posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 02:38 AM
A human being is not just about what we look like or what we can do. If this is how we define human beings, we would all in big trouble, because
everyone looks different, and we all have different skills and abilities. What makes us human is our "end" or "goal."
The ancient Greek philosophers noticed that all living creatures are designed to pursue a certain goal. Every species has a different goal. They
called this goal "telos" which means "end." They taught us that, if you can discover what something's telos (final goal) is, then you will know
what that creature is. For example, the goal of an acorn is "oak tree." It's the goal of "oak tree" which causes the acorn to grow and change the
way it does. Acorns already have "oak tree" written within their nature. That's what they are, only in a very young stage. In the same way, if we
can discover the "end" or "goal" of the human being, we will know what the human being is.
So many questions yet to be answered.
So.....What are your goals in life? What is the goal for human life? Will we ever disscover "this" goal? What will the advantages and disadvantages