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Originally posted by jjkenobi
The correct answer is for the govt itself to CUT SPENDING. The answer is not to increase or add new taxes in any way, shape, or form on any person, business, or activity.
1) Corporate profits depend on tax-financed public goods: healthy and educated workforces; good infrastructure; publicly enforced respect for contracts and property rights, and so on. When corporations avoid or evade tax, legally or illegally, they free ride on the backs of the rest of us. Stop taxing them, and you savagely undermine political community.
The beauty of this legislative goal is its simplicity. Balancing the budget—not spending more than the government takes in—is one of the most basic responsibilities of a legislature. If they are not competent to make the numbers add up and zero out in their budget, they are not competent to hold office, period
The following are the current 137 co-sponsors of the balanced budget amendment (HJR 2) sponsored by Rep. Bob Goodlatte from Virginia.
1st Session
H. J. RES. 2
Proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
January 5, 2011
Mr. GOODLATTE (for himself, Mr. HENSARLING, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. AKIN, Mr. ALEXANDER, Mrs. BACHMANN, Mr. BACHUS, Mr. BARTON of Texas, Mrs. BIGGERT, Mr. BILBRAY, Mr. BILIRAKIS, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. BONNER, Mr. BOREN, Mr. BOUSTANY, Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. BROOKS, Mr. BROUN of Georgia, Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. CARTER, Mr. CASSIDY, Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. COBLE, Mr. COLE, Mr. CONAWAY, Mr. CRAWFORD, Mr. CULBERSON, Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky, Mr. DENT, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mrs. EMERSON, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. FLORES, Mr. FORBES, Mr. FORTENBERRY, Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, Mr. GALLEGLY, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. GARRETT, Mr. GERLACH, Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia, Mr. HALL, Mr. HARPER, Mr. HELLER, Mr. HERGER, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. HURT, Mr. ISSA, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, Mr. JONES, Mr. JORDAN, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. KINGSTON, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. LANCE, Mr. LATTA, Mr. LOBIONDO, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. LUETKEMEYER, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of California, Mr. MACK, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. MARINO, Mr. MATHESON, Mr. MCCAUL, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. MCKEON, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mrs. MYRICK, Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. OLSON, Mr. PENCE, Mr. PETERSON, Mr. PLATTS, Mr. POE of Texas, Mr. POSEY, Mr. PRICE of Georgia, Mr. REED, Mr. REHBERG, Mr. REICHERT, Mr. RIBBLE, Mr. RIGELL, Mrs. ROBY, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky, Mr. ROSKAM, Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN, Mr. ROSS of Florida, Mr. ROYCE, Mr. SCALISE, Mr. SCHILLING, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. SIMPSON, Mr. SMITH of Nebraska, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. TURNER, Mr. UPTON, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. WILSON of South Carolina, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. WOLF, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California, Mr. MEEHAN, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. FARENTHOLD, Mr. GRAVES of Missouri, Mr. HUNTER, Mr. LEWIS of California, Mr. PEARCE, Mr. PITTS, Mr. POMPEO, Mr. SCHOCK, Ms. GRANGER, Mr. WALDEN, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. BARTLETT, and Mr. CHABOT) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
The FairTax plan is a comprehensive proposal that replaces all federal income and payroll based taxes with an integrated approach including a progressive national retail sales tax, a prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level, dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality, and, through companion legislation, the repeal of the 16th Amendment.
The FairTax Act (HR 25, S 13) is nonpartisan legislation. It abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment taxes and replaces them with one simple, visible, federal retail sales tax administered primarily by existing state sales tax authorities.
The FairTax taxes us only on what we choose to spend on new goods or services, not on what we earn. The FairTax is a fair, efficient, transparent, and intelligent solution to the frustration and inequity of our current tax system.
The FairTax:
* Enables workers to keep their entire paychecks
* Enables retirees to keep their entire pensions
* Refunds in advance the tax on purchases of basic necessities
* Allows American products to compete fairly
* Brings transparency and accountability to tax policy
* Ensures Social Security and Medicare funding
* Closes all loopholes and brings fairness to taxation
* Abolishes the IRS
Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by beezzer
They play a game with rules written by the government, the government THEY PAY FOR through lobbyists!! And I'm not making the corporations out as evil, it's their job to maximize profits...but they obviously don't have any morals, and it should be the politicians' job to make sure they don't act in a way that's unfair or hurting citizens. By robbing citizens of billions of revenues, and forcing them to foot the bill for that, they ARE hurting the citizens...
Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by jibeho
I find it funny that I get called brainwashed because I want government to spend less and tax less.
And the people that call me that are droning, "Raise taxes, raise taxes, raise taxes" like a George Romero flick when hoardes of undead IRS agents go around and eat 401K's!
I just want to get to a happy place in this country. Perhaps Doc Brown can lend me his time machine so I can take a trip back to the 50's, the roaring 20's or perhaps even the Gilded Age.