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Stupid Soldiers as Agent Provocateurs

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posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:19 PM
Troops are now DUMBER, more recreationally DRUGGED, more CRIMINAL, more FELONIOUS, more likely TEENS, more likely ASTHMATIC (which is linked to psychiatric disorders), more likely MENTALLY unstable, more likely dependant upon PSYCHATRIC MEDS, and more likely not US CITIZENS than they used to be; especially since 2000.

Those are the facts.

Almost 12% of U.S. Army recruits required waivers for criminal

Marine Corps let 861 convicted felons join

This basically lowers the IQ standards for recruits

subterfuge has been employed to guide teens toward recruiter offices

Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) was introduced in February 2009, to recruit non-citizens

4.1 percent of new recruits last year were Cat IVs [0th to 30th percentile on the aptitude tests]

Special Army medical units designed to heal wounded heroes today brim with criminals, drug addicts, malingerers and mentally and physically broken soldiers who brought their ailments to boot camp, according to internal Pentagon

The number of soldiers seeking help for substance abuse has climbed 25% in the past five years

America's Medicated Army

Now most of these articles are not "new" news, they range from 2005 to present. However this is my contention: The US army has not changed its standards to boost recruitment levels. They have done so to deliberately water down the quality of the average soldier knowing full well that there will be more accidents, more civilian casualties, and more outrage. Why? To provoke the enemy. Why? Because where there is a perpetual enemy, there is perpetual PROFIT for the Military-Industrial-Complex.

Care to discuss?

Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Thanks for the post. I agree with you and your facts.
If this is our military standard it makes one wonder about Black Water (and other hired militia] employees.

edit on 29-3-2011 by windword because: puntuation

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:35 PM
Well, just one thing to keep in mind: The British Navy used to employ the so-called "Press Gangs" to recurit its sailors in the 18th and 19th centuries. Their activity generally involved trawling the gin distilleries and dubious drinkeries of poverty-stricken Dickensian London and sweeping up the people who had passed out on the dirt floors. When they awoke, they were already at sea, having "signed up" while dead drunk and carried on board. Just a reminder that recruiting standards haven't always been tip-top in other times and places, either.

edit on 3/29/11 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Well if they had smart people in the military they probably would of refused to invade Iraq.
They want the people who think they are "macho" stupidity and "hardcore" because most of them are easier to convince.
Hang around with street criminals and crack headed thugs and youll see what i mean. They can be stupid as # and so emotional. Its mostly about proving that your the best by doing violent stupidity. I imagine these are some of the people they love to recruit in the military.
Because if they were foolish enough to join a street Gang, dont you think its easier to convince them to join the military and use them as puppies?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:20 PM
As the mother of a US Army soldier currently stationed in Afghanistan, my initial reaction to the OP was boiling fury, yet calm has prevailed so that I can look objectively at these facts presented. I'll not dispute the validity of any of them, tho I do feel that as presented, there is room for misinterpretation, either intentional or not.

... required when an Army applicant has been found guilty of committing four or more minor offenses such as littering or disorderly conduct - or two to four misdemeanors such as larcency, trespassing, or vandalism.

Applicants who have committed a single felony such as arson, burglary, aggravated assault, breaking and entering, or marijuana possession must also receive a moral waiver to join. Applicants with more than one felony - or with a single conviction for a more serious crime such as homicide, sexual violence, or drug trafficking - are not eligible.


The inference of the OP is that ALL US troops meet these dismal standards. My son did graduate high school. He is literate. He has never had any brush with the law, much less a criminal record that requires a "moral waiver". He has never abused any illegal substances that I or any other family & friends are aware of. He does not drink, & God willing, he will come home to those that love, honor & respect him whole in mind & body.

Please do not sit in the comfort of your personal space & denigrate the US personnel that deal with the unwholesome nastiness which we in our insular little boxes choose not to dirty our hands with. While the recruiting methods, practices, critieria, etc. are not the best & certainly do not garner recruits from the cream of the crop, I don't exactly see the cream of the crop lining up to enlist either. Rather they're heading off to an Ivy League college having gotten in based on family money & when their education is complete, they'll likely be joining the ranks of the corporate complex which IMHO is the source of the largest share of ills we face today, & thus the system is perpetuated.

Do not decry how deplorable the troops are unless we are willing to take up the arms & stand in their place.


posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by ladyjem

Well Said, I love how some people trash our military, yet BECAUSE of our military, they can sit there and spew their vileness, remember that
Star for you Lady, and I'll send some good vibes to your son, I'm an Army Veteran as well, that graduated with an HONORS DIPLOMA from High School, and got my AAS in EMS while IN the Army....

OP, you really need to take into consideration, youre talking about MAYBE 1% of the troops recruited

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 06:27 PM
WTF? Are you living in the fifties?
The US army is getting further degraded by the day.
If i were you i would be worried my son has gotten into heroin or worse in afghanistan, (the country we invaded that never attacked the USA? Never threatened to harm the USA?
These boys are working for the corporatocracy, not the US goverment.
It is these corporations which call the tune now.
There is no reason to expect your son to come home unchanged as he will have been witness to all kinds of traumatising murder over there.
I hope they simply bring em all home where they belong.
We have no business telling the world how to live.Or forcing them to live like we do.
Your son is being used by the corporations to further their power agenda.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC

OP, you really need to take into consideration, youre talking about MAYBE 1% of the troops recruited

Then why are 4.1% from the "10-30th ASVAB percentile"?

Why do 12% require morality waivers?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

The US army has not changed its standards to boost recruitment levels. They have done so to deliberately water down the quality of the average soldier knowing full well that there will be more accidents, more civilian casualties, and more outrage. Why? To provoke the enemy. Why? ...

I answered that in my thread: Napolitano sets stage for False Flag Terrorist Attack

They are preparing a False flag to scare the public into accepting an even nastier and permanent version of the Patriot Act or as a start for WWIII which the USA will lose. If you have any doubts that the US government would allow its own people to be killed, here are the historical facts showing that they have done so before and in exactly the same way. Days of Infamy and The War on Terrorism

The formula, as shown in those articles is:
The first stage is to aggravate, literally to goad them until they had no choice but to strike back (sound familiar?)

The second prong of the strategy is to insulate. Keep the victims (that's us) from getting the information needed to protect themselves.

The third and final stage is to Facilitate the attack:make it easy by offering no opposition.

Here is the reality on the border:

Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border - September 24, 2009
Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border....

....the Obama administration on May 7 said the Border Patrol “plans to move several hundred Agents from the Southwest Border...

Homeland UNsecurity removed hundreds of border patrol agents from the Mexican Border, derailed the border fence authorized by Congress in 2006 and then cancels the Border Fence Project in January of this year. Ms. Napolitano justified to lawmakers a 30 percent budget reduction for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. (March 17, 2010) Finally in June and July of this year three of the four border states are losing their National Guard troops Worse while Minuteman civilian patrols are keeping an eye out for illegal border crossers, the U.S. Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for Minutemen -- and telling the CORRUPT Mexican government where they are!

Opening the borders wide to "invite attack" as the government did at Pearl Harbor in 1941, is the only explanation for this insanity.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by ladyjem
As the mother of a US Army soldier currently stationed in Afghanistan, my initial reaction to the OP was boiling fury, yet calm has prevailed so that I can look objectively at these facts presented. I'll not dispute the validity of any of them, tho I do feel that as presented, there is room for misinterpretation, either intentional or not.
The inference of the OP is that ALL US troops meet these dismal standards.

Ma'am... you're so quick to get personal and defensive you're missing the point. Most US service men and women are probably upright citizens, I do not argue that. Your son is probably a prize example.

Let me make clear the interpretation I was attempting to present:

As a whole, on average, the military is Stupider (less morally wise) than it used to be. The filters, that used to be in place, to see to it that our military was ranked with honourable men are no longer in place. I am claiming that these filters have been removed with the direct intention of placing dishonourable men on the front line who are PRONE to making dishonourable decisions. Men who inadvertently become agent provocateurs through their own inherent moral shortcomings.

These provocations lead to a growing counter insurgency and legitimise resistance. The increased resistance creates increased need for military action, which fuels the military-industrial-complex furnace.

Do you follow?

Take Cpl. Jeremy Morlock, presented this week by Rolling Stone, being a drug addict and having a criminal record... he would not have qualified for the military in the past... now he's on the front line running over children with Hummers for fun and collecting their fingers as trophies.

I claim Morlock, and many others like Morlock are there for a reason, and that reason is planned, conspiratorial, and nefarious.

Sri Oracle
edit on 29-3-2011 by Sri Oracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Troops are now DUMBER, more recreationally DRUGGED, more CRIMINAL, more FELONIOUS, more likely TEENS, more likely ASTHMATIC (which is linked to psychiatric disorders), more likely MENTALLY unstable, more likely dependant upon PSYCHATRIC MEDS, and more likely not US CITIZENS than they used to be....

YOU mean they are WORSE???? Tey were already scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

My EX was a basic training officer in the mid-seventies right after 'Nam, The recruiter would sit next to the judge and the convicted were offered two years or more in prison or "volunteering " for the Army.

I have never seen such a sorry bunch of humans. I am female and I am sure I could have wiped the ground with most of those new recruits without a problem. Undersized, scrawny and pathetic does not even begin to describe them. That was 1975 - 1977.

How the heck can they be WORSE

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:25 PM
Well, at least those soldiers of which you speak will have a chance to remove themselves from possibly damaging Homeland environments and have and honest opportunity to better themselves and serve their country and countrymen.

Who knows, they may even come home and improve their neighborhoods and communities with their newfound strength and skills.

You never know.

I mean, it's not like what made them criminals/illiterates/etc... was the MILITARY ITSELF.

Sounds to me more like a societal issue at this point.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:36 PM
I know a former agent provocateur who served in northern ireland during the troubles. He has a 169 iq, can speak several languages, and is so far from your op that its unreal. Keep the missinfo flowing. Someone may believe you x

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:44 PM

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ladyjem
As the mother of a US Army soldier currently stationed in Afghanistan, my initial reaction to the OP was boiling fury, yet calm has prevailed so that I can look objectively at these facts presented. I'll not dispute the validity of any of them, tho I do feel that as presented, there is room for misinterpretation, either intentional or not.

... required when an Army applicant has been found guilty of committing four or more minor offenses such as littering or disorderly conduct - or two to four misdemeanors such as larcency, trespassing, or vandalism.

Applicants who have committed a single felony such as arson, burglary, aggravated assault, breaking and entering, or marijuana possession must also receive a moral waiver to join. Applicants with more than one felony - or with a single conviction for a more serious crime such as homicide, sexual violence, or drug trafficking - are not eligible.


The inference of the OP is that ALL US troops meet these dismal standards. My son did graduate high school. He is literate. He has never had any brush with the law, much less a criminal record that requires a "moral waiver". He has never abused any illegal substances that I or any other family & friends are aware of. He does not drink, & God willing, he will come home to those that love, honor & respect him whole in mind & body.

Please do not sit in the comfort of your personal space & denigrate the US personnel that deal with the unwholesome nastiness which we in our insular little boxes choose not to dirty our hands with. While the recruiting methods, practices, critieria, etc. are not the best & certainly do not garner recruits from the cream of the crop, I don't exactly see the cream of the crop lining up to enlist either. Rather they're heading off to an Ivy League college having gotten in based on family money & when their education is complete, they'll likely be joining the ranks of the corporate complex which IMHO is the source of the largest share of ills we face today, & thus the system is perpetuated.

Do not decry how deplorable the troops are unless we are willing to take up the arms & stand in their place.


Yes my sister speaks truth, and if I might add to the op, if it were not for the military you may become a trophy for our enemy, and if your beliefs are based on the actions of the few soilders that we just heard about in recently, remember that stereo typing people will always jump up and bite you on the arse

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:56 PM
I think anyone running any kind of military organization would tell you they would rather have smart people than a bunch of violent lugheads, for a number of different reasons.

I'm also going to add as an aside that most of the best people I've personally known in life have had something to do with the military at some point in their lives.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:56 PM
marking this so I can find these links again. thanks for posting them

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by kaskad
Wow, you people are something..
It's alright thu. I do what I do because I like doing it, and on top of that I get paid.
Can't say about the rest of the people, but I, myself don't give a rat's arse what you sleaze, little sobs have to say about me and/or my job (which you have no fu****g idea about).
Gonna go get into my hmmwv and ran over some kids now...

what is he going on about? or did i miss something?

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by alaskan

edit on 29-3-2011 by infojunkie2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by infojunkie2

Originally posted by kaskad
Wow, you people are something..
It's alright thu. I do what I do because I like doing it, and on top of that I get paid.
Can't say about the rest of the people, but I, myself don't give a rat's arse what you sleaze, little sobs have to say about me and/or my job (which you have no fu****g idea about).
Gonna go get into my hmmwv and ran over some kids now...

what is he going on about? or did i miss something?

I'm just pissed off about some of you damn hippie people talking trash.
My anger problem got a hold of me there.

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