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Think like a computer/Think Greater.

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:10 AM
I am a person who like to think his brain is way more capable that what it currently is.

I do not doubt my intelligence, but i would like to think more like how a computer would think, a huge photographic memory, run complex calculations in spit seconds, and so on.

Topics like this may exist, please link common ones and close this thread if there is a identical thread.

What am i looking for/looking to share with others are methods and exercises to think more powerfully or more like a computer.

I will also comtribute as we go.

Thank you all in advance

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:20 AM
good post my man star and flag but what if

you think more like how a computer would think and you become a machine, and less human ????

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:24 AM
Well I think it should be stated that if we thought more like computers... who would have the ability to control our programming? The term "hackers" would take on a MUCH more sinister role wouldn't it?

Personally, I see us becoming cyborg organisms in the future (we're already pretty close). But when it is ingrained into our minds... I can only see a more expansive form of slavery. Slavery to the newest upgrade. Slavery to our own mental barriers, made worse.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:26 AM
I like being human thank you.

Basically looking to improve brain power, and memory.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by prepared4truth

How about a computer with no internet connection?

I do see where you are coming from though.

Not to far off at all.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by quantumdragon

You know what? Me Too! check out this video on Egyptian (Binary) math.

edit on 24-3-2011 by Frater210 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Love it, Prepared4Truth. Very sinister indeed. I often think of witches as hackers. They have the ability hack in to human biological systems through our emotional interface. If you let them.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Frater210

A free willed mind shouldn't have a problem with witchery, although carnal emotions can be use to affect people.

Quite well in fact.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 12:56 AM
Computers cannot think. They're pretty retarded. They can only do calculations, and input and output the results of calculations. It's the engineers and programmers who make them useful and do the thinking for them.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by 547000

I will actually applaud you for that.

I do how ever believe computers can think, although not freely

Sure I can punch numbers into a computer, but I can't do those calculations like or as fast as a computer. (in my own brain)

I guess that would be my aim, process and store memory like a computer.
edit on 24-3-2011 by quantumdragon because: spelling

Added Content.

To first figure out how to think more like a computer, we must recolonize the difference between the two.
edit on 24-3-2011 by quantumdragon because: added content

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Frater210

Impressive video, i highly recommend to all.

Math suddenly seems much more simpler, and I'm not lying

Very enlightening and Thank-you much.

For those who like good old fashion reading.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by quantumdragon

The computers can calculate because of the algorithms humans have programmed/engineered into them. They do no thinking of their own; they just follow instructions engineered into them by people who know algorithms for dealing with numbers and controlling the flow of electrons.

There are plenty of books on learning how to do mental reckoning on Amazon. But I would say it's far-fetched to think you can match the speed of a machine. It's like riding a glider and trying to match the speed of an airplane.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by 547000

A electrical process will always be faster than a chemical or eletro-chemical process like our brain.
no matter how much practice , or exercise.

Numbers and other calculations(basic at least) can be done faster than someone could input them into a computer.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 07:10 AM
How brains and computers(and i guess worms) are similar.

Again, view the video above about Egyptian math.
The way we are taught math just don't seem as appealing.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by quantumdragon
I am a person who like to think his brain is way more capable that what it currently is.

Great articles and I agree, I would also like to add this article:

It's about a woman who has a perfect memory, she can remember all her life.

There is just so much humanity doesn't know yet. The idea my brain could do mathematical calculations on it's own without a persona in between which believes it is doing the calculations step by step but rather the persona only "asking the brain" for the solution to a mathematical problem and observing only the end result meaning the brain, or parts of it, can act on it's own is somewhat scary. Just so my brain seems to be faster than my self, someone asks me a question and all kinds of memories are accessed in a split second, I just have to move some muscles to answer the question. If I had to 'activate' or access all those braincells myself it would take a lot longer to respond to the same question. Just one of the many things that keeps me wondering, or should I say it's my brain trying to tel itself something lol

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Make's me think what could be, like say background apps, going on in the back of a brain, like a standby calculator.

The Brain is programmed from birth(likely before) to do things automatically, like breath and keep the heart pumping.

Imagine having to think about pumping you heart all day everyday.

Makes me wonder what else in the brain could be made automated. (or near)

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