posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I know there are a ton of threads about the 'dollar dying' but I have yet to see a survival thread on how to prepare for it. If one exists, I would
appreciate looking at it and please excuse this thread.
I honestly think that in 2011 or 2012 the dollar will die. The other superpowers have stated that they have wanted to dump the dollar, our government
is getting desperate (more than usual), and the only thing keeping us up right now is the power to print more dollars. Once that power is taken
So, what would you do if you knew the dollar was going to die and you were going to lose everything-electricity, running water, heat, possibly your
house, etc? What would you do if you knew that every single little thing (including food, water, batteries, weapons, solar power, flashlights, radios,
blankets, clothes, etc.) would soon become unaffordable? What food would you store? What would you put aside or stock up on NOW while you can still
afford things?
Personally, I already have a nice cabin in the woods in the middle of no where next to a large river. I intend to keep my storage supplies there and
live off the land until the crisis dies down. I'm having a hard time figuring out what I need to stock up on and store, though.
I am dead serious about this and I really think this is a near possibility that I want to start preparing for now. This being said, I am open to
people telling me that I'm drinking drain-o.