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Predictions & Prophecies of Earth Changes for these times

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posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 06:53 PM
Some Grist for the Mill. I'm going to post some segments from Edgar Cayce readings dealing with Earth Changes. Those who don't know about Edgar Cayce, he was born 1877 in Hopkinsville Kentucky and died 1945. He was a photographer but became a Psychic ( Though having various abilities since childhood ).

He would give "readings" in which he would lay down and enter a trance-like state and answer questions. Upon awakening he recalled nothing of the reading. A secretary, usually Gladys Davis, would record/write the readings while they were being given. Over 14,000 readings.

The Edgar Cayce Foundation in Virginia Beach, Virginia, is home to these readings. Along with the Association for Research and Enlightenment ( stress research over enlightenment.. EC ) and Atlantic University, the work begun with Cayce has continued since his day.

You may notice Cayce mentioned "Pole Shifts" ( 1934 ), long before geophysicists established it in "proper science" in the 80s.

Please add other sources and predictions to supplement the ideas of earth changes here. Many people are not aware that California sinking came from Cayce readings ( and others ), along with a catastrophic model and pole shifts for geophysics.

19. (Q) How soon will the changes in the earth's activity begin
to be apparent?
(A) When there is the first breaking up of some conditions
in the South Sea (that's South Pacific, to be sure), and
those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's
almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna
area, then we may know it has begun.

20. (Q) How long before this will begin?
(A) The indications are that some of these have already
begun, yet others would say these are only temporary. We
would say they have begun. '36 will see the greater changes
apparent, to be sure.

21. (Q) Will there be any physical changes in the earth's
surface in North America? If so, what sections will be
affected, and how?
(A) All over the country we will find many physical changes
of a minor or greater degree. The greater change, as we will
find, in America, will be the North Atlantic Seaboard. Watch
New York! Connecticut, and the like.

22. (Q) When will this be?
(A) In this period. As to just when -

READING: 311-8 ( 1932 )

( In Question 20. reading 311-8 "(A) The indications are that some of these have already
begun, yet others would say these are only temporary. We
would say they have begun. '36 will see the greater changes
apparent, to be sure." ...
Seems 1936 was temporary, unless the process is internal in the model and effect, depending on what the geophysical model is. Some consider this reading a "miss" on the Cayce hit and miss predictions etc.)

8. "As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken
up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of
Japan must go into the sea. The upper portion of Europe will
be changed as in the twinkling of an eye. Land will appear
off the east coast of America. There will be the upheavals
in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the
eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas, and there will be
shifting then of the poles - so that where there has been
those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the moretropical,
and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin
in those periods in '58 to '98, when these will be proclaimed
as the periods when His light will be seen again in the
clouds. As to times, as to seasons, as to places, ALONE is
it given to those who have named the name - and who bear the
mark of those of His calling and His election in their
bodies. To them it shall be given."

Reading: 3976-15 ( 1934 )

These are just some of the Readings on Earth Changes. There were not many readings that mentioned these Earth Changes, but these examples, I hope, provide a beginning for this thread.

edit on 2011/3/22 by Serafine because: spl error

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:04 PM
Pretty scary stuff, but if I were to believe everything I read on this site I would be rocking back and forth in my chair trying to bite my ear and mumbling incoherently to myself

With all the other recent threads on "strange noises" etc. and amount of seismic activity, coupled with animal die off's and just generally weird # going on I am starting to think there may be something afoot. For sure if I were actually to hear what the others are claiming to hear and it sounded like the "Florida" noise, I would be getting more than a little worried. Until then though, I remain a little sceptical. What is it they say? Out of sight, out of mind......

sorry, off topic a little, half asleep

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:19 PM
( In Question 20. reading 311-8 "(A) The indications are that some of these have already
begun, yet others would say these are only temporary. We
would say they have begun. '36 will see the greater changes
apparent, to be sure." ...
Seems 1936 was temporary, unless the process is internal in the model and effect, depending on what the geophysical model is. Some consider this reading a "miss" on the Cayce hit and miss predictions etc.)

They are wrong.... Edgar is Right

They do not know how to read Edgar ...

36 isn't a date.
36 is a coordinate

"The 36th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 36 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. It crosses Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean."

35- Japan - TOKYO
36°0′N 133°1′E / 36°N 133.017°E / 36; 133.017 (Japan) Japan [[Island of Chiburi-shima:
— Shimane Prefecture

36°0′N 135°58′E / 36°N 135.967°E / 36; 135.967 (Japan) Japan Island of Honshū:
— Fukui Prefecture
— Gifu Prefecture
— Nagano Prefecture
— Gunma Prefecture − for about 4 km
— Saitama Prefecture
— Chiba Prefecture − for about 6 km
— Ibaraki Prefecture

36°0′N 121°30′W / 36°N 121.5°W / 36; -121.5 (United States) United States California
New Mexico
Missouri / Arkansas border (approximate)
North Carolina (for about 14 km)
Tennessee (for about 12 km)
North Carolina

36°0′N 5°25′W / 36°N 5.417°W / 36; -5.417 (Mediterranean Sea) Mediterranean Sea
36°0′N 23°10′E / 36°N 23.167°E / 36; 23.167 (Aegean Sea) Aegean Sea

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:21 PM
How about the crash of 2008:

“Cayce described a long term economic cycle of 24 to 25 years which predicts depressions and major recessions. Starting with a base year of 1907, every 24th or 25th year precisely describes an economic downturn. Based on Cayce’s definition, the next major depression is forecast for the year 2006 or 2007. The cycle does not describe all of the downturns but it definitely describes the worst downturns.”

Off by one year?
Close enough for me...

How about looking at the current situation in the Middle East:

“Cayce foresaw the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strife arising near the Davis Straits, and in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf .”

And you forgot the best one! -

"A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be a purging in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and whole relationships to which a leveling will occur or a greater comprehension of the need for it."

"This America of ours, hardly a new Atlantis, will have another thousand years of peace, another Millennium. All this done in the same manner that the prayers of ten just men once saved a city. And then the deeds, the prayers of the faithful will glorify the Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord."

I think the guy deserves quite a bit of credit....

Last but not least, he predicted the day he was going to be buried 4 days prior!

Cayce has always fascinated me... and his readings on Egypt and Atlantis are amazing as well.



posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Lastone

Great find! You deserve flags for that one, but I can only give you a single star!

I had never considered in that reading that he was talking about a coordinate! Now I will have to go back and re-examine a few things... thanks for pointing that out!


posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:27 PM
He never said Cal. would be sinking.
He said: Los Angeles and the southern part of Nevada will be inundated because of earthquakes/

On Google earth I see that the southern part of Nevada is a 3-400 meters.
So it is a giant tsunami or parts of cal. will be sinking.

Furthermore he talked about the Great Lakes"they will empty into the mex. gulf and the southern part of Georgia will sink into the sea.
New York will be destroyed, but that will be in another generation.

The earth changes will happen gradually.

And he also talks about being reborn in Nebraska, close to the sea !!!!

S+F for you.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:34 PM
This man talked about solar flares, long before we had any idea.
About Atlantis he said, they destroyed themselves because of the use of giant laser crystals.
Who knew about lasers in the 30's?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Lastone

This is just great!!!!

Never saw it that way.!!


posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:37 PM
Do you know where N36º 36' is ?

New Madrid

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:38 PM
What exactly is the north Atlantic Seaboard?

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by notsosunny

That one is easy

He is talking about Seaboard - N36º 45' - Northampton.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Lastone

Originally posted by Lastone

They are wrong.... Edgar is Right

They do not know how to read Edgar ...

36 isn't a date.
36 is a coordinate

Ah Lastone! How to read the Cayce readings has been a virtual department and study with members of the ARE (R) Association for Research and Enlightenment from the beginning! The phrasing, syntax and semantics within them, the different types of languages used and the varied words and terms.

Gladys Davis was the stenographer recording this reading and she was very good at catching various nuances, such as the '36 she wrote, rather then just 36. Not to say two birds couldn't have been being killed with one stone ( or statement ). Your idea about coordinate ( location ) rather than moment ( date ) is brilliant. Especially considering synchronicity or even basic models, "laws" concerning psychic phenomena.

At that time there were a number of "1936" readings and the predictions of the changes in 36. For a few years before 1936, readings were given with questions and answers about the changes in 1936. This is why I mentioned some people considered that reading a "miss" in the hit and miss department... some of the other readings spoke of changes regarding "36", not only physical changes ( earth changes ) but political and national. Many quite interesting!

2. EC:
...Not by a great deal is the present condition the most serious
of even the present civilization, for this point was passed
in the fall of '29 (twenty-nine) when there was given into
the hands of two - yea three individuals - the FINANCIAL
conditions and situations of the world. These represent
as two upon the one side, ONE upon the dark side - or dark

3. (Q) Who are the three individuals controlling the financial
world in the present?

(A) Warburg, Mellon, Morgan.

( which of the 3 is upon the dark side? )

4. (Q) Please forecast the principal events for the next fifty
years affecting the welfare of the human race.

(A) This had best be cast after the great catastrophe that's
coming to the world in '36 (thirty-six), in the form of
the breaking up of many POWERS that now exist as factors
in the world affairs....

5. (Q) Name the powers that will be broken up in 1936.

(A) Rather by 1936. Will be Russia, United States, Japan
and England, or United Kingdom.

READING 3976-10 ( 1932 )

Seems it may have been that by 1936 ( or 32 when the reading was given? ), the dye was cast, resulting in WW2? The 3936-10 reading in whole is very interesting, though too much to post now. I have often wondered that the "physical changes/earth changes" for 1936 were half speaking of a geophysical process or model not recognized. So that some of the earth quakes the readings predicted for those times didn't happen, but other physical changes may have indeed happened and were not understood or noticed.

Again! Lastone! ... Your idea about coordinate ( location ) rather than moment ( date ) is brilliant. I'm new here and if I understood how to give you a star... a flag or whatnot! I would! Thanks!

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by notsosunny

Originally posted by notsosunny
What exactly is the north Atlantic Seaboard?

North Atlantic Seaboard = New England and New England coast. This was common language at the time of the reading ( 1932 ). Notice "...North Atlantic Seaboard. Watch New York! Connecticut, and the like." North Atlantic basically began at NYC on up.

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne

"A new order of conditions is to arise; there must be a purging in high places as well as low; and that there must be the greater consideration of the individual, so that each soul being his brother's keeper. Then certain circumstances will arise in the political, the economic, and whole relationships to which a leveling will occur or a greater comprehension of the need for it."

"This America of ours, hardly a new Atlantis, will have another thousand years of peace, another Millennium. All this done in the same manner that the prayers of ten just men once saved a city. And then the deeds, the prayers of the faithful will glorify the Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord."

Son and follower of the law of one.... Thought you'd like to see the reading...

5. It is also understood, comprehended by some, that a new order
of conditions is to arise; that there must be many a purging
in high places as well as low; that there must be the
greater consideration of each individual, each soul
being his brother's keeper.

6. There will then come about those circumstances in the
political, the economic and the whole relationships where
there will be a leveling - or a greater comprehension of
this need.
READING 3976-18 ( 1938 )

The other Off-Site Content you posted...

"This America of ours, hardly a new Atlantis, will have another thousand years of peace, another Millennium. All this done in the same manner that the prayers of ten just men once saved a city. And then the deeds, the prayers of the faithful will glorify the Father as peace and love will reign for those who love the Lord."

This is not a Cayce Reading. Where it came from or what context it is in, I have little idea. But it is not from a Cayce Reading.

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
Cayce has always fascinated me... and his readings on Egypt and Atlantis are amazing as well.

Indeed the Egypt and Atlantis readings etc are brilliant material... and there's so much material... ah.... for another thread? WAIT! unless such readings are relevant to this thread! hmmmmm... which many are. lol

Thanks son and follower of the law of one... you are a follower of the law of one, eh?

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 09:12 AM
Portion of Edgar Cayce READING 1152-11 ( 1941 )

16. As to conditions in the geography of the world, of the
country, - changes here are gradually coming about.

17. No wonder, then, that the entity feels the need, the
necessity for change of central location. For, many portions
of the east coast will be disturbed, as well as many portions
of the west coast, as well as the central portion of the U.S.

18. In the next few years lands will appear in the Atlantic as
well as in the Pacific. And what is the coast line now of
many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many of the
battle fields of the present will be ocean, will be the seas,
the bays, the lands over which the NEW order will carry on
their trade as one with another.

19. Portions of the now east coast of New York, or New York City
itself, will in the main disappear. This will be another
generation, though, here; while the southern portions of
Carolina, Georgia - these will disappear. This will be much

20. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf, rather than
the waterway over which such discussions have been recently
made. It would be well if the waterway were prepared, but
not for that purpose for which it is at present being

21. Then the area where the entity is now located [Virginia Beach
for rdg.] will be among the safety lands, as will be portions
of what is now Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and much of the
southern portion of Canada and the eastern portion of Canada;
while the western land - much of that is to be disturbed - in
this land - as, of course, much in other lands.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:24 PM


posted on May, 9 2011 @ 04:39 PM
One thing people seem to forget, or perhaps never even read, about Cayce is he said the predictions he made weren't necessarily going to happen (dates could be changed, some things may not occur, etc.). So I suggest a good study of the readings before posting all these opinions about them, otherwise one just comes off sounding like they don't really know what they're taking about.

edit on 9-5-2011 by starborn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by starborn

Originally posted by starborn

One thing people seem to forget, or perhaps never even read, about Cayce is he said the predictions he made weren't necessarily going to happen (dates could be changed, some things may not occur, etc.). So I suggest a good study of the readings before posting all these opinions about them, otherwise one just comes off sounding like they don't really know what they're taking about.

Edgar Cayce had to read the readings to understand them. He didn't remember them when he woke up from the "trance-like state" and had to read them just as required by anyone else. After reading your post 4 times and considering how to respond, short of commenting on how euphemistic and vague the passive voice used is, it was difficult to determine who you were talking about on this thread and "What" you were talking about.

I did manage to find a reading that might help... maybe ... lol



This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on
Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of
January, 1941, in accordance with request made by those


Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Florence Edmonds, Hannah Miller, Esther Wynne, Frances Y.
Morrow and Marsden Godfrey.


Time of Reading
4:20 to 4:45 P. M.

1. HLC: You will have before you the Norfolk Study Group #1,
members of which are present in this room, and their work
and study of the lesson RIGHTEOUSNESS VERSUS SIN. You will
continue with the discourse on this subject.

2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, - as a group
and as individuals, also their work and study on the lessons.

3. In continuing with the discussion of the subject
Righteousness Versus Sin, - we have here the individual

4. As has been indicated through these channels, it becomes an
individual matter, - dependent upon or relative to, first,
the ideals of the individual, and as to what constitutes a
deviation from the ideal; and as to what ideals are in
relation to moral, spiritual and mental standards.

5. For, righteousness and sin - as in the minds of most
individuals - are the extremes of an awareness in the
consciousness of an individual. Thus it becomes a personal
condition to be reckoned with by the individual.

6. Not that there are not laws, nor that there are not metes and
bounds about either of the terms intended to be expressed in
the very words righteousness and sin. Yet, as we have given,
what may be righteousness to one may be sin to another; or
what is sin to one might not be considered at all by another
as a deviation from a righteous path.

7. What then (ye may ask) is the awareness or the consciousness
that makes for the producing of that as may be called
righteous in the experience of the individual? To be in an
at-onement - in purpose, in will, in desire - with the ideal
is to the individual a righteous state. Then to be conscious
of deviating from that ideal, whether consciously or
unconsciously, is a sin to the entity.

8. Make note of the variation here as to the premise from which
the inference is drawn. For, each soul, each entity, each
conscious awareness of an individual, is the combination or
the composite of all the entity has thought or done in
consciousness of every sphere or phase of activity. So are
those things that would tend to lead an individual towards
the abuse or misuse of privilege or opportunity in its
experience. So are the confusions that arise oft in the
experiences of those who are ACTIVE in their thought as to
righteous or sinful activity.

9. To be sure, many are active as illustrated in that
pronouncement of Paul, "I did in all good consciousness
persecute the church." This to him was sin, yet - according
to the consciousness - righteous sinning; for when he was
aware of his error, through the call to service, he became
as active in the defense of that AS he had persecuted in all
good consciousness.

10. Then, one's consciousness - by the activity in those
influences arising in the experiences - may sear, alter,
make for those choices by the individual of that which to
another would be considered, or would be, sin.

11. To be sure, this is an approach only from the individual
standpoint, the individual's activity; but considered in the
light of those influences of statements which we have made
here, - that one had best be active and in error than not
doing anything at all.

12. For, as may be drawn from the experiences of those who have
been, who are, or who may be called into service, - if there
is the sincerity towards the ideal, they as individuals will
be shown, will perceive, will be awakened, will be aware of
God's purposes with them.

13. Then, in illustrating this - for this should be in the mind
of each one here considered and meditated upon, and applied
in the daily life - let each be sincere, be direct, in that
calling. For, ye each are chosen - as ye choose to serve Him
in a definite manner - to be a messenger, a director - by
word, by example to others - to point the way to the
glorifying of the Christ Consciousness in a material world.

14. When there had been fulfilled that preparation, or a part
preparation of material knowledge of Moses, he set about to
put into activity that purpose for which he had come into
the earth. Yet materially he chose an error, a sin, in
establishing the righteousness of his fellow men. Thus a
full period was required - as of earthly righteousness or
earthly knowledge - to undo or to coordinate that as was to
be a working principle of righteousness versus sin. THEN
he was CALLED; as was Paul in his persecution of the church,
conscious of a purpose but ACTIVE, DOING something TOWARD an
activity which by education to him (physically) was correct,
yet sin.

15. He, too, was called and directed.

16. So, too, may each individual be active in principle, in
purpose, being sincere, being direct. Thus may the
individual gain the greater working knowledge of that which
is righteous, versus that which is sin.

17. Then, let each be not slothful, not putting off, not
unmindful that ye must be up and doing; working, BUSY at
that which is to thee, NOW, TODAY, that as thy conscience
directs thee to do; in sincere, direct manner. And ye may
be sure He counts that try as righteousness; and the sin that
may appear to self or to others is but upon the reverse -
which is righteousness.

18. We are through for the present.


Brilliant isn't it? lol Even now, after 35+ years with the "Work" I still find a basic reading like this holding more then it did the last time I've read it.

starborn, next time you post in one of my threads, I hope you will be more sincere and direct... Please do not ever treat anyone as you did in this post of yours. If you have something to say to someone in the thread, or ABOUT them, be sincere and DIRECT and address them. Using vague and shallow language doesn't behoove anyone, especially you. The subtle hint at insulting people was not appreciated. Please do not repeat it.


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