the fundamental intellectual foundation of it is off kilter. Or is everything just fine and dandy, full speed ahead into the fog?

The question is -- can a few pilots make gross misperceptions about occasional aerial apparitions that result in narratives for which there is no apparent explanation if you asume the pilot's stories are precise? Enough examples can be provided, I believe, to force the answer, 'yes'.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Steve Omar, another investigative journalist and researcher, indicates that J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret) suggest secrecy about UFOs and Extraterrestrials. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at NASA:

- ASTRONAUTS NElL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!”

- MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): “What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?”

- ASTRONAUTS: “They’re here under the surface.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “What’s there? Emission interrupted... interference control calling Apollo II.”

- ASTRONAUTS: “We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments.”

- MISSION CONTROL: ”Repeat your last information.”

- ASTRONAUTS: “I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up on the other side of the crater.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Repeat...repeat!”

- ASTRONAUTS: “Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Have you picked up anything?”

- ASTRONAUTS: “I didn’t have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. over?

- ASTRONAUTS: “They’ve landed there. There they are and they are watching us.”

- MISSION CONTROL: “The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?”

> - ASTRONAUTS: “Yes, they’re in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.”

There is an unconfirmed report, also documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside. Welcome to the Moon?? Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions. To prove it is the truth, hundreds of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!

"Soviet radio operators also picked it up and published it in Moscow. Another mysterious radio message from the Moon was broadcast on French public television only one time before it was censored AFTER it leaked out. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious clearly spoken ALIEN LANGUAGE," further reports Steve Omar.

The famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux published the transmission which has been suppressed in the U.S. It came from U.S. astronaut Worden who transmitted it to NASA, and expert linguists have been unable to translate the message.

Another of our meetings put us across the table from the Ministry of
Defense official who is in charge of the current study. By agreement, we are
not yet able to make his name public, but we can give the name of the study,
"Thread-3." One illuminating section of those papers contains details of UFO
sightings by Soviet cosmonauts. Unlike American astronauts' reluctance to
talk about the subject, Soviet references to UFOs were reported from the
very beginning, with Yuri Gagarin himself. In the documents, Gagarin is
quoted as saying UFOs are real, they fly at incredible speeds and that he
would tell more about what he had seen in orbit - provided he be given
permission to do so. The documents also provide information on American
space encounters, including several references to things seen on the Moon by
our astronauts, and how that information was removed from NASA's public

5. U.S. astronauts did encounter extra-terrestrial craft and there was a
significant sighting made on the moon, all of which have again been
cynically covered-up.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Anunaki10

no way to confrim those reports. None of the astronauts claim to see aliens or ufos on the moon, not even your man ed mitchell who believes in them.
edit on 19-4-2011 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Anunaki10

Steve Omar, another investigative journalist and researcher, indicates that J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald Keyhoe, Timothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret) suggest secrecy about UFOs and Extraterrestrials. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at NASA:

If I had any indication that whoever wrote this has any reality awareness, I'd call him a liar -- but more likely, a spoofer who made this up to fool the weak-minded, for which you are today's poster child. Chris Kraft, whom I worked for, and happened to see just last week at a memorial ceremony here in Houston, certainly never made this claim.

Just look at the jargon. It isn't even the kind of words used by real astronauts. My ten year old grandson saw that right off. What's wrong with you?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
no way to confrim those reports. None of the astronauts claim to see aliens or ufos on the moon, not even your man ed mitchell who believes in them.

You mentioned that Ed Mitchell believe in the Astronauts' claim to see the UFOs on the Moon. Do you have any source to prove it?
It's clear you don't follow the posts, please go back and read it again, and maybe you will see who and what countries apparently confirm those reports. In case you still miss it, i will be helpfull and point it out to you.

If you listen from 3:31 in this video you will hear the voice of Neil Armstrong the saying >>God, what is that out there? What is that?>But, this is unbelievable!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Anunaki10
If you listen from 3:31 in this video you will hear the voice of Neil Armstrong the saying >>God, what is that out there? What is that?>But, this is unbelievable!

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
No, I didn't hear Neil Armstrong's voice, and neither did you. If you had, you'd have realized it wasn't his voice, and somebody has played you for a fool, and you gave a four star performance.

Didn't you hear Neil Armstrong's voice? How sure are you?
I doubt you're so sure about that. Was it Buzz Aldrin you heard?

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 04:53 PM

According to a former NASA employee Otto Binder, unnamed radio hams with their own VHF receiving facilities that bypassed NASA's broadcasting outlets picked up the following exchange:

NASA: >>What's there? Mission Control calling Apollo 11... >These "Babies" are huge, Sir! Enormous! OH MY GOD! You wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there, lined up on the far side of the crater edge! They're on the Moon watching us!>The encounter was common knowledge in NASA,>but nobody has talked about it until now.>According to our information, the encounter was reported immediately after the landing of the module,>Neil Armstrong relayed the message to Mission Control that two large, mysterious objects were watching them after having landed near the moon module. But his message was never heard by the public because NASA censored it.>What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?>It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.>How do you mean "warned off"?>I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!... and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.>But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?>Naturally-NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by JimOberg
If I had any indication that whoever wrote this has any reality awareness, I'd call him a liar -- but more likely, a spoofer who made this up to fool the weak-minded, for which you are today's poster child. Chris Kraft, whom I worked for, and happened to see just last week at a memorial ceremony here in Houston, certainly never made this claim.

Just look at the jargon. It isn't even the kind of words used by real astronauts. My ten year old grandson saw that right off. What's wrong with you?

Did your 10 year old grandson saw that right off? What did your grandson say, and what's his opinion? And what did you tell your grandson?

Allegedly, NASA Director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious TWO MINUTE IN PUBLIC TRANSMISSIONS. To prove it is the truth, HUNDREDS of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!

"Soviet radio operators ALSO PICKED IT UP and published it in Moscow. Another mysterious radio message from the Moon was BROADCAST on French public television only one time before it was CENSORED AFTER it leaked out. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious clearly spoken ALIEN LANGUAGE," further reports Steve Omar.

The famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux PUBLISHED the TRANSMISSION which has been SUPPRESSED in the U.S. It came from U.S. astronaut Worden who TRANSMITTED it to NASA, and expert linguists have been unable to translate the message.

Mr. Oberg, first i want to say that i wish you had i good day during the memorial ceremony in Houston, Texas. You claim that Chris Kraft never made this claim, or never leaked out the transmissions from Apollo 11 about the UFOs on the Moon. Did Chris Kraft told you that? Is there a good chance that Mr. Kraft was told to shut up and threatened to silence?
According to some brave 'Whistleblowers' (former Government officials, or former military personnel, or former astronauts/cosmonauts, or former scientists who decided to break their secret sworn oath, and come forward and reveal what they know) there are still many who are 'in the know' who keep silent, because they are told to shut up and threatened to silence Cliff Stone told how an agent from CIA or National Security threatened him by pointing a gun at his head and said >>We can make it look like a training accident, if you don't shut up!

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Anunaki10
If you listen from 3:31 in this video you will hear the voice of Neil Armstrong saying >>God, what is that out there? What is that?>But, this is unbelievable!

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by UFO Partisan
The LIFE magazine article about the Bob White X-15 UFO incident in its' entirety.

Thanks for the link! Note all the extra details that are usually omitted in the UFO websites -- small, nearby, appearing as the ship peaked in near-vacuum. What a different impression than the portrayal in UFO imaginations!

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg

Originally posted by UFO Partisan
The LIFE magazine article about the Bob White X-15 UFO incident in its' entirety.

Thanks for the link! Note all the extra details that are usually omitted in the UFO websites -- small, nearby, appearing as the ship peaked in near-vacuum. What a different impression than the portrayal in UFO imaginations!

Oh I know! Hahahaha, you're absolutely right. My feeling is the phenomenon is compelling enough it doesn't need embellishment. Not everyone agrees with that.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by UFO Partisan
The LIFE magazine article about the Bob White X-15 UFO incident in its' entirety.

This presentation focuses on a pair of reported UFO incidents that occurred in 1962 during the X-15 Rocket Plane Research Program. Both these encounters, one during an April, 1962 X-15 flight by NASA test pilot Joseph Walker and the other during a July 1962 flight by USAF test pilot Major Robert White, took place at extremely high altitudes, right on the fringe of space.

During Major White's high-altitude test flight, while at apogee he reported sighting and visually tracking an unidentified object "for a full five seconds before it moved away". Two frames of film from the X-15's rear-facing "wing and empennage" stop-motion 16mm camera appear to CAPTURE an object (or objects) that seem to match Major White's visual description of the UFO he saw.

Several months earlier, during NASA test pilot Joe Walker's X-15 high-altitude flight, cameras aboard CAPTURED what Walker later described as being "five or six DISC-SHAPED or CYLINDRICAL OBJECTS" near his X-15 aircraft!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by JimOberg
What a different impression than the portrayal in UFO imaginations!

Do you mean imaginations caught by the cameras from the X-15?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 08:42 AM
maybe theres loads more planets just like ours where aliens go by each of them to just observe and see how we are progressing,

aliens probably fly past planets like ours all the time, i bet theres nothing of interest to them, perhaps they only become interested once we become a fully capable space traveling civilisation of our own and we contact them

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Anunaki10

Originally posted by JimOberg
What a different impression than the portrayal in UFO imaginations!

Do you mean imaginations caught by the cameras from the X-15?

No, I mean imaginations of enthusiasts unfettered by knowing of the witness describing the objects as small, nearby, and tumbling, in near vacuum -- like stuff coming off his own vehicle and drifting along beside.

By leaving these facts out -- as you can confirm, most UFO site accounts do leave out -- there's an act of fraud by omission going on.

Not the for the first -- or, since it appears to be an effective gimmick of misdirection, the last -- time.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Anunaki10

Several months earlier, during NASA test pilot Joe Walker's X-15 high-altitude flight, cameras aboard CAPTURED what Walker later described as being "five or six DISC-SHAPED or CYLINDRICAL OBJECTS" near his X-15 aircraft!

Do we have the LIFE magazine citation for that story, is it another FOAF myth?

Just somebody SAYING Walker said it isn't good enough, where is it documented Walker actually said it?

[i.e., multi-source rumor]

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
No, I mean imaginations of enthusiasts unfettered by knowing of the witness describing the objects as small, nearby, and tumbling, in near vacuum -- like stuff coming off his own vehicle and drifting along beside. Your ice theory seems to be weak, and is not supported by facts. There was no ice on the X-15 all the way from the take off from the B-52, which the video also show. Beside, IF there was ice on the X-15, it would just fall off quickly, and quickly left far behind the X-15, falling down. So no, it would not be possible any ice 'ball' to follow the X-15 at 4,000 mph.

Beside, IF we assume there was an experiment like throwing ice 'balls' at 4,000 mph, the ice 'balls' would more likely quickly melt to water particles, even above 60 miles from Earth's surface, wouldn't it?
Meteorites begin to melt wen they enter Earth's atmosphere at these hights.
edit on 23-4-2011 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by JimOberg
Do we have the LIFE magazine citation for that story, is it another FOAF myth?

Just somebody SAYING Walker said it isn't good enough, where is it documented Walker actually said it?

FOAF = Friend Of A Friend [i.e., multi-source rumor]

Is LIFE magazine more reliable than other serious sources? Other sources might be as just as good as LIFE magazine, i think.

Hat Tip to LunaCognita for this great presentation which focuses on a pair of reported UFO incidents that occurred in 1962 during the X-15 Rocket Plane Research Program. Both these encounters, one during an April, 1962 X-15 flight by NASA test pilot Joseph Walker and the other during a July 1962 flight by USAF test pilot Major Robert White, took place at extremely high altitudes, right on the fringe of space.
During Major White's high-altitude test flight, while at apogee he reported sighting and visually tracking an unidentified object "for a full five seconds before it moved away". Two frames of film from the X-15's rear-facing "wing and empennage" stop-motion 16mm camera appear to capture an object (or objects) that seem to match Major White's visual description of the UFO he saw.
Several months earlier, during NASA test pilot Joe Walker's X-15 high-altitude flight, cameras aboard captured what Walker later described as being "five or six disc-shaped or cylindrical objects" near his aircraft.
During a May 11th, 1962 lecture at the "Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research" in Seattle, Washington, Joe Walker also claimed that one of his mission objectives during his April 1962 flight in the X-15 was to detect and film UFOs at high altitude.
During the lecture, Walker showed several photographs to the audience of these UFOs captured on film, although NASA has since only ever made one of these frames public.
Here is the link to the online version of the August 3, 1962 issue of LIFE Magazine that is referenced in this presentation, where Major Robert White describes the UFO he saw out the window during his record-breaking July 17, 1962 high-altitude hop in X-15-3. Joe Walker's lecture of showing these films of the disc shaped UFOs to the audience at the National Conference is confirmed on History Channel.

On July 17, 1962, Major Robert White reported a UFO during his fifty-eight-mile high flight of an X-15 jet aircraft, that technically made him an astronaut.. Major White reported: "I have no idea what it could be. It was grayish in color and about thirty to forty feet away." Then according to a Time Magazine article, Major White exclaimed over the radio: "There ARE things out there! There absolutely is!"

On May 11, 1962, NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April 1962. It was the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle, Joseph Walker said: "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight!" - Editor's Note: To date none of those films has been released to the public for viewing. Thanks to Steve Wingate at [email protected]

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