reply to post by starborn
Originally posted by starborn
One thing people seem to forget, or perhaps never even read, about Cayce is he said the predictions he made weren't necessarily going to happen
(dates could be changed, some things may not occur, etc.). So I suggest a good study of the readings before posting all these opinions about them,
otherwise one just comes off sounding like they don't really know what they're taking about.
Edgar Cayce had to read the readings to understand them. He didn't remember them when he woke up from the "trance-like state" and had to read them
just as required by anyone else. After reading your post 4 times and considering how to respond, short of commenting on how euphemistic and vague the
passive voice used is, it was difficult to determine who you were talking about on this thread and "What" you were talking about.
I did manage to find a reading that might help... maybe ... lol
This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of
January, 1941, in accordance with request made by those
Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Florence Edmonds, Hannah Miller, Esther Wynne, Frances Y.
Morrow and Marsden Godfrey.
Time of Reading
4:20 to 4:45 P. M.
1. HLC: You will have before you the Norfolk Study Group #1,
members of which are present in this room, and their work
and study of the lesson RIGHTEOUSNESS VERSUS SIN. You will
continue with the discourse on this subject.
2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, - as a group
and as individuals, also their work and study on the lessons.
3. In continuing with the discussion of the subject
Righteousness Versus Sin, - we have here the individual
4. As has been indicated through these channels, it becomes an
individual matter, - dependent upon or relative to, first,
the ideals of the individual, and as to what constitutes a
deviation from the ideal; and as to what ideals are in
relation to moral, spiritual and mental standards.
5. For, righteousness and sin - as in the minds of most
individuals - are the extremes of an awareness in the
consciousness of an individual. Thus it becomes a personal
condition to be reckoned with by the individual.
6. Not that there are not laws, nor that there are not metes and
bounds about either of the terms intended to be expressed in
the very words righteousness and sin. Yet, as we have given,
what may be righteousness to one may be sin to another; or
what is sin to one might not be considered at all by another
as a deviation from a righteous path.
7. What then (ye may ask) is the awareness or the consciousness
that makes for the producing of that as may be called
righteous in the experience of the individual? To be in an
at-onement - in purpose, in will, in desire - with the ideal
is to the individual a righteous state. Then to be conscious
of deviating from that ideal, whether consciously or
unconsciously, is a sin to the entity.
8. Make note of the variation here as to the premise from which
the inference is drawn. For, each soul, each entity, each
conscious awareness of an individual, is the combination or
the composite of all the entity has thought or done in
consciousness of every sphere or phase of activity. So are
those things that would tend to lead an individual towards
the abuse or misuse of privilege or opportunity in its
experience. So are the confusions that arise oft in the
experiences of those who are ACTIVE in their thought as to
righteous or sinful activity.
9. To be sure, many are active as illustrated in that
pronouncement of Paul, "I did in all good consciousness
persecute the church." This to him was sin, yet - according
to the consciousness - righteous sinning; for when he was
aware of his error, through the call to service, he became
as active in the defense of that AS he had persecuted in all
good consciousness.
10. Then, one's consciousness - by the activity in those
influences arising in the experiences - may sear, alter,
make for those choices by the individual of that which to
another would be considered, or would be, sin.
11. To be sure, this is an approach only from the individual
standpoint, the individual's activity; but considered in the
light of those influences of statements which we have made
here, - that one had best be active and in error than not
doing anything at all.
12. For, as may be drawn from the experiences of those who have
been, who are, or who may be called into service, - if there
is the sincerity towards the ideal, they as individuals will
be shown, will perceive, will be awakened, will be aware of
God's purposes with them.
13. Then, in illustrating this - for this should be in the mind
of each one here considered and meditated upon, and applied
in the daily life - let each be sincere, be direct, in that
calling. For, ye each are chosen - as ye choose to serve Him
in a definite manner - to be a messenger, a director - by
word, by example to others - to point the way to the
glorifying of the Christ Consciousness in a material world.
14. When there had been fulfilled that preparation, or a part
preparation of material knowledge of Moses, he set about to
put into activity that purpose for which he had come into
the earth. Yet materially he chose an error, a sin, in
establishing the righteousness of his fellow men. Thus a
full period was required - as of earthly righteousness or
earthly knowledge - to undo or to coordinate that as was to
be a working principle of righteousness versus sin. THEN
he was CALLED; as was Paul in his persecution of the church,
conscious of a purpose but ACTIVE, DOING something TOWARD an
activity which by education to him (physically) was correct,
yet sin.
15. He, too, was called and directed.
16. So, too, may each individual be active in principle, in
purpose, being sincere, being direct. Thus may the
individual gain the greater working knowledge of that which
is righteous, versus that which is sin.
17. Then, let each be not slothful, not putting off, not
unmindful that ye must be up and doing; working, BUSY at
that which is to thee, NOW, TODAY, that as thy conscience
directs thee to do; in sincere, direct manner. And ye may
be sure He counts that try as righteousness; and the sin that
may appear to self or to others is but upon the reverse -
which is righteousness.
18. We are through for the present.
Brilliant isn't it? lol Even now, after 35+ years with the "Work" I still find a basic reading like this holding more then it did the last time
I've read it.
starborn, next time you post in one of my threads, I hope you will be more sincere and direct... Please do not ever treat anyone as you did in
this post of yours. If you have something to say to someone in the thread, or ABOUT them, be sincere and DIRECT and address them. Using vague and
shallow language doesn't behoove anyone, especially you. The subtle hint at insulting people was not appreciated. Please do not repeat it.