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Sketched this last night....

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by el1jah

I love this picture you drew! Very nice!

I used to draw and write a lot when I was younger. Motherhood came along and as it turns out my daughter is a picasso herself.
Genetics maybe. Don't give it up. When I see posts like this, I really miss it. You have an awesome gift. Keep using it, and you may be surprised where it takes you!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Darkfallen

I cant wait to see your comic, it sounds like you are having a lot of fun with it, how long have you been working on it.

I like your interpretations of the sketch,you might feel this too, when I am creating, and the flow is happening, the meanings are being expressed visually, so I have to work out an analysis of the work later, trying to understand the meaning with reason rather than intuition I guess. I dont really understand my work fully, even when its completed, art for me just kind of happens, its always been that way I hate planning anything or running with a single idea thats why I have so few paintings.

In question of duality, I belive it relates to the heart because the heart is where our desires come from, when we are eager, or anticipating something, it is the heart, when we are dissappointed, the heart feels it, but ``happy and sad`` are relative, misleading, and ultimately not `true`.

but.... interpretations are relative too so its great haha

reply to post by Stewie

:werd: yeah, peeps are awesome and I love the opinions, such as the king ich or whatever lol imagine I made the painting 8 feet by 4 and there is that crown from one of the most popular videogames!

really...a lot of the reason for posting is to fuel the ego to create more, I have been in a creative drought for some 2 years so this is great

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by abloke

thats a cool tattoo, I revere people who can put art on skin. for starters, drawing on a body must be a hard interaction, and two, having to create and then let your work walk away- I hate letting work go. I dont really make money with my work, I dont try to though, until recently I had an ok job, trying to get back to my roots since art is really easy for me, I found I didnt have anything to express... so it was like, whats the point. But i have been studying some spirtual things and some ``conspiracy`` for a few years and now I have a subject matter, so I am getting to it.

reply to post by Holly N.R.A.

awesome, you created life, its pretty cool for your girl to have a mother who is an artist, I was always jealous of kids with badass parents (I love my parents, they just dont get art at alll).

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:29 PM
Keep fueling the fire brother! It only leads to wanting to create more and more! Its an amazing feeling once you embrace it.

I worked for a collection agency. Yeah...i was THAT guy haha. Anyway, i would always doodle while the phone was ringing and eventually i met a friend through the job that absolutely loved conspiracies as much as i, and he recommended a pale white horse to me by william cooper. If you havnt heard of him or read the book, i recomend you do a little digging

So my doodling eventually led to wanting to create a visual representation of the conspiracies we all read about here at ATS. When this idea came to me, i would create an entire page a day at work. Full, detailed panels, the whole shot. But i didnt plan it...i just sort of created each page as i went along and at the end of my shift, i would get all giddy to show my buddy and the others around my cubicle. It was created all very simplistic with the intention of just occupying my "free" time at work. As i progressed, i got more and more ideas but i didnt impliment them. I didnt plan. Within 2 weeks i had finished 13 pages and a cubicle filled with drawings.

Eventually i quit because like every other job in this world, the bosses make the rules, and they fired my buddy. I went to the vp and told him how i felt about the company and the way it was run and left...

I never touched that comic again until i got another collections job, where i began doodling again. The only time i EVER did any kind of drawing was at work...sad to say...but after putting it on the back burner for so long, i decided to upload it to my computer and color it. This process begin a few weeks before christmas of this past year. I ended up only completing 1 page by christmas time because i had become so anal in wanting to perfect it and felt the need to change this and that, which led to a lot of frustration.

I gave out my comic to my gfs father (just a cleaned up version of my original drawings) and he absolutely loved it. I showed him the colored page and he was awe struck...i have been working on it since then but am proud to say i am only a night away from completion!! The entire process took so long, and i found many errors in my process along the way BUT, by the end of it, i know now i can achieve the same results that had taken me 6 months plus to achieve, in a matter of a few weeks.

It fueled my fire. My perfectionism allowed me to engage the entire process by doing it the hard way. I worked harder and harder, became frustrated every night....but the end result has driven me to find amazing potential within myself that i knew existed, but could never truely apply. Taking the hard way allowed me to learn the errors of my ways, and im so happy because of that!!

I apologize for the long post, but as an artist yourself im sure you know how excited one gets when sharing his work and process with another.

Look forward to, "Cover Up". Written, illustrated, and colored by DarkfallenX. To be released...ohhhh, just because it seems to be the perfect day for a release, April 1st. Haha.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM
Loren Ries has also rejected the commercial side of her art i dont think she tattoos anymore??? and it seems there is a huge awakening of artistic folks who r sick of the fluff and want to express just what they see. I will for one surely be watching your work

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Darkfallen

:bowdown: Thats awesome, I cant wait to see the final product, and yeah the feeling is crazy when you get the creative energy going again, I feel like an adolescent haha. And the creative process and sharing with others is I think necessary, helps you believe that you are capable of making it a worthy part of your life. I am surprised you didnt get fired for drawing at work! I used to draw at school only, I am so comfortable with lines on the paper I actually prefer it over blank paper....but obviously you cant sell an art piece on lined paper, if by any chance I dive into this as a career.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by abloke

Yeah, i had made a thread about a week ago, and a few other artists described a sudden awakening in their desire to create. Doing it for money has always been an aversion for me and many other, I had done a few galleries in my teen years and I hadnt even been formally taught, I regret it now, but I had a ton of potential to make a career out of it, though nothing but `sexuality`to express in my work ...typical for a 17 year old lol.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by el1jah

HA! well you know if you have never been formally trained thats a good eye you have there my friend. Funny Loren Ries dropped out of school at 15 and she says that her composition just comes from being still enough to pick up on "the grid" she reckons there something like ley lines or something idk.Like you have a natural understanding of fibonacci lines or something? Your depth is spot on!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:26 PM
did a wash with some water and ink

reply to post by abloke

whats `the grid` ?

I am pretty good at thinking in 3dimensions but I have had a lot of practice thats all, its like people who are great at instruments, they can compose music, know what is right and wrong musically, even pick up random instruments and jam....without following rules, but being in touch with.. SOMETHING!
edit on 28-3-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:57 PM
I was hoping you would tell me mate! LOL The reason I asked is that the other day I saw these bible pictures and they were nothing like what I expected I think she draws them with pencil? but it was the depth and same feeling was evoked with your and her art and now I find your both not trained have something to say and have eeerily similar messages but bizarrely different perspectives. I was thinking she is talking about some kind of sacred geometry?? like how you "Know" your depth? Anyway Dude I'm not an artist I'm a veteran what do I know. have a good day

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by el1jah

Looks great man! keep up the good work.. If you put that up on deviant art, I would seriously consider ordering a print..

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by abloke

I am glad you like my sketches. yeah I dont know what makes my mind tick lol but its cool you dig art

reply to post by TechVampyre

I will put up a completed copy once its painted, plus all the sketches leading up to it- I have to make sure I photograph them better too since I saved all the pics over the original high quality ones

edit on 30-3-2011 by el1jah because: (no reason given)

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