posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 10:24 PM
Interesting timing on this thread. About an hour ago, DH was telling me about what happened to the (long haul) driver he spent the day with yesterday.
In 1995, he and his wife were coming out of a restaurant up in Dallas area and a 16 year old kid shot him in the back as he was getting into his car.
Then the kid came closer and shot him 8 more times at close range. The kid (who is serving 60 years in prison but eligible for parole in 2027) said he
was visiting from Tulsa, OK and "wanted to impress his new friends". Both the driver and the kid are African American.
Based on crime statistics, stuff like this seems to happen most often involving minorities, but if you note the really horrific stuff; mass killings
like Columbine and Jared Loughner, all but the sniper in Virginia/ Maryland and the kid at the U of Virginia have been Anglo.
Crazy really doesn't discriminate.