Excellent point, i never even considered something like that until i read your post. It does seem lately that alot of threads are turning into mega
threads. I vote for a back to top button too.
Yeah when I first wrote this I really didn't notice the ^^top^^ button on threads, but it is not on the Recent Posts, and thats where it gets crazy.
I scroll to see all the recent threads, get to the end and then have to re-scroll all the way back up to the top.
If we can have the same button but on the "Recent Posts", sorry thats what I meant
This may sound really obvious once you hear it but try pressing the HOME key on your keyboard. What do you know a built in back to the top button. ATS
is thinking way ahead.
Seriously I had NO idea about the home button. I tried it a couple of times, and even though its less convenient then having an actual button that I
can use with the mouse, its wayyyyyyy better than scrolling
Peace, NRE.
BTW, I really didn't know, I had to actually look for the home button on my laptop
I would much rather have a "Go to first unread post" button, would make coming back to threads so much easier than going through loads of previously
read posts to see where you were up to
I've complained about this a dozen times. I have never received even an acknowledgement that admin is aware of the issue, as far as I remember.
Hopefully your post will get better results.
There *is* a Top button, it just doesn't work, at least with Firefox. So in effect, it doesn't work. 'Home' button works. But that is a different