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China leads Death penalty and executions in 2010.

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:37 AM
China executed more prisoners than any other country in 2010. Is this how a country becomes a superpower? By supressing and silencing their political prisoners? or is it just a side effect of housing the world's largest population? How many of them are unofficially silenced apart from the Amnesty reports? I see comedians and talk show hosts in the US and several other countries around the world expressing political opinions openly with a touch of humor or criticism in addition to other media personalities. Will China ever allow its citizens to express their political view points without supressing them?

A total of 31 countries abolished the death penalty in law or in practice during the last 10 years but China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the USA and Yemen remain amongst the most frequent executioners, some in direct contradiction of international human rights law.



I would like the readers thoughts as a general discussion.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:52 AM
population control if u kill all the people that are against u and dont make a fuss about it then ur left with supporters until they to awaken to the fact ther life cant be dictated and taken from u by anyman judge civilian army or other
people wonder why thers so much unrest the big older brothers should be setting an example to the little brothers in the middle east
watch stargate sg-1 they are stuck a hundred years in the past and hav been told from birth if they disgrace or speak ill of sumone that was biological in principal then that is brainwashing and ALLAH new this probably
chuckled to himself wen they believed him think damn that was easy
ALLAH - " now mine me gold,give me virgins and fight in my name" for no real cause but greed and power
pity those who are small minded and keep fighting for freedom

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by hp1229

China doesn't just execute political prisoners. No one under 18 and they do have a double appeal process.'s_Republic_of_China

They also have a LARGE population and their rate of execution per capita is lower than other countries. Read the article above for more info.

I believe in capital punishment.

Not to slander Amentsty Internationl, but, here is an interesting article from 2007 about AI's support of abortion rights and the the Catholic church calling to not support them (pot calling the kettle black when talking about the Catholic Church vs. Amnesty International and human rights LOL

edit on 28-3-2011 by wdkirk because: To add more information

edit on 28-3-2011 by wdkirk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Obama's killed more of his people.

Obama forced Purdue Pharma to reformulate Oxycontin and now the new formula has it's narcotic encased in a waxy substance bodies no longer absorb. He's culling the herd of all the cancer patients/severe spine damage people on Oxycontin so they die of organ failure from their pain.

China ain't got squat on killing their own people...over Obama.

Our Government has a program where they look the other way and allow Doctors and Surgeon's to use medicine and medical devices "off-label"....for unsafe and unapproved ways. Pharmacueticals are making money hand over fist...doctors and surgeons are getting kickbacks...stock holders are making dividends.....cuz the American people are expendable in the grand scheme of things if money can be made.

China ain't got SQUAT on us in killing our own. If they adopt our money making schemes they WILL become the worlds superpower. Time will tell if the Chinese end up being as evil as us in making money and really start killing their own people as we do.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Pervius

I agree. However the goal of my thread was to narrow the focus specifically to the capital punishment and executions.

I'm sure the medical industry in general uses the masses as guinea pigs without lack of testing upto a great extent in many countries. Even the pharmaceutical drugs are now tested to outsourced guinea pigs (actual humans) in India. Believe that? Poverty is rampant so the poor individual will volunteer in exchange for cash to go through questionable testing.

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