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Flordia Homeowners Association Proposes Ban On Children Playing Outside!!

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready
I have the right to bring up anectdotal evidence as all the rest of the posters did, and expect not to be personally attacked for it. Nor do I expect for someone to spend an entire post trying to speculate about my private personal life details. I do not debate by attacking other posters, even if they do bring an anectdote into the story. I will respond to others anectdotes with my own, in response, as I have done so here.

I do not mind debating, but it is a drag debating with people who want to say I am the kind of girl that turns men off to women, I must be childless, I am a troll, and then of course the speculation. NONE of which has anything to do with any points I made about the topic.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:08 PM
Once again there ought to be a law!

I love that slogan, it instantly relives any social participant… from participating. It’s why we need heavy regulations on everything from cigarette smoking, to diet, to cell phone usage while driving.

If a kid is playing with a skateboard near cars they simply need to be told to move. Although this would require some interaction with a strangers *Gasp!* OMG can you folks imagine talking to stranger in person?! The abbreviation is intentional, since most social interaction can only be achieved with a cell phone. If it becomes a problem, you talk to the parent and tell them to use a shorter leash.

I guess you could just write a new useless law, problem solved right? That’s how we handle it here.

And when folks no longer have any common sense and no longer can tell the difference between what is “legally allowed” and what is “morally right”, we will just need to mire our stagnate society, with a few more rulebooks to account for any and every action capable, under human nature. Let’s get those kids learned up, so they can contribute with their own overwhelming bureaucracy, in the future. Hey its gotten us this far.

No need for active parenting, after all, the whole world has been child proofed so just let them loose to do whatever they want. (it works both ways)

Of course no one will be able to do anything fun either. It’s all about liberty, even when it’s inconvenient to myself. Maybe for liberty to exists it’s especially when it’s inconvenient to myself, that I know it’s working the way it’s supposed to.To think some people probably spent hours deliberating over, how best to phrase it and exclusions etc. It’s just incredible the outright joy it brings some Nazis, to limit our freedom.

We need to get back to a system of common sense and not dwell in the rabbit hole, that makes sense only to the lawyers. When the founding Fathers stated we were a “nation of laws”, there were very few laws to adhere to and there was an assumption that we as a society, would never lose our common sense. On that, they were seriously mistaken.

Kids playing outside unsupervised, can you imagine! Who would think such a crime could take place right here in the good ol’e USA, the land of the “free”?

edit on 4/4/2011 by JakesterL because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Crap like this is why I will live in a cardboard box before I ever like in a Homeowners Association set up. Any one that live is a Homeowners Association has to ask to do anything to there own house.
This is a sore spot for me. I had some freinds that got mixed up it a Homeowners Association not really know what it was all about.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

The entire post that I made was dedicated to the HOA, not you personally, and I did not say any of those other things in any of my posts. I understand your frustration, but I am only defending my own posts, not everyone who opposed you. My post was dedicated to the legality of a HOA that exists with no children whatsoever under its management.

Truth be told, there are probably many HOAs like yours, and like the one in the OP. I think discrimination is much over-hyped, and if someone wants to have an "adults only" or an "all-Jewish" or "all-Irish" or "all-White" neighborhood, that should be their right. They need to designate that intention ahead of time so that it doesn't affect existing families in the HOA, but otherwise I don't see a problem with it. The problem is that at this time, it is illegal. It is illegal to even accidentally accomplish it. It is illegal to even suggest that someone would be more comfortable in another neighborhood. A Realtor might think they are doing a good thing when they take a young family and "steer" them towards a neighborhood with other young families, and they take a retired couple and "steer" them toward a neighborhood with lots of retired folks, but in reality both actions are illegal.

That was my argument against your HOA.

My argument against the OP is that we don't need legislation to combat kids playing in the parking lot. If they are vandalizing or disturbing the peace, there are already laws for that. If they are just unsupervised "it takes a village to raise a child" go out and supervise them, make them behave, or call their parents. If they are just playing and having a good time, leave them alone. No need for MORE laws. There is NEVER a need for MORE laws!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

I do not live in Florida but I have read this discussion with interest. I live in a small apartment complex, all 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses. The majority of the tenants are single adults who respect their neighbors and live here because it is a quiet neighborhood. Recently, some new tenants moved in who have small children. I have observed them skateboarding in our parking lot, 2 on a skateboard, lying down on their skateboards and attempting to perform other "tricks." There is quite a bit of traffic in and out of here, and no one is very mindful of children at play because we've never had to deal with it much. There have been children residing here in the past, but when they played outside, they stayed near their own homes. In other words, the parents supervised them and set boundaries for them. Having skateboarders in my path when I back my car out of my parking place and having them in the driveway when I come home makes me a bit anxious. Skateboards have no brakes and there is always the possibility that a child will lose control and have an accident involving a vehicle or someone else's property. I have spoken to these children twice about this, trying to make them understand that it is probably not safe for them to be playing in this manner. That fell on deaf ears and the parents did not seem to care, so I did report it to our landlord and the behavior stopped, it actually is a violation of the rental agreement. I'm insured and so is the landlord, but no one wants to be involved in an accident that may cause injury to a child, litigation not withstanding. There are other things for children to do in our neighborhood; a public park and an indoor swimming pool are within walking distance. For me, this is not because I think children are "brats" but having skateboarders in the driveway is a safety issue, perhaps the HOA in Florida feels the same way. Of course children need play time outdoors but that does not mean that anything goes.

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