the benefits of diverity???
I don't think that is it.....
our big thing is Destiny!!!
this is the latest story about it.
Secrecy cloaks meeting on mall
Invitations to Destiny USA session ask guests to sign confidentiality form
if I were to take what the news is saying seriously, I would be wondering if the big secret isn't---
"Hey, shhh, don't tell anyone, but the state will be declaring bankruptcy soon. and as soon as they reorganized, we're the first in line for the
alot of us would rather not have our taxes raised any higher, thank you...
New York's Legislature ranks as most dysfunctional nationwide
"This report clearly shows that New York state has a system of legislative rules that are fundamentally unfair," said Blair Horner of the New York
Public Interest Group, one of the many groups calling for change in Albany. "These rules are just a reflection of the mess we have at the state
The study said that legislative committees in New York do little real work, have few hearings on bills and release few reports to help members make
voting decisions. It also noted New York has more restrictions on putting a measure to a full house vote than in any other state.
Republican Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno is the only legislative leader in the country who can unilaterally suspend action on bills listed in
the Senate calendar. Both Bruno and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, a Democrat, are among just a handful of legislative leaders nationwide who can
determine the order of bills to be considered."
the problem is the way it is run....
"In other words, the speaker and majority leader are able to prevent any bill from reaching the floors of their respective chambers without the
certainty of passage, and presumably, without their support," the study's authors wrote.
in other representative's ability to represent me is diminished considerably.
if the state's funds are so low that they can't seem to meet their obligation on the medicaid bill, or fund the schools, or heck, pay the overtime
necessary to have the roads paved adequately in the winter....well, umm... to me....they can't afford the convention center, or Destiny...or any
golf courses, malls, ect, ect, that they find more worth than these things.
I wish my county would just send them an IOU for the medicaid really...
the system is unconstitutional anyways.