originally posted by: Mairi
But this was 4.40am and something about this noise made my dog howl and cry the whole time it was audible- he has NEVER done this before.
I think you might have answered your own question here. As you say it was out of place, at 4.40am, your dog would likely have thought this was strange
because of that very reason. It's the same with thunder, a dog might have little problem with it during the noise of the day, but in the middle of the
night when it's breaking a silence it sets them off.
Having said all of that, I have heard some pretty strange things over the last few months, and I'm nowhere near Scotland. I'm in the East Midlands.
I work pretty late and I have a bad habit of staying up until 3 or 4am a lot of nights, and when you hear something rumbling loudly that doesn't
immediately sound like a plane or a helicopter you do start to wonder.
However, most people also don't know that air temperature affects sound and how it travels. People also don't often understand that our perceptions of
sound change depending on other sounds too. A sound you're used to hearing all day long might suddenly seem entirely strange or sinister when
surrounded by silence.
This is why so much "Haunting" happens at night, our entire environment changes and every little squeak becomes something entirely different.
Logic would say they're planes. Just average, everyday, run of the mill planes.
What's the alternative?
Aliens? If so, why have pretty much all supposed UFO sightings come with the statement of "no sound was heard"?
Threatening craft from other countries? If so, why were the RAF not scrambled?
Drones? Most drones don't make that kind of noise, certainly nothing louder than a passenger jet.
So, what's left other than passenger planes misidentified?
And how is a forum like ATS going to reveal a solution to the mystery?