Originally posted by The Sword
reply to post by redhorse
What point are you trying to make?
Your response is exactly what people are talking about in this thread!
Really? How so?
Wait, before you answer that please read the rest.
I'm usually pretty polite, but this growing tendency I see for people to attempt to police the site, and so-forge-it-in-their-own-image is getting
I think the moderators do a remarkable job of toeing that line between freedom of expression, and weeding out hoaxes , keeping things on topic, making
sure things are somewhat civil, while still allowing for creative discussion.
You actually are perfectly illustrating MY point. So, (based on one post that you disagree with) I am now categorized in your mind as one of those
loose no-accounts that you think should be clamped down on and only allowed to manifest certain opinions, (just the "right" ones, said in the
"right" way mind you) because it is muddying up this place and therefor making it unworthy of you superior intellectual skillz; and I think that
you are (likely) far too interested in controlling others for the sake of your own ego. So we have different approaches, and goals. So what?
The difference that is making me angry is that I'm not trying to raise the hew and cry and create a social atmosphere so that you cannot express an
opinion. I think you should be allowed to speak as it were, and this idea that only certain opinions should (dangerous word there) be allowed to be
expressed as defined by a minority is gaining steam. If this vision becomes manifest on ATS, I will no longer be here, and I think I would not be the
only one.
To repeat, it's a very tricky thing to maintain civil, intellectual discourse and still allow for differing opinions. This site does a remarkable
job at that already, which makes me think that most people in support of this proposed gestapo-esque crack down aren't really all that interested in
discussion unless it agrees with them.
Also at the end of the day, there is a structure in place to oversee content. They are called moderators. You are not one. I would probably leave
if you were. So there is a goal for you to work toward I suppose. On the other hand if you don't like the way the content is policed you could head
somewhere else, or better yet, start your own site where only the (in your opinion) intellectual cream *cough* (those who think like you) are even
allowed to have a say.
I must also say (and usual disclaimer... this is just my opinion) that I find the vehemence of the rebuttals to my response to be far shorter in
content and far longer in pointless vitriol than my own contribution. I don't shy away from snarky, but at least there is some meat in there.
Best example:
Scope and a Beam
For god sake grow up.
Short, ad hominem attack, with no content, and contributed to the discussion about as much as a fart to a tornado... and yet, it's still here.
Great. He is entitled to his opinion, but funny thing... All of you calling for more decorum and civility didn't call him on it. Not. One. Word.
Which I find interesting. The only reason I bring that up is because it lends credence to my theory that this is more about ego validation for a
self-righteous few than actual civil discussion. It's okay indulge in attacks, but only for (those that think the "right" way) and to (those that
disagree) certain people, and everyone else must agree, shut up or maybe... possibly... be allowed to express a differing opinion if it is done so
with the appropriate humble demeanor. Although I doubt that last one. I've seen how that goes with this sort of mentality, and it's usually "with
us or against us", and even the most minor nay-sayer gets blasted.
But he can say it. I personally don't see anything so wrong with that statement that it should be scratched. Like I said, we all need to separate
the wheat from the chaff. We will all sooner or later react, and pop off and say something that has all the intellectual voracity and focus of a
kitten in a feather-plucking shed. Folks is folks. What is being proposed here won't allow for that, and in those types of environments you don't
get actual thought, you get conformity to the dominant ones on the pecking order and intellectual stagnation.