posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Originally posted by otherwise
The next pope is going to be the 666-beast, at least the prophecies of the Bible tell us so.
I don't think the beast is the Antichrist though, he'll rather be the false prophet (the 2nd beast).
As I am the writer of the web page that was referenced above, I can assure you that the pope (after JPII) is not the Antichrist, nor did I give this
information at this site; I specified that it would be one who would take the papacy from the existing pope, and his name would not be as one that had
been used before. I expected that there would be an interim pope, who would at his end, become deposed as an antipope, as was John XVI and Benedict X
"Otherwise" has been helpful in directing people my site and to the truth about this little understood prophecy, but has not correctly understood
what I wrote.
The Antichrist will however be the pope that follows Benedict XVI. And yes, as he is the "eighth" he will also be the beast that "yet is." The
Antichrist will be the beast.