posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Since the topic of bugging out and bug outy bags seems to be so popular here, I'd like to aska question.
What would make you bug out? Why do you think you'd be better off on the open road then at home? I agree there are cases where it makes sense, like
if you live on the coast and there's a big quake or maybe a hurricane coming. What else would make you bug out? I'm not talking about deciding to
leave due to illness or pandemic, which would afford you the time to make a relatively orderly exit, but something which forces you to leave asap, and
requires your BOB.
If I lived in a city I'd be somewhat more concerned, but living in the country about an hour from the nearest major city, I cannot really forsee an
event in which I'd need a BOB and have to flee. No chance of Tsunami here,or hurricane, although there is the occasional tornado. I suppose a massive
riot in a city might cause me to leave relatively quickly if I lived there, but I'd probably rather not wait till the last minute if things were
really that bad.
I've spent months in the mountains,fished and hunted all my life and do fairly well at gardening and raising animals. I just cannot see any reason
why I would leave my home,where I have more things to eat and help me survive than I could possibly take with me. I guess that's why I have never
prepared a BOB or given much thought of escaping to somewhere else.
Now, if I truly thought that life as we know it was over,and society had truly crumbled, I might try a move. This is really just a fantasy, as I'd
have to make it about 800 miles to the coast of B.C,where I'd like to be if I had to try to live off the land. This would pretty much require that
electricity be lost for the forseeable future, government nonexistent and massive global catastrophe. I really can't see that happening,so looks like
I'll be hunkered down here, come what may.
What is it about your situation that makes you believe you will benefit by bugging out?