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How Killing Libyans Became a Moral Imperative

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 02:43 PM

America “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own,” said John Quincy Adams in his oration of July 4, 1821.

When Greek patriots sought America’s assistance, Daniel Webster took up their cause but was admonished by John Randolph. Intervention would breach every “bulwark and barrier of the Constitution.”

“Let us say to those 7 million of Greeks: We defended ourselves when we were but 3 million, against a power in comparison to which the Turk is but as a lamb. Go and do thou likewise.”

As I had said well before any intervention in Libya we have no right nor reason to intervene. If the Libyans are to win their independence from Qaddafi not only is it important for them to do it independently so as to boost morale but also we have no authority to run around the world intervening when we are not directly threatened. I do not care if the Arab League, France, Britain, and the UN backed it, I do not care if every other country and every single politician and 99% of Americans back it that is 100% irrelevant, if that country does not pose a direct threat to our sovereignty it is none of our business.

But if you want to waste countless dollars, which we already do not have, to fight wars against a dictator to help rebels whose true identity we do not even know then you are a moron. If you think anywhere in the US Constitution or in the principles of the Founding Fathers authorizes the right to use force throughout the world for 'humanitarian' purposes then you are wrong. We fight wars only when a nation threatens us directly, not because people are being slaughtered in a foreign land, not because our conscience will feel bad if we don't waste our money, and most definitely not because an unconstitutional international body tells us we have the 'green light'.

And if you disagree with that position then you disagree with all of our Founding Fathers and the principles our Republic was founded upon so good you can go hold the hand of the globalists and frolic through the deserts of North Africa rescuing everyone with your money. It is so easy to launch wars and interventions when you are risking other peoples lives and wasting other peoples money.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:10 PM
you sound like one of those guys , whom if they hear someone scream for help you do nothing cuss it's none of your buisness

great philosophy bro, it's also easy to deny anyone help when your sitting warm and cozy in your house , god forbid you ever need someone elses help, matter a fact with your philosophy we shouldn't have even got involved in that little conflict called word war 2 either..........................sad

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Gixxer

Well we should not have gotten involved in WW2 unless they attacked us, which Japan did and we should have waged war against Japan only, not Germany and Italy.

And there is quite a substantial difference between what we do as individuals and what our government does. As individuals we should help one another, as government the goal should only be to protect the nation and enforce the laws not run around the world being the policeman, it is not Sheriff Sam it is Uncle Sam.


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