posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 07:05 PM
From where I am sitting, and that posistion is one of an increasingly sceptical nature with regards to ATS and what exactly its purpose and intentions
are, I have to say I am completely fed up with threads that are started along these lines -
Title/Subject that bears no relation whatsoever with the content of the post.
Short paragraph of text along these lines -
"I think this, I thought of this while eating waffles over breakfast, I have nothing to back it up with, I didnt even bother thinking about it to
much, please give me stars, because thats kinda cool, thx"
Then we get a Youtube Vid, not even a YouTube Vid done by the thread poster, just some random crap that was found by accident, this is then given as
proof of whatever nonsense was thought up in the previous paragraph.
Then we get this -
"What do think guys ?, have you seen this, omg wow this blows everything wide open, oooh and dont forget to star me, needz me stars"
Now, I am fully aware that I am new boy, but this whole trend of just posting random Youtube crap is complete spherical danglers.
Above Top Secret, did I get that right ?, or did my ability to read fail me ?
90% of the stuff on here is not even above drunken bar room waffling, with a random YouTube video thrown in to promote someones
WTF, yeah go on, change it to