posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 06:22 AM
Originally posted by charles1952
I'm not used to thinking along these lines, forgive me if my question has an obvious answer.
Originally posted by artistpoet
At beginning Earth spun upright/faster - wobble caused by energy being run down through Humanities actions i.e. misuse of Earth and neglect of soil
and biological purpose
Precession caused through wobble of earth on axis
21st December 2012 full precession 26,000 year cycle approx
So precession is a 26,000 year cycle and this cycle ends in the year 2000 (approx.). That means the cycle started in 24,000 BC(approx.), and was
caused by a wobble. That wobble was caused by humans misusing the earth and neglecting the soil.
What in the world were humans doing in 24,000 BC that changed the tilt of the entire planet? How were they misusing the earth? And if they were
misusing the earth by harvesting too many berries, or something, how come the world isn't doing figure eights with everything we've done to it?
Hi Charles and thank you for considering this post I will try to answer your questions as clearly as possible.
Yes you have got it about precessional cycle - consider though that the cycle or wobble is only a part of the larger cycles of the Universe. I am not
sure when this wobble first occuered but my idea is it happened a few millions years ago. Picking berries would of course not cause such a thing - in
fact that would be a perfectly natural thing to do.
Let me try explain a little deeper - First though it takes a leap of imagination on your part as follows.
Though science and experts tell us of A Big Bang Crash wallop theory of the beginings of our Universe the thing that is missing is considering that we
as beings of intelligence are part of a higher Universal Intelligence.
The Universe in my view was created by This Intelligence for a purpose.
At the begining of our Earth it was far far different to the Earth we see today - being created by higher Intelligence things were in a perfect and
natural way - The atmosphere being temperate and food such as fruiting bushes freely growing - Intelligence adapts to circumstance.
No need to toil or of clothing money gadgets then - all required was provided freely given - it is still the same today though we choose to take an
unatural way and hence the mess the world is in today. We divide divide divide - never seeing things as a whole -exaple we see divisions ie the
neighbour next door - the town we live in - our particular nation - continenet - our planet - star system - galaxy - when in fact the higher
intelligence I speak of runs through all things to vary degrees.
We are part of the Earth - we have each our own individual purpose for being here - The Earth has a purpose - it is like store house of denser matter
From a biological point of view we take in say vegetation and process it But now the taboo bit is we think of this product produced by this process as
dirty, as waste, to be put away from us sometimes into the ocean - yet this product is intended to be put back into the soil as the first stage in a
process of refinement - the earth or soil then works on this product futher taking it deeper into the earth and refining it. So many will mock such an
idea but I can testify that when this product when trenched and covered - no smell is emitted - that area yeilds at leasta one third fuller crop and
the earth soil warms - Though the area has to left initially for a period of time to allow the earth to break it down - gardeners would understand
this. Give back to the soil that which you take from it - when soil is neglected it takes the way of sand - see how the deserts encroach year upon
I will not go too deeply into this subject at present - I am happy to answer any futhe rpoints as to the how why