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Um, several comets have had similar orbits. Are they all Planet X, suddenly?
And Elenin's basking in his newfound fame.
Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
Um, several comets have had similar orbits. Are they all Planet X, suddenly?
And Elenin's basking in his newfound fame.
which comets?edit on 21-4-2011 by thorazineshuffle because: (no reason given)
my point is this. if the comet's no threat - or not linked to something we're not being told about - why would Leonid Elenin now add to the debate? do you think he wants the traffic ?
Originally posted by nataylor
Not really. At 12:00 UTC on December 21, 2012, the Sun and Earth will be separated by by about 1° as viewed from Elenin. The smallest separation will occur around 07:00 UTC on December 26th, 2012, with a separation around 15'.
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ufoinquirer
my point is this. if the comet's no threat - or not linked to something we're not being told about - why would Leonid Elenin now add to the debate? do you think he wants the traffic ?
Did you actually bother to click on the images on the SpaceObs page? For most of the earthquakes, there was no "alignment" with the comet. He is trying to make the point that it is all coincidence.
Originally posted by ufoinquirer
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ufoinquirer
my point is this. if the comet's no threat - or not linked to something we're not being told about - why would Leonid Elenin now add to the debate? do you think he wants the traffic ?
Did you actually bother to click on the images on the SpaceObs page? For most of the earthquakes, there was no "alignment" with the comet. He is trying to make the point that it is all coincidence.
On Elenin's facebook, there is this conversation about th elink to his article he posted:
'friend': Hmmm. Wildness shizy around your comet - the subject of a separate study ...
8 hours ago · Like
Leonid Elenin The same was true about C/1995 O1, but that's why my choice on a comet ... It's a question ...
? what to make of that ?
Originally posted by digitalf
Interesting point, are you able to do the same calculations for the three dates referenced in this thread (shown below) to put any true xyz alignment theories to bed.
Feb 27, 2010 - 8.8 Chile Quake. Elenin - Earth - Sun alignment
Sep 4, 2010 - 7.2 Christchurch, New Zealand Quake. Elenin - Sun - Mercury - Earth alignment
Mar 11, 2011 - 9.0 Japan Quake. Elenin - Earth - Sun alignment
What software/website are you using to calculate the separation btw - i'd like to use it for planetary alignment models. Cheers.edit on 21-4-2011 by digitalf because: (no reason given)
On Elenin's facebook, there is this conversation about th elink to his article he posted:
'friend': Hmmm. Wildness shizy around your comet - the subject of a separate study ...
8 hours ago · Like
Leonid Elenin The same was true about C/1995 O1, but that's why my choice on a comet ... It's a question ...
? what to make of that ?
In November 1996 amateur astronomer Chuck Shramek of Houston, Texas took a CCD image of the comet, which showed a fuzzy, slightly elongated object nearby. When his computer sky-viewing program did not identify the star, Shramek called the Art Bell radio program Coast to Coast AM to announce that he had discovered a "Saturn-like object" following Hale–Bopp. UFO enthusiasts, such as remote viewing proponent Courtney Brown, soon concluded that there was an alien spacecraft following the comet.[50] Several astronomers, including Alan Hale,[51] claimed the object was simply an 8.5-magnitude star, SAO141894, which did not appear on Shramek's computer program because the user preferences were set incorrectly.[52]
Later, Art Bell even claimed to have obtained an image of the object from an anonymous astrophysicist who was about to confirm its discovery. However, astronomers Olivier Hainaut and David J. Tholen of the University of Hawaii stated that the alleged photo was an altered copy of one of their own comet images.[53]
A few months later, in March 1997, the Heaven's Gate cult chose the appearance of the comet as a signal for their mass cult suicide. They claimed they were leaving their earthly bodies to travel to the spaceship following the comet.[54]
Nancy Lieder, a self-proclaimed contactee who claims to receive messages from aliens through an implant in her brain, stated that Hale–Bopp was a fiction designed to distract the population from the coming arrival of "Nibiru" or "Planet X", a giant planet whose close passage would disrupt the Earth's rotation, causing global cataclysm.[55] Although Lieder's original date for the apocalypse, May 2003, has now passed, the imminent arrival of Nibiru is still predicted by various conspiracy websites, most of whom tie it to the 2012 phenomenon.
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by truthseekr1111
How would/does "contacting him" resolve or address all the specific problems outlined surrounding questions about his identity as it relates to "comet" Elenin and conspiracy theories emerging?
In other words. no, you are afraid to contact him because it might dispel one of your delusions.
Originally posted by DJW001
What "problems" do you see around a comet being named after its discoverer. exactly?
Originally posted by DJW001
What makes the name "Elenin" any more sinister than "Jarnac" or "Kohoutek?"
Originally posted by DJW001
This issue involves a potential conspiracy thats evolved due to someone who has ties to the Government with way too many bizarre coincidences that are reasonable to question considering the magnitude of whats being suggested and fact contradictory data exists to what the government has claimed and NOT been addressed as it relates to a unique THREAT this alleged comet poses.
Which government?
Originally posted by DJW001
What ties does Leonid Yelenin have to the government?
Originally posted by DJW001
Incidentally, I thought you were of the opinion Leonid doesn't exist... now you're just contradicting yourself.
Originally posted by DJW001
There are no bizzare coincidences other than the ones people like you are fabricating. There is no contradictory data and, as far as I can tell, no government has actually made any statement regarding this comet whatsoever!
Originally posted by DJW001
Now since there's credible evidence proving the Government is known to lie, obfuscate, censor information and would cover-up this type of event so as not to instill panic for starters, these are reasonable questions and concerns for disclosure.
Again, which government? The Russian government? The US government?
Originally posted by DJW001
The US government regularly publishes a list of potentially dangerous near Earth objects (NEOs). You can keep track of all the genuinely dangerous planetoids here.
Originally posted by DJW001How, exactly are the comet's discoverer and "Government officials" to blame for the fear mongering?
for the reasons i just explained.
This is what you said: "Now since there's credible evidence proving the Government is know to lie, obfuscate, censor information and would cover-up this type of event so as not to instill panic for starters...." So, which is it? Are they trying to prevent panic or cause it?
Originally posted by DJW001
Sorry, but it's clear that even in your own accounting, it's you who are the fear monger. Why do you do it, Terral?
Originally posted by DJW001Since the information i'm talking about doesn't come from AstrolPatriot and I have no idea what specifically you're talking about, that points irrelevant. If there's some video that was bogus and there's evidence supporting that claim, i'll be the first to agree with you if it is. However I'm not sure how it relates to any data used in this argument.
What data?
Originally posted by DJW001
I've already PROVEN, addressed and explained exactly how and why that "argument" is also irrelevant and fallacious.
Where? All I know is that if a "psychic" makes two predictions and one of them is completely wrong, they can only claim to be right half the time. This is about what you get by simply flipping a coin.
Originally posted by DJW001
There is absolutely no logical reason for people to be concerned.
If a comet somehow could affect the Earth's crust enough to cause earthquakes, wouldn't it also affect the tides? Have there been reports of the tides being out of whack? No.
RED HERRING... need a fishing pole?
Wrong; it is at the heart of the matter; anything that can disturb solid rock would have an even greater effect on water.
Originally posted by DJW001
Who's to say it won't during a closer alignment? And how would a plasma energy/magnetic field from a comet like Elenin on the type of path its on, interact the same way as lets say the MOON is said to affect tides?
So to ignore the clear pattern and say nothing to see here folks move along, is at best disingenuous and borderline disinfo if not naive.
The Moon is much, much closer to Earth and is much, much more massive than a comet. It is directly responsible for the tides; this has been understood for millennia. (You trust the wisdom of the ancient peoples, don't you?) We have understood that this is due to its gravity for 300 years now. Despite its being closer and more massive, it does not cause earthquakes; earthquakes are the result of shifts in the tectonic plates.
As for magnetic fields and plasma, there is no reason to believe that this comet has any magnetic field at all, and it won't be kicking out much plasma until it grows a proper tail. If this comet were "hot," wouldn't it be affecting radio transmissions?
Originally posted by DJW001Just the FACT they've created an orbital model suggests its significant enough to OBSERVE and is itself a form of TRACKING.
The JPL database keeps track of everything in the solar system. Here, check this out; or this! It's just a database, it's not an active form of "tracking." It does allow astronomers to create ephemerides in order to observe things, however, and it is astronomers, not "the Government" that is observing this and many, many other comets.
Originally posted by DJW001Last I checked and from what i understand, many of these so-called "amateur astronomers" have been shown to have direct links to, if not working for NASA/the government or associated agencies. Its not like these amateurs have cheap telescopes they bought at a local Wal-mart. Lol
If you've "checked," please post the results of your research here. Incidentally, although you claim not to know of him, AstrolPatriot claims to be using a cheap telescope he bought at WalMart.
Originally posted by DJW001except once again, not only have you failed to address all the actual problems several people have pointed out, but no where do i believe or am i using or rely only on data from AP to support or my argument.
And once again, you avoid the issue and claim to have supported your argument without having done so.
Originally posted by DJW001But unfortunately for you, the specs are different and i can't see how its specifically comparable to this particular case especially in context of the totality of my argument.
Yes, the "specs are different," yet we see the same "result." That's the point. The "totality" of your argument consists denying reality, quoting vague prophecies and generating acrostics... not even very good acrostics, like: Every Lazy Earthling Needs Imaginary Nibiru.
Originally posted by DJW001hmmmm, Perhaps it did have an influence on that quake and there is in fact relationships between Sun/Earth alignments and comets of a certain mass , THANKS FOR POINTING THAT OUT. It only strengthens my case.
Compared to the Earth, comets have almost no mass, so no, it doesn't strengthen your argument.
Originally posted by DJW001but still, unless and until you can show ANY SIMILAR PATTERN, it isn't remotely comparable to Elenin and cannot therefore be used to debunk the evidence for the arguement not to mention that quake was only a 6.9 and not remotely comparable to the magnitude and dynamics of the 3 quakes during the alignments in question.
What about all the other quakes that happened when C2010 X-1 was still far out in the outer solar system? What caused them? Earthquakes just happen! There is no causality involved in your "pattern." There are more and bigger quakes that have happened when C2010 X-1 was not around; that alone shows that your "pattern" is nothing more than coincidence!
Originally posted by DJW001So Obviously that would lend further credence to the hypothesis of Elenin being far larger and significant than most estimate at this time to cause such large quakes in conjuction with the alignments. (Or maybe it has something do with a larger Mass Object around the area of Elenin picking up the rear?
A more massive body would cause gravitational perturbations on the rest of the solar system. There are none.
Originally posted by DJW001because I've shown exactly how and why your counter-argument is wrong.
If my rebuttal is wrong, then show exactly how and where it is... its called intelligent discourse/debate and how to measure which argument carries more validity or accuracy.
Where have you done that? Certainly not in this post.
Originally posted by DJW001No, the point was that you appear to be "Eluding" there were many other
comparable quakes in the past year! Thats not true.
And how exactly is anything i've said CYNICAL or Exploitative?
Where was C2010 X-1 in 1923?
The 1923 Great Kantō earthquake (関東大震災 Kantō daishinsai?) struck the Kantō plain on the Japanese main island of Honshū at 11:58:44 am JST on September 1, 1923. Varied accounts hold that the duration of the earthquake was between 4 and 10 minutes. The Kantō quake killed between 100,000 and 140,000 people, making it the deadliest earthquake ever to strike Japan.
The quake had a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale,[1] with its focus deep beneath Izu Ōshima Island in Sagami Bay.
Originally posted by DJW001
You're the one who refuses to look at the facts, and who is creating fear out of nothing. Why?
because all the evidence in totality and context shows patterns of deception or
at least contradictions and inconsistencies that make no sense and have not
been adequately addressed by officials.
and because of the other pattern you nor ANYONE has yet adequately addressed and debunked.
there's valid reasons to question the governments STORY.
there's credible evidence validating 2 "psychics" whose predictions/prophecies
were correct both literally and allegorically and therefore its logical to consider what they have to say when it comes to other future events alone whether science is able to use its methods to measure "prophecy" or not… which is irrelevant.
So why do you continue to deny there's EVIDENCE supporting the arguments
being made?
Its one thing to be skeptical, but there's a difference and point where it becomes unhealthy skepticism and even denial or disinfo.
the bottom line is that you've failed to show exactly how and where they FAILED and where there's NO EVIDENCE and where the argument i've presented is conclusively wrong and just coincidence
Originally posted by NyxOne
You know, part of me thinks that if the discoverer had a completely different last name, this comet would go entirely unnoticed.
But I actually welcome it being named Elenin, because then we have such hilarity as assclowns grovelling before failed psychics and thinking there's a 'pattern', and that a random Russian astronomer, who discovered the first comet to be named after a Russian in twenty years, randomly has government ties.
Nutjobs are so hilarious.
why can't everyone just agree that it sucks that we can't trust our government or NASA so we have to look back at ancient texts to have an idea of what will go down on our planet
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ufoinquirer
why can't everyone just agree that it sucks that we can't trust our government or NASA so we have to look back at ancient texts to have an idea of what will go down on our planet
Why do you trust the ancient texts? Most of them were written by theocratic dictators who practiced human sacrifice.
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ufoinquirer
why can't everyone just agree that it sucks that we can't trust our government or NASA so we have to look back at ancient texts to have an idea of what will go down on our planet
Why do you trust the ancient texts? Most of them were written by theocratic dictators who practiced human sacrifice.
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by truthseekr1111
because all the evidence in totality and context shows patterns of deception or
at least contradictions and inconsistencies that make no sense and have not
been adequately addressed by officials.
and because of the other pattern you nor ANYONE has yet adequately addressed and debunked.
there's valid reasons to question the governments STORY.
there's credible evidence validating 2 "psychics" whose predictions/prophecies
were correct both literally and allegorically and therefore its logical to consider what they have to say when it comes to other future events alone whether science is able to use its methods to measure "prophecy" or not… which is irrelevant.
So why do you continue to deny there's EVIDENCE supporting the arguments
being made?
Its one thing to be skeptical, but there's a difference and point where it becomes unhealthy skepticism and even denial or disinfo.
the bottom line is that you've failed to show exactly how and where they FAILED and where there's NO EVIDENCE and where the argument i've presented is conclusively wrong and just coincidence
Since anyone with a third grade education can see that you did not actually respond to any of my statements I feel no need to repeat them; all you will do is claim that you refuted them and call me childish names.
Originally posted by DJW001
Since you seem to pin your case on prophecy, allow me to prove my bona fides in this area:
I PREDICT THAT THERE WILL BE A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN THE NEXT THREE DAYS!!! Like the prophets you count upon, I will be extremely specific: this earthquake will measure 6.0 or greater on the Richter scale, and will take place... I'm seeing the west coast of the United States or South America, possibly Iran or China and maybe either the South Pacific or the New Madrid fault. It is currently 13.34 Greenwich Mean Time on 25 April 2011. When this earthquake strikes, it will be no laughing matter, and you will need to acknowledge the insight I have into these matters.edit on 25-4-2011 by DJW001 because: Edit to correct typo.
Originally posted by truthseekr1111
Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by truthseekr1111
because all the evidence in totality and context shows patterns of deception or
at least contradictions and inconsistencies that make no sense and have not
been adequately addressed by officials.
and because of the other pattern you nor ANYONE has yet adequately addressed and debunked.
there's valid reasons to question the governments STORY.
there's credible evidence validating 2 "psychics" whose predictions/prophecies
were correct both literally and allegorically and therefore its logical to consider what they have to say when it comes to other future events alone whether science is able to use its methods to measure "prophecy" or not… which is irrelevant.
So why do you continue to deny there's EVIDENCE supporting the arguments
being made?
Its one thing to be skeptical, but there's a difference and point where it becomes unhealthy skepticism and even denial or disinfo.
the bottom line is that you've failed to show exactly how and where they FAILED and where there's NO EVIDENCE and where the argument i've presented is conclusively wrong and just coincidence
Since anyone with a third grade education can see that you did not actually respond to any of my statements I feel no need to repeat them; all you will do is claim that you refuted them and call me childish names.
Since anyone with a 1ST GRADE education can see that you're actually the one here that didn't respond to ANY of my statements or replies that in FACT DID answer yours, I also feel no need to repeat them since all you'll do is continue your evasions and obfuscations to hide the fact you can't support your claims or disprove my arguments.
Since you seem to pin your case on prophecy, allow me to prove my bona fides in this area:
I PREDICT THAT THERE WILL BE A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN THE NEXT THREE DAYS!!! Like the prophets you count upon, I will be extremely specific: this earthquake will measure 6.0 or greater on the Richter scale, and will take place... I'm seeing the west coast of the United States or South America, possibly Iran or China and maybe either the South Pacific or the New Madrid fault. It is currently 13.34 Greenwich Mean Time on 25 April 2011. When this earthquake strikes, it will be no laughing matter, and you will need to acknowledge the insight I have into these matters.edit on 25-4-2011 by DJW001 because: Edit to correct typo.
Well lets see... Quakes 6.0 are considered to be common place now which would hardly be noticed compared to Quakes 7.0 and greater which are the TYPES above that this issue is about. But then I've already posted a rebuttal discussing the ODDS and number probability in EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION and why 9nania giving an EXACT DATE and describing it would be a cataclysmic seismic event occurring in conjunction with a specific PATTERN, is beyond mere chance and coincidence. Lets see you name an exact date and region for a Large or GREAT Quake that can be classified as being CATASTROPHIC in even a similar context as 9NANIA or Sollog has...who by the way, is the most accurate quake predictor thats ever lived from all the evidence i've seen.
But let me know when you want to revise your argument and use a comparable scenario to measure the circumstances and dynamics surrounding whats AT ISSUE regarding ELENIN and why the odds of 9nania and sollogs warnings/predictions, were astronomical. Clearly you don't seem to understand quake prediction, law of probability, or anything you're criticizing and attempting to say is no big deal.
Nice try though,,, NOT