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Why would you bug out?

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:48 PM
Since the topic of bugging out and bug outy bags seems to be so popular here, I'd like to aska question.

What would make you bug out? Why do you think you'd be better off on the open road then at home? I agree there are cases where it makes sense, like if you live on the coast and there's a big quake or maybe a hurricane coming. What else would make you bug out? I'm not talking about deciding to leave due to illness or pandemic, which would afford you the time to make a relatively orderly exit, but something which forces you to leave asap, and requires your BOB.

If I lived in a city I'd be somewhat more concerned, but living in the country about an hour from the nearest major city, I cannot really forsee an event in which I'd need a BOB and have to flee. No chance of Tsunami here,or hurricane, although there is the occasional tornado. I suppose a massive riot in a city might cause me to leave relatively quickly if I lived there, but I'd probably rather not wait till the last minute if things were really that bad.

I've spent months in the mountains,fished and hunted all my life and do fairly well at gardening and raising animals. I just cannot see any reason why I would leave my home,where I have more things to eat and help me survive than I could possibly take with me. I guess that's why I have never prepared a BOB or given much thought of escaping to somewhere else.

Now, if I truly thought that life as we know it was over,and society had truly crumbled, I might try a move. This is really just a fantasy, as I'd have to make it about 800 miles to the coast of B.C,where I'd like to be if I had to try to live off the land. This would pretty much require that electricity be lost for the forseeable future, government nonexistent and massive global catastrophe. I really can't see that happening,so looks like I'll be hunkered down here, come what may.

What is it about your situation that makes you believe you will benefit by bugging out?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:58 PM
I'm in pretty much the same situation and of the same mindset as well. We're far too inland and elevated to have to worry or prepare for a coastal type 'survival scenario'. Earthquakes of any significance aren't that big a concern in this area of the eastern corridor of the US, and even then aside from the shake itself there's really no buildings or potentially damaging or harmful structures in sight let alone range.

Now ... back in the days of the cold war era it'd be a different story altogether, especially given that we're within about 40-50 'crow flies' miles of 3 international airports, a state capitol and Raven Rock [the little pentagon].

Nowadays ... it'd likely be more a situation weather-related flooding or extended power outage and the like. Both of which we're well-prepared to work through or deal with as needed.

The only 'bugging out' i'd likely do would be to either the pond or woods for dinner.

edit on 3/29/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by xxclaro

living near a city when civil unrest breaks out. Or maybe when a natural disaster forces others to come killing and scavenging for resources. Mine on southern east coast is tsunami. I have gone beyond the bug out bag and have secured weaponry food waterfiltering means. etc etc. I do have my bug out bag a more permanent one of 100 lbs with a molle secured mossberg 500 tactical 12 gauge and an exceptional every day carry waterproof container. The 100 pounds comes from the ammunition to protect family and obtain food.Wifes bag has henry hr-17 survival rifle that stowes away into the stock with 2500 rounds. Sweet little gun.Kids tote clothes and candy and school/reading material in theres.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 10:07 PM
Thank you first of all for this post S&F. I live in western washington state across the sound from seattle. If what every fear monger is saying that the cascadia subduction zone is going to sheer off at the juan defuca plate, me bugging out would be useless.
I am not a massicist and love my family dearly. However I am not afraid of death. That does not mean that I will kill my self or anyone close to me, that would be stupid for a lot of reasons. I truly believe that death is a transition to another level of consciousness. If I am wrong then I guess I will get that nap I truly needed.
I mean come on living through a major disaster of biblical proportions would have serious draw backs as well. Disease, looting mobs, fema camps. I mean really if I was killed by a natural disaster, my soul would be ready to move on.
Who knows it might be a much shorter trip than 800 miles to coast for you?

Peace and Love to all

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I am in a small town a long ways from a big city. I would stay at home unless there was a good reason to live.

Only reasons to bug out for me would be.....

1. Chemical issues where it wouldn't be safe in my town.

2. Foreign troops OR domestic troops headed for my town.

3. Forest fire threatening my area (I live in the middle of a National forest)

4. People from Phoenix make it close enough to worry me. (they are 90 miles away)

Other than those I can't think of another reason to leave.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by xxclaro

It's more common than you think and happens far too often...
Back in 2007 parts of the Midwest were hit by crippling floods

Last year Oklahoma City had more tornadoes than I could count.
The drug violence down in Mexico has displaced almost half a million people..
it doesn't take some epic event and sure as god made little green apples, this year again we'll see more normal Americans forced to bug out... the real question is will they be able to return???

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:08 PM
I'm in a rural area about an hour and a half from major cities but I am only 55 miles from a nuclear power plant. If that were to be compromised to such an extent that radiation was a real threat than yes, I would most likely leave my home. I never thought of that until recently with Japan's plants melting down, I always assumed I was relatively safe. The other reasons are those already stated such as people fleeing the cities and heading my way, natural disasters such as forest fires or if heaven forbid, Yellowstone blows. In that case I don't know where in this country would be safe. My hope of course is never to have to flee my home because how much could one really take without it becoming a burden?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:58 AM
You should only be bugging out if you HAVE should know when that is going to happen...when the water gets to the arm chair in the den, well its probably to late, or when the riots are on your street and all around your neighborhood and the national guard just showed up toyour town, then its probably to late.
The fire 2 blocks away has been moving toward you for hours and yet you stay till its right next door...your probably to late.

My example are all possible and only you know when or if you need to bugg out...That being said, going off of its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it should atleast have a plan for what you feel is the most likely threat or danger to you and yours and go from there.

If you think you don't need to worry about it, thats fine to...I am not going to argue with someone or waste my breath or energy for someone that doesn't use there mind to think for themself...thats just how I am.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Bugging out is a last resort, to be used only in a situation when it will be impossible to safely hunker down either at home or in my dorm. At present I live in an area that is fairly populated (campus of 16,000+) near Hartford or town of 28,000ish, near New Haven. At present I will be complete boned if I stay put so Bugging out is the most logical choice right now. I'm pretty much boned either way but if I bug out I can probably avoid riots and other seriously bad situations. If I was in a better area i would probably not bug out, but then bugging out is a plan of last resort.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Also worth pointing out that the best time to bug out is either before everyone else (good luck) or to wait until the majority is gone if you need to use a route that could have paniced people on it.
edit on 3-4-2011 by JDBlack because: changes

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:16 PM
Possible reasons for fleeing are a numerous as stars in the sky.

The real question one should ask of themselves is, "if occasion requires, am I prepared to bug out in a timely manner with sufficient means to support me and mine for possibly weeks?"

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Here is why you don't want to buggout unless you really need to. This video is a test run buggout.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:39 PM
Even though I didn't move here for that reason, I think I'm in one of those places where I can see almost no reason to bug out. No rivers big enough to flood us out, not enough forest for a forest fire, no chance of tsunami, no earthquakes(not much to fall over if there was one) and no hurricane. Winters are harsh, but beyond that I think I'll stay put,come what may. If things get really bad here, I can only imagine they'll be worse most everywhere else.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I have to agree with OP, but better safe then sorry.

I keep whats more of a Bug out Box, which is a rough tote, filled with all my needs, so i guess its not really for bugging out, more like a shtf box.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by xxclaro

Every situation is different: you adapt your actions to the situation.

Just because some of us have BOBs doesn't mean no matter what happens we are heading for the door, lol. It's just a tool that might be needed, or not. Again it depends on the situation.

Some things that might warrant bugging out: a radiation release, an outbreak of disease, civil unrest, or extreme government actions such as martial law.

The bag is just another tool that preserves your response options.

It's also good to keep the BOB in your car if you travel any distance regularly; there is no guarantee you'll be at home if or when the SHTF.

SHTF can also mean going off the road in a snowstorm on your way home; that food and water and those space blankets in the BOB might mean the difference between getting home when the weather clears or getting toe-tagged.

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 12:07 AM
There is an elaborate cave for sale in Missouri for $2million. Self sufficient with power and water. If I were to bug out this would be ideal. Unfortunately, this is out of my realm of possibilities. I live in a city with 100,000 pop., with population within 60 miles of perhaps at max 300,000. I have thought about this alot. If civil unrest begins from cuts in welfare, food stamps, SSI, and other Govt' programs, I believe that the cities will become a violent, hell-hole to live in. Alot of people I have talked to have plans to bug-out to the mountains of Arkansas. These places could become cities with a population of 100,000 people without the city services, everyone is so dependent on. I have stockpiled long term food, ammo, and other supplies. I think I would take my chances in the city as long as I could, and then perhaps leave for a country place. There will be alot of repo houses or farms. I am engaged in finding like-folk, with the same plans and interests. Only time will tell...........

posted on Jun, 18 2011 @ 04:56 PM
If there was a flood I would leave, if there was a nuclear accident, I might leave...depends on exact location of it, winds ect.
Martial Law, and I might leave, riots, might leave.
Economic crash, I'd stay for awhile...
anything else...depends on situation.

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