posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 02:59 PM
Interesting thoughts, OP. Your suggestion brings to mind the disturbing 'death education' that is or has been a part of the curriculum in some US
schools, including Columbine. I've always wondered what the point or intention of such a bizarre course could be. Just a couple of weeks before the
Columbine massacre, the school itself was featured on a 20/20 special covering the controversy surrounding 'death education'. In the class, students
were assigned to write their own obituaries, write about how they wish to look in their coffin, and they took a trip to the morgue to view corpses.
Some students alleged that the course glamorized, and even encouraged suicide, leading to students suffering from depression and even suicide
attempts. Anyone spectulated on what the purpose of the morbid 'death education' is?