posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 07:37 AM
thank you... i tire so quickly of people assuming my belief in 2012 is one of negativity, of destruction. in truth that is only their assumption, so
they assume that is what i refer to in 2012, but that is only a small insignificant part of the whole, subtle truth.
the awakening is happening, and for that i am glad. i see people try to take advantage of this even, as have you, yet they will always fail in the
end. we are more connected than we know, but we are also a generation that has to see to believe, in reference to the vast majority. the problem is
that when you do this with life as well, you do truly get cut off from it. people have cut themselves off from others simply by labelling, as cryptic
as i know that sounds.... when all you say (even in your own mind) is "mine mine mine mine" everything will be taken from you. when you say "make
me beautiful" everything will attempt to show you what true beauty is.
and when you close yourself off from the real world, dismissed as a lavish fairy tale meant to entertain untill the afterlife, then you will never see
the effects it has here.
life is scripted. we are the actors. what happens when actors on stage dont say their line? it messes up the other actors in that plot as well. they
have to redo it at a later time, you see? and true psychics, the few and the genuine, only know a bit more about the script then those who have closed
off their mind. by no means can you see the future, each actor has free will to change said future, no matter the circumstance. the point is that what
most people dismiss as lunacy makes that true for them. it isnt so hard to give it a try if you think about it.
i wanted more for my fellow man than for me, unless it was to further me to further them, i truly wanted that with every fiber of my being, and i
pursued it. my life completely broke to pieces. seeing the subtle indescribable truth of life is enough to do that. it makes you realize all of the
walls you put up yourself. it makes you feel like a child again, but only because in essence we still are. just remember, when we put a label on
something, literally and metaphorically, it makes that label an obstacle in actually understanding what it is you are labelling.
and imagine how quickly our children are to label eachother, how they put out so much conflict toward one another that it will just keep echoing
untill someone decides to grow up, which may take years.
we are all one, and we are all seperate, but that just makes it infinitely more enjoyable, infinitely more perfect in every way