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My Opinions of the Christians on ATS [Repost because the last one exploded??]

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posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by weareclouds
*high fives the OP cause I feel the same way as he does*

My God is a loving god. He hates the sin. But, he does not hate the sinner. Therefore, anyone can come to God and be accepted. So long as they believe with their hearts and confess with their mouths.
And repent of the sin. Do you understand that? You cannot, as hypocrites do, proclaim "Lord Lord" and continue to sin with the expectation of being saved. The Lord said he would spew you out and that he never knew you.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

I just want to say how much I appreciate you saying this
So many people it seems, who claim to be followers of Christ like to go by one or two passages/or verses and try and fit their belief into those particular passages only. We have to take into account the ENTIRE Gospel, the true meaning of Jesus' mission and all the parables and let us not forget the prophets! It is a long walk, and we are constantly reminded to "endure in the faith"

So no, the way is not "love love, I love you no matter what etc...." it is so much more than that!

Thank you again for boldly posting that sonofliberty!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Butterbone
Then good luck with that. I see how it's worked out for you guys so far, and I choose to walk a different path.

I'll pray for the rapture for you. That way we can all get what we want!!!

Haven't you heard? The Rapture only takes place after the seven year tribulation. Read the verses again, it's says nothing of the elect being caught up before, or in the middle. The one thing that is promised though is that those that have faith and believe in Christ will be protected in some way.

So you'll be down here on this earth praying with us.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by silo13

Please use the Quote or Reply so we know who and what post your referring to.


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by silo13
How about you bring us some examples of that kind of talk from Christians on ATS. I've never seen any Christian here EVER post anything like the tripe you spewed out. I've seen them condemn homosexuality (which I do not think is any of their business) and I've seen harsh words back AT them - but nothing like what you posted.

So, you've seen it? Prove it.

From there, honestly, I think you've got a 'double teaming' thread going here - failing to be as clever as you might think you are.

What does a 'double teaming' thread mean? Well, look at it. Not only are you bashing Christians, but, at the same time you're posting filthy hate about homosexuals and getting away with it because you're trying to convince us it's 'them' not you.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

edit on 28-3-2011 by silo13 because: (no reason given)

I'm sorry if you took me a little too seriously. I was exaggerating. I have a sense of humor like that. Although it isn't far from the truth. As you said, you've seen people condemn it.

I'll be replying to most of the posts that I see fit to reply to. I just got home. I'll try to engage you all equally.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Maymunah
I'm a little hesitant to post anything now that has to do with gays because apparently if you are not "for" the gays, you are filled with hate and judgement etc...

To the OP:
You talk about love, in the Christian sense, but there is a huge difference of what love is in the "Biblical" sense. I think a few posters pointed that out with Scripture.

You also alluded that we "christians" are not in the OT
Jesus came to fulfill the entire OT, so to say we are not in it, is to say that that Jesus of the Gospel is not the same Jesus you are following.

To love someone in the way Jesus did and does...Is to forsake everything (if required) to follow after him (Jesus) this means you are ready to leave even your home, families, friends, nations, all of it, to go out and do the mission given to the disciples. Ultimately, you will be hated of all for what you may do, simply because the masses are all going in one direction while you're going in another. Same applies for your stern beliefs, your beliefs, if they reflect the Word of God, are in direct opposition to the "masses" and you will be hated for it. Period.
edit on 28-3-2011 by Maymunah because: error spelling

A true Christian is not to judge others, but a Christian comes with another Christian and they together have the right to give correction in a loving and kind way to their fellow Christian brother or sister.
We are to hate the sin not the person, instead we are to pray for that person, to treat each other with love and respect. We are to even pray for our enemies that God will soften their hearts and they will know Him.
Christ came and made a new covenant with all men so that all humanity could have the chance of repentance, and salvation.
Everyone that becomes a Christian have a different calling to serve, it all depends where God calls you is where you will go or stay.
Yes, to believe in Christ is like swimming up current in a hugh river, and as you progress through the years, it will get even harder. But the Lord says to persevere, the reward that awaits you in heaven is great. So have faith and stay on that narrow road. The path to wickedness is wide, and the path to salvation is very narrow.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Maymunah
I'm a little hesitant to post anything now that has to do with gays because apparently if you are not "for" the gays, you are filled with hate and judgement etc...

To the OP:
You talk about love, in the Christian sense, but there is a huge difference of what love is in the "Biblical" sense. I think a few posters pointed that out with Scripture.

You also alluded that we "christians" are not in the OT
Jesus came to fulfill the entire OT, so to say we are not in it, is to say that that Jesus of the Gospel is not the same Jesus you are following.

For your first point I want you to re-read my OP. I didnt say you need to support gays. Go ahead condemn them all if you want. What I was trying to say is instead of greeting them with a "My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tells me that you are going to hell!" maybe greeting them with a "Hello my name is Fred. I would like to inform you of the error of your ways and I hope to help you see the loving power of God."

For your second point what I mean by it not being the OT is that in the OT God is very obviously powerful. Destroying cities and mighty armies. Inform me if Im wrong but when Jesus came God kinda calmed down a bit when it came to mass killings of cities. I believe that's because Jesus came with his message of love. But please inform me if Im wrong.

With kindness,


posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Nurv47
reply to post by drew1749

I mostly agree with you OP. I won't waste anymore words though, because they will likely fall on deaf ears and stubborn hearts.

Everyone needs to take a step back and worry about themselves for a change.

Thanks...I think. lol I should have added that I mean no disrespect. I'm not trying to make people mad. Just sharing my opinion.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776

Originally posted by weareclouds
*high fives the OP cause I feel the same way as he does*

My God is a loving god. He hates the sin. But, he does not hate the sinner. Therefore, anyone can come to God and be accepted. So long as they believe with their hearts and confess with their mouths.
And repent of the sin. Do you understand that? You cannot, as hypocrites do, proclaim "Lord Lord" and continue to sin with the expectation of being saved. The Lord said he would spew you out and that he never knew you.

I believe this is why I, as a Catholic, go to confession. The priest will then tell you what you need to do to repent and if you're forgiven. Although I'm not sure for other religions. I do feel ignorant about that. I don't know much about any other Christian faith. A slightly off topic question I have to any baptists on ATS, why don't you have confession? Or do you?

Edit: With my comment on Confession I can already see people saying things like "AND THEN YOU HAVE A FREE PASS TO DO IT AGAIN!" well that isn't true. You don't.

If you do it again after going to confession and just went to confession to get a free pass then I believe you aren't really forgiven. Now if you were to do it again after confession by mistake...then I think its okay. You just need to confess it again. lol did that make sense? I think so.
edit on 3/28/2011 by drew1749 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by drew1749

This is one of the main issues I have with catholicism. By what right does a priest give you forgiveness for sin? By what right does he set conditions on a forgiveness that our Lord offers freely? By what right does the pope assume the title "vicar of Christ", basically assuming Christs place in our hearts and lives? I am sorry, but catholics are not "Christians" imo, they are "papists" and idolaters. They worship the pope and various "saints". They worship Mary solely due to the fact that she bore the Christ child. Do you understand that Mary also needed Christs forgiveness and his blood?

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by drew1749

Originally posted by Maymunah
I'm a little hesitant to post anything now that has to do with gays because apparently if you are not "for" the gays, you are filled with hate and judgement etc...

To the OP:
You talk about love, in the Christian sense, but there is a huge difference of what love is in the "Biblical" sense. I think a few posters pointed that out with Scripture.

You also alluded that we "christians" are not in the OT
Jesus came to fulfill the entire OT, so to say we are not in it, is to say that that Jesus of the Gospel is not the same Jesus you are following.

For your first point I want you to re-read my OP. I didnt say you need to support gays. Go ahead condemn them all if you want. What I was trying to say is instead of greeting them with a "My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ tells me that you are going to hell!" maybe greeting them with a "Hello my name is Fred. I would like to inform you of the error of your ways and I hope to help you see the loving power of God."

For your second point what I mean by it not being the OT is that in the OT God is very obviously powerful. Destroying cities and mighty armies. Inform me if Im wrong but when Jesus came God kinda calmed down a bit when it came to mass killings of cities. I believe that's because Jesus came with his message of love. But please inform me if Im wrong.

With kindness,


My first comment was in reference to another topic about gays, it was like my first time posting here, with passion and I got attacked big time, so I was hesitant to post in yours. For the record though, I do not condemn homosexuality, it's a choice, some say a each their own, it's commonality these day's so most everyone knows and like or loves someone who is "gay". I feel like I have to go into complete detail explaining myself with regards to homosexuality because honestly, people really get their feathers ruffled when this word is mentioned and can take things out of context completely. So did I do a good job? Explaining? And your advice doesn't work either soon as you are in any form of opposition whatsoever in or of homosexuality, you are automatically deemed judgmental. So I don't think there is any way to approach it truthfully.

With your second comment. True He did come to "fulfill" but not obliterate or do away with the OT, that's impossible considering it's of and from One God. I don't know about you...but I am constantly reading the Gospels etc and referring back to the OT, I don't know what I would do without it, I think I'd be incomplete. Jesus, if anything, MAGNIFIED the law and prophets! For instance, with respect to adulatory, the OT is very specific that it is a sin of the flesh, but Jesus say's even looking upon another woman is considered adultery. So even thinking about someone in a "Sexual" manner is deemed a sin and adultery via Jesus...see what I mean by magnified? Much harder now, yet at the same time, easier to go to throne of God and seek the forgiveness we need with repentance.

Lastly...there is no OT God and NT God so to speak...Same God different covenants yes and broader audience of believers. Jesus came to give His followers a sense of peace, but He ultimately came to set fire on the disobedient world.

Matthew 7:12-14 (King James Version)

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it

Big blessings!

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 04:33 PM
The original thread exists in RATS.

Please direct your comments there. Unfortunately, you will require a 200 post minimum to post in that thread.

Closing this one.
edit on 28/3/11 by masqua because: Added link

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