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More Black Men Now In Prison Than Were Slaves

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
Just like the first time, they have enslaved themselves. Do I like the war on drugs? NO! But to say that the white man is just trying to keep them down is ridiculous. I'm not racist but I think the black culture as a whole is bad. Can you think of one place in the entire world that is almost completely black and is safe? I can't. Are you bad just because your black? Absolutely not, I consider them equal to any other human being. But does their culture suck as a whole? Yes.

"im not racist but i think the black culture as a whole is bad."

wow. read that out loud to yourself. and the three of you that starred that. not racist either i guess.

nope just too afraid to admit it. heres your political correctness, Viking. this is what im talking about. you can mince words all night and day but an "officer of the peace" is a guy with a gun, "collateral damage" is dead humans and thinking someone's "culture sucks as a whole" is racist.

not to lump you in with this yahoo, Viking, you havent said anything racist at all. just pinning him up to clarify my thoughts on PC

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:44 AM
Well, I just had to put my 2 cents in. No doubt that most of the increase in prison population is because of the 'War on Drugs' and the minimum mandatory sentencing laws. That is the main reason our prison population is so large IMHO. Users are not traffickers and most were not left unable to get a decent job until the US CJS got done with them and their Felony conviction for say having One (1) pain pill out of the prescription bottle or whatever else felony they manage to get a person to plea to to get out of pre-trial holding ends up leaving them a Convicted Felon. That in itself makes it very difficult to get any decent type of employment which is required to live in our society. They aren't able to go claim 10 acres out in the millions upon millions of acres of Federal Land and build a home out of timber and grow food and hunt any longer, so 'gainful' (key word) employment is almost impossible for them. Coming out of a term of incarceration usually dumps the person out broke, no car, place to live, etc. unless they have a family that cares and can help them for extended periods of time.

The above facts coupled with the growing privatization of the prison industry, and right now attempted privatization of law enforcement divisions, make arrests and convictions NECESSARY for the government machine to run. That's right NECESSARY. You have to build prisons, pay judges, lawers (both sides), police, both enforcement and corrections, etc. If they did away with the war on drugs, and legalized it, the "System" would soon be in serious financial trouble. This is a MONEY MAKING INDUSTRY, like it or not besides a correctional and crime prevention necessity. However, violent crime, white collar crime, etc wouldn't support the system. Privatization should scare everyone. Now there is a HUMAN QUOTA on the Corporate board that influences the bottom dollar. Not manufacturing, sales, etc., but 'man years of incarceration' that drives the private prison industry. And we know what happens when corporations get involved in government. These same Private Prisons will be paying labor rates far less than even China or some of the worst abusers to inmates doing work for said corporations. And don't think that isn't a focus on the down the line.

But, as to the OP and this subject I got swayed off on. Blacks making up the largest prison population. It has multiple reasons from 'Thug Life" and gangstas, making it seem like a badge of honor. The only badge they get is that they have to be in crime 9 times out of 10 because otherwise they can't make money to support themselves, much less their families. And more and more crime in low income neighborhoods is drug sales or 'hustling' to make some money to feed themselves and their families. Sure some use it for drug use, but not as much as you think. And the War on Drugs inevitably targets the low income neighborhoods making the problem self perpetuating. Sell drugs, get poped and convicted on a felony. Now, get out and if you can get a job being a felon it will be minimum wage hard labor usually. That isn't going to work long as anyone who makes minimum wage knows how hard it is to live on that wage. The problem will not ever get better with corporate America runing prisons and lobbying lawmakers to pass stricter sentences, like minimum mandatories for more crimes and make more laws that can get a person a felony conviction. It wasn't until 2000 that I saw a guy get 3 years in Florida State Prison for driving on a suspended license, H.O. of course (Habutual Offender) that I realized these laws and the punishments are getting harder and harder on the typical citizen. And I am not going to get into the South as I was born and raised here, but I have seen first hand the abuses of letting the good ol boys walk out the door and go home while a Black man in the same crime got 6 life terms plus 140 years. It's good to be connected for some people and that isn't going to change until the newer younger cops take over and the old school guys retire.

And this is a special community notice for this post. I am not going to post pictures, records, news stories, etc for your lazy #$$'s because you don't want to do the simple work of searching records and media sources readily available in almost every county and state out there. I have seen it personally and have no desire drawing attention to myself now or in the future. I have given no details, names, organizations, etc for a simple reason that anyone that has been involved in same can tell you. The trouble is most definately not worth it.
edit on 28/3/11 by spirit_horse because: Lots of typos!!! Spell Checker would be nice on here!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by iNTERPLANETARyR.O.M.E.O.
The culture not necessarily every individual.

definition of racism-The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

When I clearly stated-"Are you bad just because your black? Absolutely not, I consider them equal to any other human being." The culture which they grow up in is bad. Their culture is bad not, not that their black.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Yes!! hip hop is the problem! not the lack of parenting not the poverty its Hip Hop!

I mean just listen to the horrible lyrics in this song!!

edit on 28-3-2011 by Cib2010 because: x2

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by spirit_horse
Well, I just had to put my 2 cents in. No doubt that most of the increase in prison population is because of the 'War on Drugs' and the minimum mandatory sentencing laws. That is the main reason our prison population is so large IMHO. Users are not traffickers and most were not left unable to get a decent job until the US CJS got done with them and their Felony conviction for say having One (1) pain pill out of the prescription bottle or whatever else felony they manage to get a person to plea to to get out of pre-trial holding ends up leaving them a Convicted Felon. That in itself makes it very difficult to get any decent type of employment which is required to live in our society. They aren't able to go claim 10 acres out in the millions upon millions of acres of Federal Land and build a home out of timber and grow food and hunt any longer, so 'gainful' (key word) employment is almost impossible for them. Coming out of a term of incarceration usually dumps the person out broke, no car, place to live, etc. inless they have a family that cares and can help them for extended periods of time.

The above facts coupled with the growing privatization of the prison industry, and right now attempented privatization of law enforcement divisions, make arrests and convictions NECESSARY for the government machine to run. That's right NECESSARY. You have to build prisons, pay judges, lawers (both sides), police, both enforcement and corrections, etc. If the did away with the war on drugs, and legalized it, the "System" would soon be in serious financial trouble. This is a MONEY MAKING INDUSTRY, like it or not besides a correctional and crime prevention necessity. However, violent crime, white collar crime, etc wouldn't support the system. Privatization should scare everyone. Now there is a HUMAN QUOTA on the Corporate board that influences the botom dollar. Not manufacturing, sales, etc., but man years of incarceration that drives the private prison industry. And we know what happens whe corporations get involved in government. These same Private Prisons will be paying labor rates far less than even China or some of the worst abusers. And don't think that isn't a focus on the down the line.

But, as to the OP and this subject I got swayed off on. Blacks making up the largest prison population. It has multiple reasons from 'Thug Life" and gangstas, making it seem like a badge of honor. The only badge they get is that they have to be in crime 9 times out of 10 because otherwise they can't make money to support themselves, much less their families. And more and more crime in low income neighborhoods is drug sales or 'hustling' to make some money to feed themselves and their families. Sure some use it for drug use, but not as much as you think. And the War on Drugs inevitably targets the low income neighborhoods making the problem self perpetuating. Sell drugs, get poped and convicted on a felony. Now, get out and if you can get a job being a felon it will be minimum wage hard labor usually. That isn't going to work long as anyone who makes minimum wage knows how hard it is to live on that wage. The problem will not ever get better with corporate America runing prisons annnnd lobbyong lawmakers to pass stricter sentences, like minimum mandatories for more crimes and make more laws that can get a person. It wasn't until 2000 that I saw a guy get 3 years in Florida State Prison for driving on a suspended license, HO of course (Habutual Offender) that I realized these laws and the punishments are getting harder and harder on the typical citizen. And I am not going to get into the South as I was born and raised here, but I have seen first hand the abuses of letting the good ol boys walk out the door and go home while a Black man in the same crime got 6 life terms plus 140 years. It's good to be connected for some people and that isn't going to change until the newer younger cops take over and the old school guys retire.

And this is a special co,,umity notice for this post. I am not going to post poctures, records, news stories, etc for your lazy #$$'s because you don't want to do the simple worl of searching records and media sources readily available in almost every county and state out there. I have seen it personally and have no desire drawing attention to myself now or in the future. I have given no details, names, organizations, etc for a simple reason that anyone that has been involved in same can tell you. The trouble is most definately not worth it.

A simple solution is a common sense one. Stop prosecuting crimes in which there are no victims. Simply put, no victim, no crime, period.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

ahh yes you guys certainly do have a little problem in the UK dont you - the british are much more susceptible to letting politeness ruin their whole society than we are here in the states, wouldn't you agree?. granted it would be easier to get into college if my race had been repressed, but not as bad as it is over there!

anyhoo we are talking about the US prison system and US state and federal legislation, not the current state of racial tension in merry ol' england.

now that i know where you are coming from, i will admit that hip hop has done number on you guys across the pond. i just watched a documentary on heroin use in london - rough stuff. but if you think hip hop hurt you guys, you should see the french!

again: this is the US we are talking about here. these numbers do not represent an infallible police force catching every criminal, followed by every judge handing out the perfect sentence with no mistakes. that is not humanly possible. the numbers represent a system ever-so-slightly bent at every turn to slant in one direction and not the other.

to make the claim that music and political correctness are to blame may be true in the UK, but not here in the US

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by Helious

I agree with that. Freedom was out the window long ago. I have had over 22 surgeries from being shot with a 12ga 00 mag. buck shot in the neck and chest. I have to pay big pharma every two months for meds. I should, if I was a free man, be able to grow poppys in my yard and I would have my own medicine. However, I am not free any longer. I should be able to go out to the wilderness, and there is tons of it, don't let them fool ya, and build a cabin, grow my own crops, hunt for meat if I want, and live as a free man. But, they couldn't tax you for everything so they can't allow that now. I would imagine a lot of ex state and federal prisoners would be perfectly fine if they could do the same, but in modern society they took away man's God given free rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And right now I don't see any end to it. Now they want to tax you by the mile you drive. On top of all the other taxes related to a vehicle. And to think we had a Boston Tea Party over taxing of tea by the King. The founding fathers are most disappointed in our allowing this state of affairs to develop so far that you can't hardly see your way back anymore. Wesley Snipes is sitting in Federal Prison thinking the same thing. And he was counseled to do what he did and willing to pay when the government decided to make him an example of. Meanwhile all the corrupt politicians got off scott free, besides paying the taxes, with not even 1 community service hour of penalty. But the black man got 3 years in Federal Prison!

edit on 28/3/11 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Helious

well put. i think an end to prison terms for victimless crimes would have a huge positive effect on our prison system and society as a whole

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by iNTERPLANETARyR.O.M.E.O.

Here in the UK it is practically impossible for a white male to get a job

Its practically impossible for anyone to get a job at the moment. However, it is even harder for a guy with a name like 'Mohammed' or 'Abd-ul-Rahman' than it is for a fella called 'John'.

because the government want to turn the UK into an Islamic state and politicians here have admitted it.

Not true.. The majority of MPs do not want to turn the UK into an Islamic state, that is irrational fearmongering. Why would non-Muslims want to turn the country into an Islamic state?

So if you want to turn a nation into something its not then you have to dumb down the nation and thats where political correctness comes into it and the double standards.
Nobody wishes to be branded a racist and thats why the PC state is working.

I agree, PC is working overtime but I dislike it because it assumes too much. It assumes that certain groups of people will be offended and caters to the overly-sensitive individuals inherant in each group. Moreover, it encourages separate cultures to big themselves up, as if its so brilliant to get stuck inside a cultural mentality. Though, the sentiment of respecting the differing backgrounds from which everyone stems is an honourable one.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by arollingstone

Its not impossible to get a job because jobs are being specifically made and given to immigrants.

I wish it was fearmongering but British MP's have admitted it and i suggest you look it up because it is serious stuff and the head of the EU has also said that this must be done(for their agenda).

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by Viking9019
reply to post by arollingstone

Its not impossible to get a job because jobs are being specifically made and given to immigrants.

Its not impossible for anyone to get a job, but its still extremely difficult in the current climate. This is why I used the word 'practically'

Which specific jobs? Which specific immigrants? Statistics? Perhaps it is because they are known to be willing to work for lower wages.

I wish it was fearmongering but British MP's have admitted it and i suggest you look it up because it is serious stuff and the head of the EU has also said that this must be done(for their agenda).

I've looked it up, find something called evidence that reinforces your claim that:

a) the trend of wanting to establish an Islamic state exists amongst the majority of MPs
b) trend is at risk of materialising.

Burden of proof is on you, you may suggest otherwise but this is not the case.
edit on 28-3-2011 by arollingstone because: spelling

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 05:58 AM
Gods forbid that the prison population has lots of black people in it cos they are from sh1tty estates and will always be poorer than dirt and ignored by society when it comes to giving out treats.
The culture some of you abhor is a reaction to all that.
It's exactly the same for poor white kids, how do you think Skrewdriver managed to sell records?

It's not race, its money and access to opportunity that determines who. is likely to end up in jail.
edit on 28-3-2011 by SprocketUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Viking9019

Blame the victim, eh? Demonise their culture while we're at it? Good job, Thor, symbol of White Power. VERY OBJECTIVE.

"I'm not racist, but... Black people can't get it right!!!"

Ah, now we have a trifecta of bigotry and ignorance.

Here in the UK it is practically impossible for a white male to get a job because the government want to turn the UK into an Islamic state and politicians here have admitted it.

It is practically impossible for a white male to get a job.

In England.

It is practically impossible for a white male to get a job in England.

Now I know you're just full of garbage!

It is utterly impossible to have a rational discussion about race or race issues on ATS. IMPOSSIBLE. Unless you want to be a nodding head bobbing along to all of the ignorant trashtalking that we can see in this thread and many, MANY others. I don't know what else I expected from a website full of paranoid white males Christian conservatives. I really don't know.
edit on 28-3-2011 by SmedleyBurlap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Helious

I specifically said "ex-cons of all colors." I realize this doesn't pertain only to African Americans.

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