posted on Jul, 22 2004 @ 03:44 PM
I have been on this site for a while, first browsing before joining. I see that the common man can come together and debate everything from UFOS' to
chupcabra to NWO to Micheal Moore. However, what I hear the most is how the Americans who post on this site want to change the current state of the
Union. There is lots of talk and ideas, and when things are sone behind the closed doors of senate or congressional hearings, they can do what they
want. But we have the power of the web.
Well, this is the first step and I hope I don't get a visit from the Boys in the black Suburbans. I ahve registered forhte next
2 years. Easy to remember and easy to type. Now, what i need is the help of those who can help get the word out and manage this. I am not looking
for money, it is registered.
I out the hat in the ring, and there is nothing more in your face than change the Enough talk, lets make a difference.