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uk protests turn violent again.. the trigger... the 2012 countdown clock..

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posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 08:32 AM


posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:36 AM
It’s called….. “A bunch of citizens that are backed by a group that is set out to undermine a country.”

Just like the union groups in the united states.

The labor movements in most countries have been infiltrated by subversive groups, and if they can’t obtain the change they want via normal “legal” routs, then they will turn to violence.

Like the US labor unions. If they can’t get what they want, then they are going to try to run the US into the ground in retaliation for that fact.

The country should classify it as “An invasion by a hostile force.” It doesn’t mater if they are citizens of that country, they are being led by a group that is set out to undermine that country.

It’s called “treason and subversion” for a reason people!!!!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
reply to post by stumason

I saw a lot of red & black flags (anarcho-syndicalism) in some videos of the protests. Red & black anarchists are all about the unions/working class. They were protesting the same thing as you just in a different/more direct (not more betterer) way.

And not even who waves a red & black flag is an anarchist, not in the true sense of the word. Some people just stick on a balaclava, a black hoodie and cause mayhem. With no political intention.

It's very hard to assume, when we don't know who was under those hoods.

That's all i'm saying.


I'd like to add that it's all too easy to assume that those lads were socialists. Assumptions have been known to sway us from the truth. For all we know, they 'could' be middle class thugs from conservative backgrounds, planning on disrupting the true protests and at the same time creating wonderful press photo's for the Daily Mail readers to tut at over their coffee.

Or even Government, under cover Police, or instigators or just hooligans, criminals or possibly even genuine anarchists....
edit on 27-3-2011 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 12:54 PM
you know... To be honest I don't believe a peaceful protest will ever get what we want, now im not saying violence is good but something needs to be done.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
Just putting this out there, but liberating inanimate objects (like Olympic clocks, bank windows, & a bourgeois mall) is not violence.

well said

I would also like to Add when has a peaceful protest ever gotten anything significant to change in any Gov. anywhere?

I know if someone steals from me I don't go and write them a letter saying how mad I am.

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